Marijuana Non Bias

Have you smoked marijuana/ how offen

  • i have once or twice but never agin (tryed it)

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • i smoke once a month or less

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • i am a regular user (a few times a week)

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • never smoked marijuana

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Non Bias Information please, i want to know how bab marijuana is for you brian, nerv system, brain cells, endorfins (spelling wrong i think), ect i would really aprecheat this information :) :m:

i have atended seminas about this but they did not go into brain cell destruction. they went into brain waves ..ect
Were you high when you started this thread? It really looks like you were wasted to high heavens typing this.

Marijuana does kill your brian cells (along with everything else that is fun). It lowers sperm count and has negative sexual side effects (Long term use ca neffect your erection). Abuse of the ganja makes you a general loser all around.
Although I don't have a link, there was a study published that the brain power you lost while regularly smoking marijuana was recovered when you stopped. This was done on teens, and they smoked 35 joints a week...I'll try to find a link.

What's the point of the poll?
I especially smoked when studying, just before taking tests and just before doing daring dangerous feats of skill and dexterity. No fooling. I got straight As in college, worked full time as a welder, built houses, rebuilt and maintained my own vehicles, learned electronics and computer science, got A+ certified in computer technology, learned programing with a couple of different languages. I like marijuana. I am angered that it is illegal. I haven't smoked for months now and there has been no withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol is the violent drug followed closely by methamphetamines. Alcohol is legal and so is tobacco smoking. I have learned how this pretense at a social order outlaws the good and pushes the bad. The USA is a drug pusher, a pusher of the death drugs, the sad life drugs, the despair of the healthy family drugs. Marijuana is illegal because it can facilitate a conscientious and intelligent life and that is not what the powers that be want you to do. Just say know.

You poison my sweet water, you cut down my green trees
The food you fed my children was the cause of their disease
My world is slowly falling down, and the air`s not fit to breathe
And those of us who care enough, we have to do something

(chorus) Oh, What you gonna do about me

Your newspapers, they just put you on, they never tell you the whole story
They just put your young ideas down, I was wondering ,
Could this be the end of their Fame and Glory
I work in your factories, I study in your schools
I fill your Penetenturies, and your Military too
And I feel the future trembling as the word gets passed around
If you stand up for what you do believe, be prepared to be shot down

(chorus) Oh, What you gonna do about me

And I feel just like a Starnger, in the land where I was born
And I live just like an outlaw and I`m always on the run
And I`m always getting busted and I`ve got to take a stand
I believe the Revolution must be mighty close at hand

(chorus) Oh, What you gonna do about me

I smoke marijuana, but I can`t get behind your wars
`cause most of what I do believe is against most of your Laws
I`m a fugitive from injustice, but I`m going to be free
`cause your rules and regulations, they don`t do a thing for me
And I feel just like a stranger, in the land where I was born
And I live just like an outlaw and I`m always on the run
And though you may be stronger now, my time will come around
You keep adding to my numbers as you shoot my people down

(chorus) Oh, what you gonna do about me

(fade...) I ain`t lookin` for no trouble, but....

Quicksilver Messenger Service, 1970
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sargentlard said:
Marijuana does kill your brian cells (along with everything else that is fun). It lowers sperm count and has negative sexual side effects (Long term use ca neffect your erection).
Hasn't killed my braincells, well at least my IQ hasn't changed. Lowers sperm count, sure in some people perhaps, but I have 3 happy & healthy children. And as for sex I'm still the typical male that can't get enough:)
Smoking ANYTHING will cause lung problems especially when you inhale smoke and hold your breath with the smoke down deep into your lungs. Just go to pulmonary care centers at your local hospitals and they will tell you all about the effects of smoking and your lungs. As for the destruction of brain cells, well as time goes by your brain cells die off and when you reach your 30's they die off more than they replentish themselves. There's a link to reduced brain cell development when you smoke pot but it's not that overwhelming to cause any serious side effects other than getting the munchies or becoming more relaxed.
I have tried it at least 6 times, has anyone had trouble actually getting high the first 2-3 times though? I thought I was being burned.
I tried marijuana 2-3 times and did not notice any effects, but suspect that my mental and physical abilities were adversely effected. I was not engaged in sports or serious mental activities when I experimented a bit so I had no way of knowing the effects, if any. Maybe I was unaware of personality changes, and my companions did not notice or just did not comment. I think drug usage is irrational for those who cope well with day to day living and lead generally happy successful lives. For those with shitty lives, why not use whatever drug makes them happy?

