

SF's Incontestable Pimp
Valued Senior Member
Should it be fully-legalized in United States or not? I say yes but I will post my arguments in counter form.
Well, seing as the drug that has the greatest negative impact on society in general is legal, then why not make Ganja legal.
Of course it should be legal. Its arguable that it does any harm at all beyond that that comes from smoking anything(and its certainly never killed anyone), and it has thousands of industrial and medical uses.
why is it then it gets outlawed as such? Why is that alcohol is so entrenched in our society?
There is many reasons people believe it is illegal ; Monopoly, Racism (60's/70's) , Justification to weaken countries(Colombia), The practability to growing it, so they can't tax it easily, "The reefer madness" epic that brainwashed oh so many voters.. I think the bush campaign is going for the least aspect of the drug problem so he can have some false bullshit to boast about come re-ellection.

Bush cares what is good for us afterall. :mad:
Illeagal it may be, according to the man made arbitrary laws that dictate as such. But on a moral/ethical level with regards to the negative effects on society, reefer just doesn't compare to alcohol.

Sure, it "should" be legal... but in the US? I don't think it will ever happen, as this country continues to slide ever further to the Right.

Alcohol is the drug of choice for our society because its rancorous stupid-headed high fits well with a competitive, profit-oriented Corporate State.

The mellow buzz of a marijuana high is scary shit to a system that needs to squeeze the last dollar of profit out of the proles.

It really has nothing to do with the "danger" that recreational marijuana use poses to our bodies, it's all about power. It's the same reason that psychedelic drugs, once legal and recognized as useful tools by the psychiatric comunity, were declared "dangerous narcotics" in the 60's.
Absolutely. But the insidious nature inwhich alcohol has become a lynchpin of society isn't just confined to America, it's endemic throughout the world, and had been for a long time. I'm concerned about the pressure felt by young kids as the hit, or approach their teens to drink. This presure itself is insidious and is almost palpable, all kids feel this pressure, and more to the point many feel the need to exert this pressure on those do not drink.
It's almost got to the point where you can tell people you have three testicles and they won't give a moments thought to it, however you tell people you don't drink, and the reaction and gasps of amazement are akin to if you had told them the world was about to end:

"What?! You don't drink?!!!!!"

Almost to say well, how can you live without alcohol.
Here's a liberal thought,, People should be alowed to do whatever the hell they want to them selves as long as it doesn't harm others and as long as they don't ask other people to compensate for the idiot choices that they themselves make...

If America leagalizes the rest of the world will probably slowly follow suit, but to acheive this America must be liberalized, and good luck liberalizing America!
420Joey said:
I say yes but I will post my arguments in counter form.

Way to take a stand! So rather than actually asserting any actual reasons for this, you'll just wait for people to explain why you're wrong, then you'll go out and try to find any evidence you can discredit a counter stance.

It doesn't matter anyway. It looks like I'll be the only one in this thread who disagrees. I could cite the fact that over 120 000 people each year seek treatment for marijuana addiction, I could cite the health hazards such as the average joint is significantly more carinogenic than the average cigarette, or that use has been shown to decrease intelligence, motivation, and increase paranoia. I could also cite the fact that it cannot be smoked responsibly, because there is no way of knowing how much THC you are introducing into your body (unlike liquor beverages where the amount of alcohol is known). Nor, is there a way of ensuring that those around you aren't exposed the same "mind altering experience" you have chosen to embark on. Or what about the fact that legalization would just give organised crime more power and lead to more violence when they put down any independent grow operations that sprout up? I guess that's all just stuff made up by "the man" who's infected with "reefer madness" and has some sort of "racist agenda" to keep innocent little hemp growers out of business.


Originally posted by 420Joey
Should it be fully-legalized in United States or not? I say yes but I will post my arguments in counter form.

No, it shouldn't be. As much as you would love a good high on a boring sunday afternoon and pick apart your universe from your living room, GNAJA should not be legalized except for medical purposes. One might argue "sure, but everyone does it these days, it's not even as potent" true, but that still doesn't justify the right to lose reflexes while driving or making life altering decisions from the help of a little green man over your shoulder.

