marijuana(did i spell that right?)


Registered Member
Yo what the hell. I dont know how bad it is in everyone elses areas but around where i live ive noticed that soo many people smoke weed. What the hell is this. Like the 8th graders at the middle school even do it. Its not that weed is bad :D its just when did it become so big. i never noticed it before but it is like "the thing to do these days" even for little kids.
Little kids smoke weed? That is terrible! What neighbourhood is this? Who is looking after these kids?
The future trouble kids start their pot smoking in grade 8 (around here) at school. That's when you know you'ev got problems, you're smoking pot at school when you're 13.
hm.. i started smoking the summer before 5th grade.... but since were so young we always got everyones shitty weed, cuz we didn't know what was out there... -laughs- so that would've been 1994/age 10. woah! never realized that before.... :eek:
I'm drug free but I act so wierd all the time people question if I'm sober. I've never done any drugs and I really don't intend do unless I'm a rich old man or something.
where i come from ive noticed this too. everyone is doing it, i think its because they deem it 'cool'. i dont think they appreciate the goodness of it and just copy their freinds. i'm not saying weed is bad either. i smoke it.

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paranoia, paranoia.