Managing Stress, Depression whatever...


mors ante servitium
Registered Senior Member
At times, like most people, I can feel a little under the weather. Not because of a physical ailment but rather because of mounting stress - which ultimately leads to depression (for me anyhow).

I have found exercise to be the best cure for the blues...

What sorts of things do you do??
I have a stressful job and a few months ago I even took a month or so off from SciForums just to try to relax.

I have found that yoga and massage worked best for me. Reading a good book was also relaxing. I like to play video games, but they are essentially competetive, so they can still be "stressful" (in a fun way).
Your absolutely right about physical exercise as being one of the best forms of stress relief.
Meditation. (Focus) Closing my eyes, sitting comfortably and focusing upon my own breath works pretty much instantly.
Laughing, watching Family Guy, Simpsons, or Futurama works wonders for me:D

Learning new ideas for changing your states.
Personal growth material.

Making a single promise to yourself and keeping it NO MATTER WHAT! however small it may be.

Learn a new word and use it.
Notice something unique. A new taste, go somewhere you have never been, do something you;ve never done.

Ask yourself a new question.
What is the smallest action I can take Right now to improve the quality of my life and maybe even enjoy the process?

Learn to consciously relax your body, one part at a time.

Improve and clean up your diet, cut out sugar and caffiene.

Realize that stress is what makes us grow.
Without pressure, Clark Kent was pretty boring, it was only when he was under pressure that he becomes Superman.

Or just fucking deal with it!!!!!
I enjoy swimming, listening to classical music, reading and walking on the beach. ( just walking anywhere is fine that doesn't have traffic) Simply siting down in my home and becoming relaxed doing absolutly nothing is another thing I do. Just watching nature and enjoying kids playing in a park is also nice.:)
I crank up my cd player and take out my water colours and paint. Other ways to avoid stress or to destress I go for a swim at the beach, I read, have a nap, go for a drive, visit some of the local galleries, call friends, etc.

But I must say that one of the best ways of destressing is painting or sketching, and the music and paints just blank out the outside world and it's my way of escape. People can walk into the room and talk to me and I won't even hear it. Each brush stroke is like a part of my stress disappearing on that paper. It's bliss for me:D. Just like swimming, when you dive into that water, under a wave, you feel all just slip or melt away and then catching that wave and body surfing back to the beach... ahhh wonderful!!

Originally posted by fireguy_31
At times, like most people, I can feel a little under the weather. Not because of a physical ailment but rather because of mounting stress - which ultimately leads to depression (for me anyhow).
I have found exercise to be the best cure for the blues...
What sorts of things do you do??
I like to drink herbal tea,
such as pepermint,guaranteed to make you relax.
avoiding caffeine helps too,it just makes me hyper.
exercise/pumping iron is great too,but I get plenty at work already.
I guess pumping iron is great when your mind./brain is tired and
mind workout helps when you are physicaly beat.
* listen to Nirvana really really loud.
* talk to someone close who won't get tired of your bitching about your miserable life
* do drugs
* exercise (cardio) until you can't move
* read some book
So many good suggestions here!

General stress I manage with crossword puzzles, time with my animals, smoking dope and masturbation. If I'm feeling really overwhelmed, taking some time to totally indulge myself helps a lot. I'll take a super long shower and really pay attention to how great the water feels and how slippery the soap is...whee! Then I'll take a nap and wake up to some chocolate and a bowl, maybe watch a movie I like. It works wonders!

I have a friend who advocates the two-fold path for coping with most difficulties:
1) Suck it up
2) Stop being a baby

Some days that's surprisingly effective :)
honey! welcome!
it is sop to post pic
have you?
perhaps in the instances you relieve "general stress"?

thanks from your friendly neighborhood spook:)
Why goodness gracious, you'll turn a girl's head with lines like that!

Mm hm ;)

I thank you for the welcome, nonetheless :)
dance, clean, spiritual building.

if all esle fails, a pack of smokes and south park reruns cures everything else. :)
Believe it or not, I simply made the decision that I don't want stress in my life anymore and it went away.

I had to hit rock-bottom before making that decision, however.

For years I was classic Type-A.

Working 60+ hours a week in a stressful job (stressful by choice, to keep from being bored)...
Racing my car at speeds over 130 MPH...
(Out-running the cops when they saw me :D)
Purposely putting myself in the way of danger. I remember one time being chased through the streets of NYC in my car at high speeds by a guy with a gun, and I LOVED it!
I lost my driver's license in three states (and kept getting caught driving when the out-running failed).
I stole cars and things for a while in my teens.
Joined the Army for a little while.
I did whatever I could to get the adrenaline rush of putting myself in difficult situations and pushing my limits.

Mounting depression in conjunction with this led me to a sort of mini nervous break-down.
I laid in bed for a week, not sleeping (though not exactly awake, either) and didn't have the will or strength to get out at all.
I didn't eat, or go to the bathroom the whole time.
I spent about a year or two figting the urge to kill myself every day.

Cleaning up the mess of my life after straightening my head up was the most stressful of it all :).
$30,000 in lawyer fees and fines.
A police record.
Mounting debt.
Difficulty finding a job.
Living in my mother's damp unfinished basement.
Girlfriend trouble after girlfriend trouble.
I was going nuts and getting nowhere!

I decided that the whole stress thing wasn't for me anymore.
So one day, I just decided that I wasn't going to stress over anything anymore.
It was really as simple as that.
I just thought to myself, "It's not worth it. Stressing over it doesn't make it better. The situation stays the same, and my capacity to deal with it is diminished so the stress just feeds itself and gets worse. I don't feel any better. My life will never recover. Life is simply passing me by because I don't have the time, energy, patience or even the inclination to enjoy all the simple important things in life because I was focusing on all the meaningless bullshit."
So I spent some time evaluating what truly was and was not important to me in life.
I focused some intensive introspection and re-evaluation of everything I ever valued and believed about life.
Everything else is really not important at all and not worth worrying over.

Through this process I also realized that the things that truly were important were also not worth worrying over either.
If I can't change it, dwelling on it just makes me suffer more. Instead, I focus on what my options are to deal with the situation and focus on that.
If I can change it, worrying (like I said earlier) simply diminshed my capacity to effectively and productively deal with the situation at hand and only serves to make it worse.

Now, I just don't worry anymore.
Not that I am always happy.
Not at all.
I still have a very dark and cynical side.
I just don't want stress, so I don't accept it.
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What ususally helps for me is to:
-play with my dogs, and bird
-punch something

Finnishing homework early is alwayse a big stress reliever