Marianism and Messianic Judaism

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Marianism and Messianic Judaism

The Blessed Virgin Mary is a Jewish Girl.

Not more than just a few years ago, an Angel came to me and asked “Why is it that the only religious garb that Our Lady will wear is the Habit of a Carmelite Nun?” He was referring to Our Lady of Mount Carmel who has made repeated Apparitions wearing that costume. Ordinarily Our Lady appears in formal, stylish and fashionable clothes suitable for the location and for the time of day or night She appears. She never dresses in the plain clothes of a Nun, but for those exceptional occasions when She appears in the Habit of the Carmelite Order. And I was to figure out why.

First I did some research. I had been brought into the Catholic Church by the Carmelite Order and so I already knew something about it. Pursuing a Loophole in Catholic Procedures, I actually became enrolled in the Carmelite Suborder of the Brown Scapular before I was even officially a Catholic. You see, the Brown Scapular was established during the period when the Carmelite Order was being accepted into the Catholic Church. The Crusaders had been surprised to find an existing Brotherhood of those Devoted to Our Lady already in the Holy Land when they arrived. They Worshipped at a Chapel dedicated to Our Lady that was said to have once been Her room when She had sought refuge at Mount Carmel during the Persecutions Paul had been conducting against the Messianic Church. Some of the Crusaders were so impressed by this Devotion, that they joined the Order and became Carmelites. When they returned to Europe they ran into the problem of their local Bishops questioning their affiliation in what was not an approved Catholic Brotherhood. So petitions were made, but the paperwork dragged on slowly. The Leader of the Carmelite’s Petition Movement was incarcerated so that he could not advance the Order before everyone was certain it would be approved. Apparently being imprisoned was very demoralizing for him and so Our Lady appeared to Him, for the first time in Her Carmelite Garb, and for Consolation presented him with The Brown Scapular saying “Those who die wearing these such Brown Scapulars will not know Hell Fire, and on the First Saturday of each month I will personally fetch those of the Brown Scapular out of ordeals of Purgatory”. Then, a thousand miles away, She appeared simultaneously to the Pope and told him “If you shall not be the Pope to give approval to the Carmelite Order, then it can soon be easily arranged by Heaven to place another Pope who will”. Thus the Order was accepted by the Catholic Church.

Also my researches upturned an interesting little Spiritual Romance Story. It seems that there had been a faction of the Temple Priesthood that knew of the Blessedness of the Virgin Mary and that She would bear The Messiah. These Priests had been in communication with a branch of the Essenes founded by the Prophet Elijah, the Brotherhood of Monks at Mount Carmel, who had tracked the Line leading to Mary for 7 Generations. She was the answer to several hundred years of messianic expectations. The Priests therefore arranged to find an acceptable husband for Her (notice that an important faction of Jewish Religious Leaders were indeed well informed of the Coming of their Messiah, and would know Him at his Birth, and would see Him again at the Temple when He was 12, and so, during His Ministry some 20 years later would have had no excuse but to know Him again. Their Rejection of Christ was conscious and deliberate. “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do, would not apply to any Member of the Temple Staff.). In selecting a husband for little Mary they would rely upon the miraculous. All of the eligible bachelors of the House of David were assembled and were asked to turn in their walking sticks. That one who was destined to marry the Blessed Virgin, his walking stick would have to bloom in leaf and flower. None did. The Priest in charge of this was puzzled and inquired if every bachelor had indeed showed up. Well, an older bachelor, Joseph David, who did not wish to be married anyway thought he could exempt himself, and so did not bother to attend. Well, he was immediately summoned and was compelled to come quickly. No sooner than when he entered the room did his beat up old walking stick bloom with these huge White Lilies, which then as now symbolize Virginity. We had a winner! It was said that Our Lady, then a 14 year old girl, asked for one of those Lilies, and saved it as a souvenir that She kept close by for Her entire life. Well, most of the bachelors had been there because they were asked to be, and few had entertained any great expectations for themselves, suspecting their own unworthiness. But one young man had thought that he truly had it all and was heartbroken when Mary went to the relatively old man who didn’t seem to want Her anyway. This young man was so disconsolate that he ended up by selling off his estates and becoming a Member of that Order of Essenes at Mount Carmel, where he grew old. He proved to have been correct about himself – he did quite ‘have it all’. He demonstrated himself to be a skilled and dedicated worker and than an inspiring leader, and after 30 some years found himself the Superior of that Order. Well, by this time Christ had been born, grown up, had His Ministry and had been Murdered. Then, during the first years of the New Messianic Cult, Paul began to conduct a Persecution in which Stephen was murdered, but also many others whom Luke somehow thought not important enough to write into History. Our Lady, now approaching 50, was in danger. So our ‘young man’ now an old man at Mount Carmel discerns what his role must be and sends a covert delegation to quickly remove Her from the jeopardy of being a target for Paul and his thugs in Jerusalem. After a lifetime with a broken heart he was finally able to become Protector to that Girl he had fallen so much in love with decades before. A sweet story, huh?

Which brings us back to the question the Angel asked me, why Our Lady chooses to dress as a Carmelite. I thought the answer was that She was showing Her appreciation for the Protection that Order had given Her during Her lifetime, as well as in appreciation for the Care that Order had taken of Her Line for the Seven Generations since the time of the Prophet Elijah. That seemed like a reasonable enough answer. But I felt no validation from my Angels, and so I kept it on my mind and continued to maul it over. And then one day after about a month had gone by the answer came so instantly to me that I am not at all certain whether I thought of it, or that my Angel gave up and gave me the answer as a direct whisper into my head – that Our Lady wears the Habit of the Carmelites because the Carmelites are the Only Jewish Order in the Catholic Church. It is expressive of Her first Loyalties. Yes, She has sponsored the Catholic Church for these two thousand years now, but She remembers that She is a Jewish Girl.

I think my Angels were prompting me to suppose that the Catholic Church should recognize a duty to bring about some rapprochement with the Messianic Jewish Movement.
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On another page it was suggested that I was delusional for supposing that the Angels in Heaven would have to come to me to find the answers to their questions. Golly, I hope nobody here has the same lack of imagination or limited view of the span of possibilities. But just in case... I never supposed that any Angel was asking me a question to which they did not already know the answer. What I assumed was that the Angels were monitoring me to determine how seriously I would take the Task given me, and then evaluate me for the completeness and spirit of my Answer. For instance, had I been satisfied to say that The Blessed Virgin wore the Carmelite Habit out of gratitude to the Carmelites, well, that would not have been an entirely wrong answer, as there probably was an element of Gratitude motivating the Blessed Virgin. But there was more to it. Now that I think about it, there may still be more to it, which I have not figured out yet. But the Angels have not abandoned me, and so I can conclude that if it was a Test, I did not absolutely flunk out.