Society just isn't responsible enough to handle the legalization of such a drug.
Re: Re: Marijuana

Originally posted by sargentlard
No, it shouldn't be. As much as you would love a good high on a boring sunday afternoon and pick apart your universe from your living room, GNAJA should not be legalized except for medical purposes.

I happen to with 420Joey and others that marijuana should be legalized, and I don't smoke, drink, and have never done any drugs (including marijuana).

Originally posted by sargentlard
One might argue "sure, but everyone does it these days, it's not even as potent" true, but that still doesn't justify the right to lose reflexes while driving or making life altering decisions from the help of a little green man over your shoulder.

And what happens when you drink alcohol and drive?

Originally posted by sargentlard
Society just isn't responsible enough to handle the legalization of such a drug.

I don't see why not? Of course any change is going to be met with apprehension, but I think it would be for the betterment of our society. How so? The amount of crime here in the U.S. that has a connection in some way to drugs is staggering.

Some people compare it to prohibition, which basically caused the alcohol trade to go underground. That caused a blackmarket, corruption, crime, etc. If marijuana was legalized, not only would that eliminate a major source of income for criminals, but the government would make lots of money in taxes which could be used to fight crime in other, more dangerous drugs.

I don't see what the big deal with marijuana is. You can't OD from it (unlike alcohol), and it isn't habit forming (like nicotine in cigarettes). And personally, I don't think it's my duty to tell someone what they can and cannot do to there body, unless it affects me (and I haven't see anyone smoke marijuana and go on a rampage, yet :) )
I agree with legalizing marijuana but for different reasons. Me being an ex-smoker now I look at this wonderful plant for what it was used for in the past i.e. Paper, Rope, cooking oil, clothes ……..
Just think of all the trees that could be saved if they would make it legal to grow the same plant that the Constitution of the United States was printed on or for the dieters that use cooking oil they could use hemp oil which helps burn fat.
Originally posted by Dragoon
I could cite the fact that over 120 000 people each year seek treatment for marijuana addiction,
How many seek treatment for nicotine alcohol or prescription drugs?

Originally posted by Dragoon
I could cite the health hazards such as the average joint is significantly more carinogenic than the average cigarette,
Much of the carinogenic properties of ciggarrette smoke are thoguht to come from the fact that its radioactive which marijuana is not. In addition marijuana dilates the lungs and has a cleansing effect whereas tobbacco has a constricting on. In any case, these effects can be bypassed by ingesting it orally or via a vaporizer
Originally posted by Dragoon
or that use has been shown to decrease intelligence, motivation, and increase paranoia.
Study after study has shown that marijuana has no effect on intelligence. some people do tend to be less motivated, and a some have mild paranoia, both of which do not outlast the drugs duration.
Originally posted by Dragoon
I could also cite the fact that it cannot be smoked responsibly, because there is no way of knowing how much THC you are introducing into your body (unlike liquor beverages where the amount of alcohol is known).
Actually, peopel generally know the relative thc content of what they smoke in terms of its effects, and fortunately there is no dangerous dose of THC.

Originally posted by Dragoon
Nor, is there a way of ensuring that those around you aren't exposed the same "mind altering experience" you have chosen to embark on.
huh? they can just not smoke it.

Originally posted by Dragoon
Or what about the fact that legalization would just give organised crime more power and lead to more violence when they put down any independent grow operations that sprout up?
Actually it would make it so that anyone who wanted it could grow it in a window box. its a weed. it doesn't require a major operation. Organized crime wouldn't be involved in it as it wouldnt'' be a criminal activity anymore.

Originally posted by Dragoon
I guess that's all just stuff made up by "the man" who's infected with "reefer madness" and has some sort of "racist agenda" to keep innocent little hemp growers out of business.
indeed it is. even the govt doesn't claim much of the stuff you did anymore
Originally posted by Dragoon
Way to take a stand! So rather than actually asserting any actual reasons for this, you'll just wait for people to explain why you're wrong, then you'll go out and try to find any evidence you can discredit a counter stance.

