Mark Of The Beast?

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Is this a prelude to the "Mark Of The Beast" as predicted in ancient prophecy?

more interesting is a Giant Super-Computer coincidently called "The Beast" which was a replacement for the British GVT's first of it's kind "Collosus" built back in the 1940's which was latter destroyed out of fear & loathing as to what it would bring, (if only they knew, "You can't put the Genie back in the bttle once unleashed!)

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Mark of the Beast!

Please don't take of the "Mark of the Beast" in your hands or your fore head, for if anyone does he/she is doomed forever! To the flames!
Comparing computing power of the 1940's to what it is now, and what we see coming down the line, is frightening!! For the Beast will have the power of speech and advanced A. I. ! In real life too!
Hey Time, I went to the website and saw nothing about the new supercomputer?

But anyway, The Mark of the Beast is something I do take seriously. I am not sure if the computer is the beast, but anything is possible. But some things you should know. Anyone without the Mark of the Beast will not be able to trade, buy or sell. The mark will be put in either the hand (probably the back of the hand) or the fore head.

Some more info. the mark of the beast will be put in place by the anti-christ. He will rise up for I think 3 years. Then after that, he will make everyone worship him. Those who don't will be imprisoned, put to death etc. But anyone who does get the mark of the beast will face Gods wrath and be thrown into the lake of fire. Now I have read along the track that the banks were thinking of putting in this kind of system. People have already been implanted, with a computer chip. It will be the cashless economy. I am not saying that this is 100% sure that this is it, but we should always be careful, for this is an extremely serious subject not to be taken lightly. So I'm not going to write all that I might, because I'm not briefed enough on the subject, so I don't want to get any facts wrong.

But what I will say is, Do Not accept any implant in the hand, wrist, or fore head even if you cannot buy, sell or trade without it. Do Not worship the anti-christ either, he will seem to be good at first but after a certain period he will require people to worhip him and turn away from God. Also, from what I can tell, there will be two prophets set forth from God to warn us about the anti-christ and the mark of the beast. So we should receive warning then as well if people are willing to listen and hear the message and be saved themself. Be saved not from being able to trade, buy and sell, but instead be saved from having the mark of the beast, and therefore a place in Gods wrath and the lake of fire. Sounds horrible I know, but thats the way it is. I can't put it any lighter than that.
So do not get the Mark.

My intention was not to scare but to inform. But to add further, there is hinting that the beast could be a computer or AI or shall I say Artificial Life AL. There will be a statue, that will come alive. Perhaps a supercomputer, but beyond anything today, I would presume. But with technologies' exponential rate of improvement, this is certainly a posibility to look out for.

Thanks :)
"Mark of the Beast"

Yes, and Time, the ones that will refuse the Mark of the Beast at that time will be put to death mostly by DECAPITATION!, or firing squad, gas chamber, and or some other really diabolical means of DEATH! Natural affections of Mankind [lack of affections] would be far worse then it is now or ever have been, because the Church and the Holy Spirit's restraining power has been taken out of the way, for the Anti-Christ to come to power! Hell on Earth! And I would not want to be here on Earth at that time! There will be a small hand full saved from the ultimite persicution, but the host of humanity will PARRISH!
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Ok guys, I think this thread has been misplaced, it would seem more approriate in the religious debate.

Scientific theories, hypotheses, or other ideas related to science or technology would be fine, but please let's put a lid on superstitions - this is the wrong forum for that.

Cris, the topic derives from the bible. It is very possible that the "Mark of the beast" may be a supercomputer, or something with Artificial Life. I think the thread belongs here. Since it is about technology.

Not every topic in these forums have to have a hypothesis. Sometimes we just discuss, like in the "Brain Mapping" thread. I had no hypothesis, just information of interest. I did the same here but with a warning.

it's quite alright to expect invocations of Biblical terminology since this thread related to such items which must be examined from "ALL Perspectives" however be that as it may, granted we don't wnt to get into a Giant religious debate here, as this would definately throw things out of perspective, as well as "off topic"

Carry on all!
Mark of The Beast!

Yes Time, but what is Biblical, does have something to do with reality and the prophetic End Times with its warnings. And it is the most Dangerous thing not to be informed about the "Mark of The Beast!" The technology is here! The times are about right, although no one really knows exactly when, but we can tell the times are nigh at hand, and the ones that are presently rejecting the true 'Messiah' will unwittingly accept the 'False Messiah' and take of his 'Mark', and be DOOMED forever with out remedy! The Beast, machine or some person (clone etc.) have there bass in reality, the near future, because it is written in the Holy Scriptures! There already forming a World Government! And the Anti-Christ could appear this century!

Do not take of the Mark of The Beast, or the number of his name!:(
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What is wrong with this topic? The text is white and totally unreadable. :confused:
Too late, boys and girls. If you're an American, North American i.e., you gotta SSN.
Think about it. When was the last time you completed a financial transaction and were/were not asked for it?

They just ain't implanted it yet!:eek:
Too late, boys and girls. If you're an American, North American i.e., you gotta SSN.
Think about it. When was the last time you completed a financial transaction and were/were not asked for it?

They just ain't implanted it yet!:eek:

Your SSN is just a number.

The device implanted in your hand will also contain a gps system. Your time and place can be brought up at any moment.

Count me out.
Count me in, if it helps track down, Jay and silent bob style, the sciforums member that necros a 6 year old thread.
Cris, the topic derives from the bible. It is very possible that the "Mark of the beast" may be a supercomputer, or something with Artificial Life. I think the thread belongs here. Since it is about technology.
Someone actually named a super computer "The Beast"?! Nice.

PS Is your username a reference to the HBO series?
Too late, boys and girls. If you're an American, North American i.e., you gotta SSN.
Think about it. When was the last time you completed a financial transaction and were/were not asked for it?

They just ain't implanted it yet!:eek:

I can buy lots and lots of things without my SS#.
Seems like I can't buy a dang thing without a bar code though. Everything gets scanned anymore. ID cards, ATM card, speedy passes, etc.
I can buy lots and lots of things without my SS#.
Seems like I can't buy a dang thing without a bar code though. Everything gets scanned anymore. ID cards, ATM card, speedy passes, etc.

Ya, but did you get that ATM card w/o your SSN?:shrug:
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