My drug abuse is restricted to being addicted to nicotine many years ago. That is a realy silly substance to use: A lot of bad effects and not close to as much fun as other substances. I see no reason for drug laws as long as the user does not hurt anybody but himself. If I were not nervous about the effects I would experiment with LSD and other strong hallucinogens.

Alcohol seems worse than any of the downers. It really makes a mess of your body chemistry: Pancreatitis, messed up sugar metabolism, liver problems, an over-rated opinion of driving ability, et cetera. At least heroin & Mary Jane users do not tend to drive cars and get abusive when under the influence. If heroin and other morphine derivatives were available cheap, they would not be so destructive. Substance abuse laws were first passed in the US in about 1913. Morphine and heroin addicts did not have serious problems until many years after the passage of those laws.

As for almost any drug, Mary Jane (does this term indicate how old I am?) can be abused by those whose body chemistry and psychology is tuned to the drug. In spite of the attitude of our government it is a relatively benign drug. If people used it like the typical nicotine addict uses cigarettes, it would probably be as bad for the lungs. From what I have seen, a person with a serious Marijuana habit does not come close to a 2-4 pack a day cigarettes smoker.

In general, the downers like heroin and other morphine derivatives, Mary Jane, Valium, et cetera tend to be far less dangerous than the uppers like cocaine, methamphetamine, PCP, ecstasy, et cetera. Athletes have been known to die due to use of cocaine & other uppers without having used such drugs extensively. There have been a lot of medical people with serious morphine and heroin habits that lived for a long time and managed to do their jobs reasonably well. Note that doctors with alcohol problems have been known to do a lot of damage.

Mary Jane has been used for at least 1000 years in some cultures and does not seem to have terrible effects. Same for the various mushroom derived hallucinogens.

I question the veracity (or self evaluation abilities) of anyone who claims to use a lot of any type of drug and denies that he his mental or physical capabilities are not well below normal. Every controlled experiment has shown that Marijuana, alcohol, heroine, et cetera have an adverse effect on mental and physical performance. A little bit has a small adverse effect on performance and a lot has serious effects.

While I do not think there have been any controlled experiments, there seems to be an interesting phenomenon associated with heavy users of alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol (and perhaps other types of drug abusers) seem to learn to how to appear unaffected by alcohol, when they are actually impaired. I guess practice makes you better at almost any activity, including pretending to be sober when you are drunk.

I first noticed it when I was friendly with an alcoholic who was a very good tenis player, table tennis player and skier. When he was sober, we were very evenly matched in these sports. We once took our girl friends on a ski vacation. The first night, I had half a bottle of wine at dinner and a heavy shot of Irish cream liquor in my coffee. He had consumed almost a full bottle of wine, plus a pint or more of hard liquor on the rocks, and a double shot of Irish cream in his coffee. He seemed sober while I was slurring my words, acting a little silly, and staggered a bit on the way to the dance floor. After dinner, we played ping pong. I beat him several games with scores like 21-4. The girls thought it was hilarious because I looked and acted like a clumsy drunk, while he seemed to move smoothly with impeccable form. He seemed surprised that he lost so badly. Almost all of his shots went into the net or off the table, while 70% of mine were almost like my normal game. As mentioned, when we were both sober, we were evenly matched. The following night, he suggested night skiing instead of ping pong. With alcohol consumption similar to the previous night, he fell at least half a dozen times, while I was only slightly off my normal performance. Once again, he seemed sober, while I seemed to be slightly drunk. For the rest of the week, he was unwilling to ski or play table tennis after dinner.

Due to these incidents, I realized something about alcoholics, which probably applies to other substance abusers. It probably only takes 20-40% of your abilities to carry on a social conversation, walk normally, pass an easy test in a subject you are good at, and drive a car 30-40 miles per hours under normal conditions. If you have a lot of practice doing these actions when operating at 50% of your capabilities due to alcohol in your system, you can learn to compensate. A causal drinker like myself does not get much practice performing while under the influence and seems more impaired than he really is. I drink half a bottle of wine or less per week. An absolute test of performance like table tennis or driving a car at high speed shows that real performance is seriously compromised, while apparent performance at easy tasks can be misleading.

