Mars, destroyed by war?!

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craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
We would like your opinions on what we represent as proof of ETI and that they had a war in our solar system. Maybe this is also one of the signs of the heavens we are to see? Possibly, was it the wars spoken of that would take place in the heavens?
Your comments will be read, but we won’t respond except to email.
Crater Chains of War

Each crater in the chain is about 5 miles across. Every General would want a Tommy Gun like this I am sure. We don’t have the smoking gun, just the bullet holes.
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Disinformation Agents
Has anyone else noticed that certain topics seem to get attacked, made fun of, lied about openly, ignored, and attempts are continuously being made to disrupt or change the topic? We have noticed another “pattern” besides crater chains. BBS and forum’s boards are full of these agents that are there to keep us from learning about some things. The methods used form a pattern which can be found by reading that “persons” posts from many threads.
This is why I wont respond in this thread, only by email.
craterchains (Norval said:
Disinformation Agents
Has anyone else noticed that certain topics seem to get attacked, made fun of, lied about openly, ignored, and attempts are continuously being made to disrupt or change the topic? We have noticed another “pattern” besides crater chains. BBS and forum’s boards are full of these agents that are there to keep us from learning about some things. The methods used form a pattern which can be found by reading that “persons” posts from many threads.
This is why I wont respond in this thread, only by email.

Funnily enough I have. The topics brought up are those that are, errr, started by kooks and woo woo's. If you've been on the Net long enough you tend to spot the type and realise rational debate and conversation are not going to work. Derision is often the first and only way to deal with it.

Examples being Brad Guth who claims Venus harbours intelligent life. Alexander Abian who claims the Universe is a Plutonium Atom. Alexander Abian (deceased) who claimed to have overthrown Einstein. Others can be be found at

By implying there are a number of organised disinfo agents targeting certain topics is the mark of the Kook. Welcome kook.

Please visit for more info.
I was looking at that mesageboard and noticed people hunt for "kooks"

Those websites are full of shit , labeling everyone who thinks ufos exist (ect) mad!

How Pathetic

Also, why is this forum full of skeptics?, i dread to think of the ratio in here :rolleyes:
Also, why is this forum full of skeptics?

I was just about to ask why forum is so full of flakes!
Why hunt for Kooks, there's plenty of them on Usenet. If you don't know what Usenet is you don't know the Net.

Why are there Skeptics here? Perhaps because of the sites URL. Something to do with Science Forums, perhaps. Thought that was obvious.

IMO, you have two options in the world. The first; anything that looks odd, strange or unnatuaral has a perfectly mundane explanation if you can be bothered learning enough to find it. The second; ascribe to the supernatural or aliens. That the second requires massive assumptions is the problem.

Once someone takes the second assumption and assumes any one who thinks differently is a 'flake', 'mad', living in denial or a sekrit NASA disinfo agent, they are kook.
Everyone is a skeptic. Some are just more gulliable.

Take this thread for example. There isn't any evidence that these are anything besides meteor impacts. It also doesn't make much sense as to why a weapon would leave marks like those over such a large area. The poster is taking something fairly simple and assuming it to be much more complex.

I also find it funny how almost every kook on this forum post thread after thread which effectively all say the same thing. You've got this guy, fluid1957, macm, Dwayne R (used to), Prostiuis (how it is spelled), boombox, etc... It's an interesting attribute of most quacks.
First thing that pops into my head is that its not scientific to say "this cant be hapening by chance, ergo its evidence of ET's."
All you can say scinetifically is "we have this interesting phenomena that doesnt seem to match up with crrent theory very well. It needs more investigating."
Tell me, how much radiation would be left after nukes?
Then, what percentage of craters have these alignments? If its only a minuscule percentage, then surely it can be ascribed to chance, randomness.
But ultimately, you cant go around saying theres Aliens out there or there was a war just on evidence of these craters.
It would also require fairly stupid aliens. You don't bomb that muich area in a straight line after you have nukes. It's a complete waste. Find any area (even an area half the length of that shown here) which is highly dense with targets and is worth bombing. You won't.
Star_One said:
aliens are aliens

Flowers are Flowers
Doors are doors
Meteor craters are meteor craters

Your point? Again.

Do you really believe that a line of craters is solid evidence of intelligent life outside the Earth? Why don't we see them on Earth? I mean, if these where evidence of alien weapons they should be here as well.
More over, it doesn't make sense at all for these to be weapons.
Indeed. but I think I see where Norval is coming from. Take your Science Fiction weapon of choice, Laser, Mass Piler, Plasma Cannon, Tachyon Trebuchet or whatever mounted on a war ship. Have it fire rail gun style at the escaping speeder with the rebel princess in it. End result, crater chains.

That this requires a completely delusional state of mind is obvious.
And that they'd have the technology to shoot multiple nukes from space, but can't seem to aim for shit. Or that they'd shoot continuously and in a straight line... not hitting a damn thing. Maybe Martians really were bad guys.

Your average alien spaceship is obviously equipped with a cross hair targetting mechanism. Think WW II Spitfires or Millennium Falcon here. The target does not understand 'evasive maneveuring, Zeta 9' and is flying in a straight line trying to out run the enemy. The weapon only produces comparatively small scale effects, in accordance with SF film making.
Actually it looks either to be a Debris trail from a meteor as it breaks up entering the atmosphere, or if you look at it properly it's similar to the wake of a giant snowball when someone makes a snowman on a lawn.

The most remote possibility is that a civilization tried using Lazers to send communications and accidently cut the planet up, But that is not based on any science or proven fact (Maybe some scifi).
You've hit the main problem with this idea. It completely ignores the meteor/comet breakup idea and claims that it is impossible... yet doesn't explain why.
In the above photo you can clearly see many of the CS type crater chains with the characteristics we think show obvious intelligence as to cause. Of note are the three and possibly four time frames of occurrence. The predominant CS chain near the center running lower left to upper right appears to be the cleanest and so is probably the newest. Notice the CS chains just above and left of the dominant one. Now they appear to have been covered by dust debris, or possibly silt flow, and that gives us three time frames. Chain, material deposit, then another chain. There is a possible fourth time frame if after closer examination the mound at center right proves true, which seems to have been strafed very heavily to be perfectly blunt many times. If Mars had even a tenth of our water there would have been enough to cause these wash areas we see if larger single strike weapons were used. War is a terrible thought and every person that has been in combat knows this very personally, so look closely, and look hard, prove us wrong.
With the above comments we think the lower picture speaks for itself. And sadly enough, there are more areas showing these CS type crater chains on Mars.
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