Mankinds Lust for War


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
Mankind loves war, it always has done and always will do

We thrive on violence and world peace is a pipe dream waiting to be discarded from all thoughts

Only when mankind is wiped out will there be peace on Earth, but we are like the roaches, we never disappear.

Speaking personally here, I believe we shouldn't let our guard down and keep practising for a war, I believe that is we declare 'world peace', visitors will....visit us and take advantage of our lack of military supplies and expertise.

God, we must be badasses. Just think, our solar system may be a no-go area for other species. That'll be cool
The funniest thing is that you think any species that has developed technology capable of traveling the distance to our planet when we're having troubles getting to mars is not going to be faaaaar more advanced in tools of destruction.

I can't remember what the story is, it might have been There Will Come Soft Rains (Ray Bradbury), but a story we read last year had the line - There will be world peace, but man will not be here to enjoy it.
Mankind loves war, it always has done and always will do
It's not a lust for war that mankind has, it's a lust for power. War is merely a tool for obtaining and keeping it.
Speaking personally here, I believe we shouldn't let our guard down and keep practising for a war, I believe that is we declare 'world peace', visitors will....visit us and take advantage of our lack of military supplies and expertise.
This reminds me of the "Monkey Paw" episode of the Simpsons, where Lisa wishes for World Peace and all weapons are destroyed. Of course aliens land on Earth shortly after, and take things over.:p
Actually, we do lust. We crave violence. We love it. I don't inflicting pain, but I do like war (sorry, but thats my truth) and I believe we'll always be fighting, even if, like George Bush, its for the hell of it
There's something in society that teaches us not to back down, to prove that we are right and the other guy is wrong...sadly being persuasive, being independent, and being able to defend yourself is what is being taught...also, without those elements being taught the world wouldn't function, so don't get too angry when a war breaks's just a disagreement settled by hundreds, thousands, millions of people. We are too far along and "civilized" to change the way we live, and if any change was to happen, there will be people who don't want to change and a war would begin because of that....humanity is in for a long haul.
Good point Beb (can I call you Beb?)

Maybe its because women bore us to killing each other :p

Sorry, that was wrong (but funny), I apologise.

I can always depend on Grazz to give a good answer. If humanities in for a long haul, shouldn't we prepare ourselves.

I don't think there can ever be peace on Earth. Someone (or something with 18 rows of teeth :eek: ) will take advantage of the situation and take over humanity (or slowly drink our juices :eek: )
So you mean that men need to make war to practice for the devastating attack of the great alien beast, that will, of course, eventually come ? :D
Yes, exactly. I'm not mental or anything (well, thats what the voices say anyway, but I don't trust them).

If we let our guard down for a split century, it gonna be that split century that 'they' come in their broods and start ingesting the populace of Earth :eek: :bugeye: :eek:
So the question of peace on Earth has really to do with a matter of opinion, wether it's better to burn out or fade away?
To live happy in peace but for a shorter time, since there is no defence from the beast, or live a life of violence and fear for a very long time?


The things that are gonna come aren't bunny rabbits you know.

I can see it now. The Bio Ships decending through the clouds. People look up in wander, then it happens :(

Anyone that wants to join me in my underground lair is welcome. Guns and booze for everyone (if my mum will let me :bugeye: )
So you have proven your point by yourself demonstrating this kind of primitive behaviour by prioritating violence over peace, but you are a man, that is expected.

But what if we had naturally developed a way of keeping the destined alien beast away, something that had naturally occured as a biproduct of a peaceful living?
But we will never know, since the men insisted on taking the narrow path, all to satisfy their lust for blood? :eek:

So why must the weaker of flesh depend on the lesser of mind?
But what if we had naturally developed a way of keeping the destined alien beast away, something that had naturally occured as a biproduct of a peaceful living

The Beatles :D

but you are a man


So, I take it your not gonna join us in the lair then:(
One could say that the "will to power" is the reason why we've come so far along in evolution.

Anyway, I don't feel that there will be peace on earth until one nation conquers the earth, and after that point we'd develop warp drive and conquer other alien races.
The funniest thing is that you think any species that has developed technology capable of traveling the distance to our planet when we're having troubles getting to mars is not going to be faaaaar more advanced in tools of destruction.

Maybe the way the alien society was able to travel the distance was through cooperative effort of their entire species and they don't even have the notion of hurting another being. With humans (or maybe just men) death is all it takes to create the notion of violence. Once we are emotional attached to something and it dies, we feel pain, sorrow. We use our intelligence to concieve that if we kill something of someone else, it will put them at a disadvantage, it will cause a horrible emotion and then we can obatin something we want easier. Maybe these aliens aren't emotional attached, maybe they don't mourn. Violence, war would not register with them, thus no tools of destruction.

Mankind (humans, men, people...however you want to look at it) is unique, so we cannot rely on something to fix our unique problems, the way mankind will be wiped off the earth will be because of themselves.
Funny, I've always thought war to be a ridiculous endeavor / tool
used by a few to get what they wanted. I never in my life thought
someone would step up and tell me I needed war in order to feel
good about myself.

The irony, one could point out, is that I am being confrontational
right now. ;)
people will always lust for war

I am not the conventional stereotypical female that thinks war is bad. i understand that history has shown us that humans will always want war. people crave blood and human suffering. Why can people not pry themselves from a car wreck hoping to see something? People really feel alive when they are on the edge. I could go a lot more deeper in this subject matter, but I need to write a paper for school.