Many athiest are going to heaven and many people that say they are are not going


Registered Senior Member
I decided to introduce myself a little better. I quit work 8 years ago and have been on a sabbatical ever since to find myself and try and make sense of all of the worlds religions as most like to say "I'm right and you are wrong and going to hell". I decided to start my own religion and have. I am "just" sharing some of my religion as my religion says "it doesn't matter which religion you are" and in fact my religion says "condemning others to hell is the quickest way to get to hell"...
matthew 3 1-10
In those days John the baptist came, preaching in the desert of Judea and saying, " repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. This is he who has spoken of through the prophet Isiah:

"A voice of one calling in the desert,Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him."

John's clothes were made of camel's hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey. People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan river.

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducess(two of the most dominant religions of those times) coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: " You brood of vipers . Who warned you too flee from the coming wrath. Produce fruit is keeping with repentance. And do not think you can say to yourselves, " we have Abraham as our father. I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."

John the Baptist devoted his entire life to God. He trusted God for his food and shelter and did not pursue things of this world knowing that God was not of this world. John was teaching about Jesus dieing on the cross , forgive our sins, and learning to love. This prophecy has been missed by most of the religions..John was truely filled with the Holy spirit from God. He was teaching people forgiveness as Jesus died for us all. The religions of the time were teaching right and wrong or go to hell..and that's why John told them all about repentance and how they were just saying they loved the Lord..Their actions showed no love or forgiveness for others. Many religions and churches today have that same problem..God is love..there is no easier way to describe him than many people get tied up in how to worship, and you should do this or that..but it's all about love. Learning to love others more than yourself..spreads opposed to being critical of others which spreads anger..anger fuels wars ..Jesus didn't teach about theology..That's mans invention...A lot of people live lifes full of love and say I don't believe in God..but God is love...God is in their heart guiding them along there path in life laughing at them saying..I'm here with you say you don't know me but I know you...the opposite of that is some people get so tied up in their Church and religion and how they say you should worship..that they think anybody else is wrong and going to hell...which shows no love...If you don't show love then you are missing the main message of God..which is love..I have many "loving friends" that say they don't believe in God but their life and heart is full of love...and they spend their entire life showing love, helping others, not judgeing other people, and I know those people are going to heaven with me..It's the religions and actions of some God loving people that they don't believe in...they don't want to associate with they find it easier to say I don't believe...but God exists with or without out our persmission..and he loves us all as his child..

Matthew 6 5 " And when you pray, do not be like the hyprocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen bu men, I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full"

Matthew 6 1 " Be careful not to do your acts of righteouness before men, to be seen by them. if you do , you will have no reward from your Father in heaven."

Matthew 6 16 " When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting, I tell you the truth, they have receieved their reward in full."

It's all about love, and how Jesus died for all of us, and how we need to learn how to love others..That's who God is..

John 14 5-7

Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"

Jesus answered," I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. IF you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on you do know him and have seen him".

Phillip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us".

Jesus answered, " Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you a long time? Anyone that has seen me has seen the father"

This verse clearly shows what I mean about God is Love and how many of us Know the Father and follow him and think we don't know him. God is bigger than you or I and he will enter our heart and guide us in our walk of life many times without our permission. Look at the man on the cross next to Jesus...God saved him..God knew him all along and knew all along on this day he would realize he knew God.

All from the Book of John

"I am in my Father Father is in me" (14.10, 11)

"the Father, living in me, who is doing his work: (14.10)

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener" (14.10)

"I am not alone, for my Father is with me" (16.32)

"These words are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me" (14.24)

"all that belongs to the Father is mine" (16.15)

"as my Father loved me, so have I loved you" (15.9)

It's impossible to know the Father and not know Jesus. It's impossible to know Jesus and not know the Father. It's impossible for any of us "mere humans" to know who knows the Father, who knows the Son, and who knows the Holy Spirit but Jesus taught if you know one, you know all three, and that you can know him and not realize it. Thats why he said, " Do not Judge"

I don't accept the bible as the word of God so any of you that feel lead to quote Paul or Moses at me...well it's moot in my religion as both of those men were just human and therefore their opinion isn't any better than mine. My faith is based on Jesus, ancient Native American teachings, and common sense. God doesn't discriminate as all religions point to creation or evolution as I feel they are one in the same.
Justathought ...

<b>justagirl</b>, welcome to Sciforums! Hope you post at least as much as me!

You've looked into all of the world's religions? Why is it that you have chosen to remain a Christian?

My faith is based on Jesus, ancient Native American teachings, and common sense.
Have I got a religion for you then! You would really enjoy Mormonism. One of the central tenets of their faith is a belief in Jesus. They have a book which was written by ancient Native Americans ('course the NA's called themselves something else back then). That last rule of thumb of yours would cause some concern, however. Not a lot of common sense (a hell of a lot of financial sense, though).

