Many mammals came from India


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India related item....

Many Mammals Came from India, Discovery Suggests

Jeanna Bryner
LiveScience Staff Writer Thu Nov 8, 2:45 PM ET

As if hidden from the paleo tooth fairy, a lone molar belonging to a hoofed mammal stayed tucked beneath a pillow of volcanic rock in central India for more than 65 million years. Recently uncovered, the tooth predates similar fossils found across the globe.

The dental discovery sheds light on the evolution of adaptations that allowed a group of mammals called ungulates to thrive as expert grazers. It also suggests, according to newly published research on the tooth, that the Indian subcontinent could be the point of origin of many groups of mammals.

The lower right molar, about half the size of an ant (2.5 millimeters long), was found embedded in central India's Deccan volcanic flows. The researchers estimate the tooth dates back to the late Cretaceous period (144 million to 65 million years ago), a time when India was not connected with other continents and dinosaurs still walked the Earth.

The fossil belonged to a new species of ungulate dubbed Kharmerungulatum vanvaleni, a hoofed animal related to modern horses, cows, pigs, sheep and deer. And it represents the oldest known evidence for the so-called archaic ungulates (small, primitive hoofed mammals), predating by millions of years the explosion of mammalian life that occurred during Paleocene Epoch, from 65 million to nearly 55 million years ago.

"Until now, the known fossil record of [the] oldest archaic ungulates or supposed ancestors of living ungulates comes from the Early Paleocene of North America," Guntupalli Prasad of the University of Jammu in India told LiveScience. He is the lead author of the tooth study, detailed in the Nov. 9 issue of the journal Science.

The teeth of mammals living during the late Cretaceous, Prasad noted, generally sported sharp and pointy cusps and, over evolutionary time, dental modifications led to expert grinders. However, the tooth of the new mammal was flat and broad, suggesting it was already adapted for munching grass rather than for tearing through meaty meals.

"We consider Kharmerungulatum to represent an early stage in the evolution of ungulates," Prasad and his colleagues write.
How does this relate to Eastern philosophy? I think it would be interesting if it did, but I can't see it yet.
It is a related item...not all members will get it...that is the beauty of philosophy. :D


1. the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.
4. the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, esp. with a view to improving or reconstituting them.
It is a related item...not all members will get it...that is the beauty of philosophy. :D


1. the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.
4. the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, esp. with a view to improving or reconstituting them.

The particular branch of knowledge is not Eastern Philosophy. Or can you say how the article you posted improves or reconstitutes Eastern Philosophy.
Neat! I have always wondered what unique species existed on India when it was in transit. I would have guessed, however, that marsupials would have dominated as they do now in Australia.
And did Pangaea emerge from the merger of multiple continents that existed a few million years before? ;)
Well, land had to form from a variety of ways, perhaps by volcanoes or massive earthquakes and plate shifting, any of these ways would produce ONE piece of land that would slowly drift, grow and erode due to continental drift.
Not all land that exists was once part of Pangea. Land is constantly being created (look at the Hawaiian Islands) and then falling back below ocean level (fluvial periods). Example: all of Texas has been under water more than once.

What was the original question? I just see a summarized article...