Marriage obligation

Are you a masochist , or the companionship is pleasant ?

I guess I see it as a trade off...

You have to give, to get. It just seems like I give more than I get at times.

And, I guess you can throw in a bit of "co-dependency" in there as well.
marriage is commitment to love to that one being you are with, it is a materialistic proof that you are what you say you are. That your words are not just pretty things you flaunt it him/her but that you stand by your emotions and you have no fear and have full trust in this love for the other. Those people who do not commit, never feel true love, but a fake pity for themselves for the time lost.
What is marriage ?
What are married peoples obligation to each other ?
Why people get married ?

1. Technically, it is a business contract.
2. Historically, the woman said, I will bear and raise your children, while you provide for me.
3. Nowadays for tax reasons, health benefits and for the sake of children. If none of these apply, there is really no reason to get married.
1) Currently it's a symbolic ceremony that you love each other
2) legally the only duty that I know of is a duty of care to save them if they are in immidate danger, the same duty of care you have to your children actually and this goes for defactos too
3) symbolisium, to show everyone how much you love each other
marriage is commitment to love to that one being you are with, it is a materialistic proof that you are what you say you are. That your words are not just pretty things you flaunt it him/her but that you stand by your emotions and you have no fear and have full trust in this love for the other. Those people who do not commit, never feel true love, but a fake pity for themselves for the time lost.

I got married without love , it was a convenience to help me rise my children , but after years I got to love the person , and it continue be a convenience and companionship , she cooks I wash the dishes to help , so we help each other.
I got married without love , it was a convenience to help me rise my children , but after years I got to love the person , and it continue be a convenience and companionship , she cooks I wash the dishes to help , so we help each other.

you know I was hoping that this would be true. I am yet to find someone to love, but in my case I know that it will take time for me to start loving her, first I have to fall into illusion and than slowly it becomes real and the feelings of love are real too.
you know I was hoping that this would be true. I am yet to find someone to love, but in my case I know that it will take time for me to start loving her, first I have to fall into illusion and than slowly it becomes real and the feelings of love are real too.

I think if the partner is cooperative and I am cooperative to her needs bond start to form , and if there are physical contact love begin then sex finishes the touch of love , at least this is my experience.
1) It is a formal agreement between 2 people.

2) Those terms are variable and are negotiated/worked out between the parties as part of the marriage agreement.

3) Each couple that chooses to become married to one another does so for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons are such as mutually assured sexual fealty and paternity, companionship, child rearing, cohabitation and sharing chores, assuring inheritance, insurance coverage, tax benefits and the rubber stamp of approval from the more conservative members of our society.
The best definition of marriage I have ever heard was given by Counselor Deanna Troi on "Star Trek: The Next Generation."

Marriage is an agreement to share who you are with another person.​

I'm in my second marriage, but we're going on 35 years. It's been fun, crap, work, pleasure, fighting, playing... Pretty much like life in general.