Isn't that how this basically works, one side has to do it. Whether its the con or pro. I assure you however, this wasnt my intention.

ah and Dragoon this basically sums up my views on Marijuana = Terrorism = Crime
Re: Re: Marijuana

Originally posted by sargentlard
Society just isn't responsible enough to handle the legalization of such a drug.
Ever seen a society using drugs? Neither have I. Individuals use drugs. And some individuals are indeed not responsible enough to use drugs. Hell, some individuals are not responsible enough to eat properly. But does that give us the right to regulate their eating habbits? Of course not.

I am perfectly able to use drugs in a responsible way. I'm 35 and have been using all sorts of drugs since I was sixteen, starting with alcohol (the vilest drug of them all). I've got a job, a house, a mortgage, and I pay a shitload of taxes. Why should anyone be able to tell me what substances I can or cannot put in my body? I'm no threat to anyone.

Basically I don't see why you should be able to forbid me doing drugs, because you fear someone else cannot handle them.
the maryjane was used by my ancestors as a means of opening communication lines between tribesmen and later with the white man... it was never abused, it was used... huge difference... just as magic mushrooms were used, never abused... it is when alcohol was introduced to our culture (we are predisposed to cellular saturation, moreso than any other race) that it all went to shit...

i know many older Natives that continue to use the ganja without the booze and believe me, these are some very deep thinking pragmatic people, they are not strung out looking for a "high" like your average stupid teenager, they are not escaping from their day-to-day lives, they are not even smoking it in the form of a "reefer"... it is smoked from a hand carved stone pipe and it's not about quantity, it's about quality, and you don't smoke it every day, you smoke it when you need to meditate and require a less mentally agitated state (which we all live in, 24/7)... it is used for medicinal and as one stated practical purposes such as clothing etc... but the most important reason for the usage of the green god is its ability to subdue contrived theories...

society is contrived... therefore so are all of us if we belong to it... THAT is why the ganja gets a bad rap... it does reduce motivation and therefore leads to an almost "don't worry about it" attitude... i equate it with opening up a whole new realm of human existence when used in moderation for a purpose... which in some cases is necessary and in others is detrimental... that is why it must be used as an enhancement to your already existing evolving developed mind...

who would work if we were all smokin the green? how would things get done? well, that is why it was used by Natives, they did not have corporations to run and people to exploit for income tax purposes, they simply lived off the land and the land gave them marijuana... i agree with all of you who say YES to legalize, but i also understand the undisputed truth that if the man legalizes it, how can he tax it? how can you tax a plant that can be cloned and passed from family member to co-worker to mechanic without so much as a receipt being requested? ya can't and believe me, the govt knows it...

you abolish criminality when you remove the crime of it... now cocaine and lsd etc. are a whole other ball game, these are highly addictive (moreso than the mary jane) but most importantly highly caustic... burning holes in nostrils and wallets, if you grow your own little plant in your backyard beside the tomatoes, who in the hell are you hurting by smokin your little j watching the game? do a couple lines of coke and see if you'll be the life of your 10 year old kids birthday party... take 2 tokes off a j and you'll be paranoid long enough to come down before the rug rats even show up...

oh yeah and one more thing... for those of you who have never smoked the ganja... if you are responsible and don't be a loser about it, the effects vary but are usally worn off by about 1 1/2 hours later... and guess what... you are functioning relatively normal again with a slight light headedness... after pounding back 3 or 4 beers... your liver is already saturated with the shit and guess what, you need at least 3-6 hours plus some food to wear that off... plus... depending on your weight, you may have to sleep it off..


ps. what the hell IS society responsible enough for? other than its complete and total dominion over our human existence on planet earth?
It should be legalized. I'm not buying into all this BS about the government wanting power or anything, but mainly the reason why it isn't legal is because of stubborn conservatives who are afraid of anything different. They haven't learned that if you can't beat it, join it. Marijuana illegal is costing our society lives, money, and time. I could go into why, if anyone is interested, but at the moment I don't think anyone is interested enough to read.

Whether all drugs should be legalized is another question, but it's still valid. I'm not sure about that one.