So, if you enjoy oodles and oodles of symbolism, ancient hieroglyphs, supposed Native American teachings, and a religion based on Christ, just say yes to those two moppish hairstyles that knock on your door.

On a serious note. You mentioned that the primary reason for believing in God is because God is love. Or near to that reasoning. It's interesting that you say that since most of the O.T. describes a vengeful, distrusting, and ludicrously jealous God who shoots under the bed first before checking for his slippers. The thing I don't understand about your line of reasoning on this matter is that in your signature you say that others take what they want out of the Bible and ignore the 'bad' parts. By ascribing a loving attribute to the God of the Bible, you're verily excinding the parts that make him out to be a cosmic ill-tempered brat.

Wouldn't it be better to do good without knowing whether or not there was a heaven? Shouldn't you do good just because? If there is a heaven and you get there, great! If not, and somehow you realize that as you take your last breath, will you think to yourself, "I should've been more selfish!"

I've always thought that if there was a heaven, then the perfect version of it would be that we all would be surrounded by people like ourselves. If we're anal, then heaven is a phallic symbol waiting to embrace us. If we're accepting of others, then we'll have great opportunity to intermingle with many different kinds of people. But, alas the greater majority of people are very intolerant of others, so their heaven would be with urchins like themselves. Easy to see why, for most, heaven would be a sort of hell.

I find it amazing that you say you don't accept the Bible as the word of God when you're quoting from it every other sentence. Maybe you meant that in its entirety, you don't accept all of its teachings? Just the parts that sound good to you?

The thing with writing is that sometimes words come across as insulting and I don't intend that with this. Sarcastic, to be sure, but not insulting. Hopefully you don't take it as such.


I use the teachings of Jesus alot but know the Bible can be made to say whatever you want it to and it becomes impossible to follow it. The Mormon faith is one faith where I know very little but I would have an interest in learning more especially if they follow "God loves us all and we are not to judge other people" but either way I would love the parts they accpet based on native American teachings..
We could debate his existance easily enough but someone credited some teachings to a man named Jesus..LOL and I have read them and I feel his philosophy on life would stop wars but I doubt the world will ever follow it *shrugs*
I believe that Jesus did exist but as far as his teachings, they are long gone. His teachings have been through to many churches, hands, people.
Yeah that's basically my feelings as well to a large degree. I feel many parts of the Bible are nothing but someone adding their selfish opinion and that's why it disputes itself so many times. I feel the heart is the most important thing.
Originally posted by justagirl
Yeah that's basically my feelings as well to a large degree. I feel many parts of the Bible are nothing but someone adding their selfish opinion and that's why it disputes itself so many times. I feel the heart is the most important thing.

So you have read all the major religions? and also you said you follow jesus's teachings?. Please think and then let me know if you follow jesus's teachings or not. :)

So you have read all the major religions? and also you said you follow jesus's teachings?. Please think and then let me know if you follow jesus's teachings or not.

I read the Bible cover to cover and noticed many verses that disputed themselves...So I read it again and made an amazing discovery "Jesus never said the Bible was the word of God" in fact he said this......

Mark 7 6,7

"Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocritesm as it is written:

These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain, their teachings are but rules taught by men,"

Jeremiah 23 9-16 prophets of the Bible

"My heart is broken within me:

all my bones trmeble.

I am like a drunken man,

Like a man overcome by wine,

because of the Lord

and his Holy words.

The land is full of adulterers,

because of the curse the

Land lies parched

and the pastures in the desert are withered.

The Prophets follow an evil course

and use their power unjustly.

Both prophet and priest are Godless,

Even in my temple I find their wickedness. declares the Lord"

"Therefore their path will become slippery,

they will be banished to darkness

and there they will fall.

I will bring disaster on them

in the year they are punished, declares the Lord"

"Among the prophets of Samaria

I saw this repulsive thing:

They prophesied bt Baal

and led my peope Isreal astray.

And among the prophets of Jerusalem

I have seen something horrible.

They commit adultry and live a lie.

They strenghthen the hands of evildoers,

so that no one turns from his wickedness.

They are like Sodom to me:

The people of Jerusalem are like Gomorrah.

I will make them eat bitter food

and drink poisoned water,

because from the prophets of Jerusalem

ungodliness has spread throughout the land"

John 8 54-59

"If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing.

My Father, whom you claim as your God,

is the one who glorfies me"

Luke 24 25,26

"How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Did not Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?"

Matthew 4 4 " It is written, Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" Well I believe Jesus is the son of God and all other men are humans that can make mistakes. Please don't tell me I am going to hell for thinking killing is wrong and no man can say God told me to kill..Look at the world today and see how you KNOW that is wrong.

Thats all the proof I needed to know "words out of God's mouth does not mean the Bible taken word for word" but I can show you so much more where the Bible teaches things that Jesus could care less about. I can also show you verses you do not follow no matter what religion you are.
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You still didn't answer me. Do you follow jesus's teachings? or what parts of his teaching do you follow?.