BTW: I believe that in vino, veritas. I am a happy, pleasant drunk (like most of my friends) when I have too much. Those who only abuse their wives or get belligerent when drunk are basically wife abusers and bullies. When sober, they control these impulses.
WellCookedFetus said:
I have tried it at least 6 times, has anyone had trouble actually getting high the first 2-3 times though? I thought I was being burned.

iahev tryed it 5 or 6 times and the first tiem i got soo high with sooo littel like not even a full hit (that was a long time ago though) and after taht i never got s "high"
I used marijuana for about 5 months. I have one friend specifically that uses it a LOT. He is a fiend. I would say on average, he smokes around 4 joints a day (that is only amount, he smokes it in a lot of different ways). I noticed that when smoking it (regularly after a few weeks), I was, yes, different. I don't think it was a dramatical change that made me a slow, stupid person, but I did notice a change. I enjoyed smoking weed a lot, the high was pleasent, and I was not uncomfortable with it at all, and I am a person who does not really care what others think, even though if I needed to hide it, I was able to. When I did not smoke, or even after I quit, I had no withdrawal whatsoever. I also remember that during my smoking period, when I got sick, I was very sick. I have a very strong immune system, and I rarely get colds or the flu, but this one lasted for about 8 days, went away, then had another 4 days of sickness about 3 days after ridding the first. Now that I have stopped, I do not feel the way I did when smoking. To be specific, my sense of taste and smell were different, and that is now restored. My friend on the other hand says to me all the time that he will smoke for the rest of his life. He also says that he can quit at any time, just has no need to. I believe him to a degree. With almost everything, you can gain a mental addiction. What becomes habitual, becomes addictive. Biting your nails for instance, I do it all the time, and I also chew on the inside of my mouth, have since I was a kid, and that is hard as hell to stop. I quit smoking weed no problem. But it was because I needed to. The biting my nails and chewing on my mouth habit is not something I need to quit, so I just don't. It doesn't seem to have a detrimental effect on my health, so why quit? But what he doesn't realize is that it will harm him, a lot. I firmly believe that anyone should be able to do what makes them happy (with restriction to not harming others and their life), so I don't care that he does it, it is fun for him. I have read many studies, gone to many webistes, and it is quite debatable what the true effects of marijuana are. Of COURSE if you hold anything but the air around us in your lungs for too long, it kills brain cells, we need oxygen... So the brain cell killing thing is a given, almost everything does that. Lung damage? I'm sure it does, especially if you are a 'real' smoker and breath in a lot at a time, and hold it in for (jesus, almost as long as he can) a long time. I have read that there isn't any cases where marijuana smokers have contracted emphesyma (spelling?) from it, but I am not 100% sure on that. I think just about everything around us causes cancer, so I wouldn't be suprised. But what I am really trying to get with this post, is that I had a great experience with it, and it sucks that I wont be able to do it (for at least another 4 years :p). Side effects: yes, Addiction: No, not unless you make it a regular habit, then of course it is, but not a chemical addiction, its mental, and it CAN be broke. Does it make you a loser? F*** no, I extremely despise people who say that it does. If the person was already weak enough to become a 'loser', then sure, marijuana undoubtedly can take money away from you. People who aren't stupid know how to use things in moderation, and that is why it can be a good thing. Damn, look at alcohol and cigarettes. Why in the hell are those legal? They are both chemically addictive, whith MAJOR side affects. They are so damn addictive, THEY ruin lives. I have read MANY controlled experiments with drunk drivers and high drivers. I do NOT support people who drive high, just wait till the high runs off, damn. But people drive drunk way too much, and it is extremely imparing. Cigarettes? Waste of time... where is the satisfaction? It is only like biting your nails, except that they put chemicals in it to make you want to do it more. It does so many BAD things to counteract ANY positive effect smoking tobacco gives. Weed on the other hand does have bad effects (no addiction), yet gives a very pleasent relaxation feeling, and in some people, helps soothe pain and gives them an appetite. Yes, there are pills that give appetite, and soothe pain, but obviously people look for the high also. And the reason weed is illegal is because it alters the mind, and it has become a socially unaccepted form of a high. There are MANY conservative people in this country, and it seems they are the only ones barring the use of marijuana. I would say a great majority of people, asked on the street would say they wouldn't mind if it was legalized. It is legal in many other countries, and do they have problems with it? Not really.... Hell, America could even benifit from it, ban selling of weed, but allow the people to at least use it, and even grow a certain amount? I would really like to hear everyone's opinion on the bad effects if they legalized it. I will set the legalities:

To use or grow marijuana you must be age 18 or over.
No selling.
Growing is restricted to 5 plants per household (or something, doesnt really matter).
Same rules for smoking cigarettes (no smoking in bars, etc)*

*This may only apply to Californians, not sure what regulations of smoking is in other state, but marijuana would follow state-by-state regulations for smoking

Now tell me what would make a horrible society out of this.