Margaret Hassan has been killed

One woman that devoted her life to those people and this is how they honor her work. I hope many Iraqis can see that these terrorists don't care for anyone or anything other than those directly involved in their agendas.
§outh§tar said:
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. :m:

that is an interesting statement Southstar because she was fighting for their freedom too.....She was an amazing person and spent the last 30 years of her life in Iraq working for Care which is an (I believe) non-profit organization whose mission is to fight poverty in underdeveloped countries. The local Iraqies who were patients in the hospital that she worked in protested her capture. The one think she was not though was a muslim. She was a Christian and I am wondering since, they group is strongly muslim if that had a bearing on the outcome. They have released others in the past but I couldn't find anything theorizing the critera used. Two other Itilian social workers were released earlier this year by kidnappers in Iraq. They group had have known that killing Margaret Hassan would be taken in a very negative light by many including some of the Iraq people. I am really baffled as to why her.....maybe some of yall have a theory. I was crushed by it....she if you read about her, was an amazing giving loving person......kinda like a saint on earth....
The reason they kidnap people like Hassan is to attract greater attention to their cause. Just look at how much attention they got. In a way they do help their cause, because many people understand that she would not have been kidnapped had the US not invaded. People may see no justification in the group’s action, but they do see the effect (even saintly people being murdered) to the cause (US invasion).

If all Americans understood that an offensive attack on Iraq would lead to their favorite people in the US being killed, would they be as likely to support the attack?

Hassan is an involuntary martyr to the cause of Iraqi freedom from US rule. FWIW she was Muslim; she converted.

A similar example is the Beslan school massacre. Those terrorists say they did it because Russia carpet-bombed Grozny, killing hundreds of kids, which did happen. Do you think Russians will be less likely to support carpet bombing in the future? You betcha, even as they vow revenge.
wow I didn't know she was a muslim. I wish I could find the articles on cnn and bbc. They didn't say it but presented the idea that she was catholic by have catholic priests talk about her and a vigil in the church. I don't know if that was intentional but her islamic beliefs were not mentioned at all...christanity was repeatly brought up.

I understand better now. I guess I have not learned enough about the strategy used. I am really sadden by the loss of such a loving caring person. I understand Care has since pulled out of the country completly. I hope they don't go back. That is too much to ask of them. Actually in lew of the kidnapping campaign I would be in favor of all non miltary aid being withdrawn. Permenantly or until the kidnappers are all killed or captured.