Mars/76P Encounter Update 9 June 2000


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Mars/76P Encounter Update 9 June 2000

We have just posted an update to the Mars/76P story. It appears that there has been some type of interaction between Mars and the comet. Due to the limitations on our ability to research the problem, we have only adjunct evidence of an encounter between the two. Here are the details...have we seen indications or evidence of an encounter between Mars and 76P, you ask? I stand up and shout YES! And I will add - It's a frightening supposition...

...One of our researchers picked up on a problem with SOHO C3 imaging. Read it for yourselves: "I think the event may have happened on 03 June. Look at file 000603_c3.mpeg. All other movies increment at approx 1 hour steps. This movie jumps from 07:42 to 16:42 A WHOLE DAY! This happens just as Mars is starting to appear. Mars doesn't appear till the 3rd June."

We believe we have identified three separate "explosions" associated with the Mars/76P encounter, starting as early as May 25th. These are identified by first a debris field emanating from the area of the planet itself on or about the 25th of May, a set of missing frames as identified by our peer in the above email, and objects in the star field that do not relate to any known object...

Mars is still there. It can be seen on the SOHO C3 pics. But what kind of planet is left? And how would we know? I beg someone to bring some hard evidence forward to prove this is wrong. Is there debris headed our way? Our simple and un-informed guess is YES. So I challenge the powers that be to bring forth images of Mars to show that it is still intact. Show us that Phobos and Diemos are both still in orbit around Mars.

Jane Derry
Very interesting again - Any more information on this since it's dated June 9th?

/me clutches keyboard waiting for a continuation :)

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Tianca-What is your authority on the subject? Are you truly speaking from a first-person point of view, or is this an excerpt from something? What is your source, and is there a link you could post?
That stuff is from the 'Millennium Group', not to be confused with the Fox TV show.

I dunno about these guys, a bit to alarmist. They can make some good arguments though.

The New Age of Enlightenment is approaching...are you ready?

How did you get your hands on page 8 paragraph 2 of my new book? I haven't even found a publisher for it yet!