Man suddenly vaporizes? True story or not?


Did this really happen...? Paranormal?

I cannot find this in the News?
This guy said he thought this 'phenomina' was a non-mystery, then he saw a Documentary, then came up with no explaination. He said not all cases have been explained and this is one of them.

''This show had access to a scene of a recent incident at the time (circa 1984) because the family wanted other scientists to take the matter seriously and proffer theories. To avoid wasting time, they showed the results of all the tests that had been run and showed all the factors that had been considered, and the results of simulations they had conducted to try to replicate the incident.
All of this is based on my recollection of that TV show that I saw one time back when it first aired.
Anyway, the victim was somehow associated with an industrial lab and research company that done work for NASA, JPL, and the military. The company donated the use of its laboratories and its scientists to conduct its tests and interpret the results and also paid for a local university to run independent analyses on samples. They were on the case immediately and they convinced local CSI to work with them–which they did because they saw the scene and the knew that they didn’t have the resources of the company and university labs. The CSI conducted it’s own collection first–they just let the company’s scientists observe.

The Scene–
The wood paneled study of an upper-end home. The homeowner in his sixties was sitting in an overstuffed fabric covered chair reading a book–about five feet from a fireplace that was not being used at the time. What made this case different than others was that there was another person on the scene–a maid in her forties in excellent health. She brought a cup of tea to the man and closed the study’s door and was walking down the corridor back to the kitchen when the smoke alarm in the room went off. She returned immediately. They ran tests with a stopwatch indicating that the trip, on average, took 15 seconds to the kitchen and 7 seconds to return at her increased speed. So whatever happened did so in less than a minute total elapsed time. When she entered the room, the man was already incinerated in the chair and there was only some residual smoke present–no flames. There was a two-dimensional silhouette of his form burnt into the chair and two marks burnt into the wood floor where his feet were resting in the form of shoeprints. Nothing else in the room was burnt or disturbed. She did not smell any chemical-type odors.

There was no radiation, no accelarant whatsoever.

“instant” carbonization that prevented the spread.''

That was copy-pasted from some guy. Nothing was sourced and I couldn't find anything similar, but he sounds believable?
There is more to the context that was copy-pasted, about 3 more paragraphs, similar to the first. Extra paragraphs about Simulations, Testing, Format, pretty much getting rid of any rational explaination. If you search using the first paragraph, the original post should be on that website. It was about an irish man burnt by a fireplace, or something, and apparently it was paranormal his post didn't have much to do with the irishman's case, but another one. His last sentence was 'What happened here?'

I'd just like other people's opinions on this...thanks.
If something is para- or super-natural, then by definition it cannot affect the natural world without becoming natural itself. It's just a catch phrase to make it seem special.

As for the event itself...extra-ordinary claims require extra-ordinary evidence. If you said that a spark had ignited a rug, and had burned a hole before it could have been put out, that's not "extra"-ordinary. Plenty of people have seen that happen, so you can go by just that story and reasonably believe that it at least could have happened.

But what you describe is something that just doesn't happen enough (or at all) to give it a waiver of just someone's retelling of the event. You need more evidence, a lot more, to begin to suggest that it's more than just a story.

An example: You have several stories. One says that the person saw a large metal object with wings fly high over the city. Another says they saw the same thing, but it was very low, right above the buildings. The third says they saw it, but it was glowing and had no wings. And the last says they saw it stop, hover over a crowd, and beam some people aboard.

The first story is commonplace to us, we see planes high in the sky all the time, so you can believe them without question. They might be making it up, but it's reasonable to believe them because we've seen it before. The second is a bit more improbable. Yes, it's quite possible, but it's unusual, and you'd expect to see other signs to verify the unusual occurrence, like on the news or the local authorities. The third and fourth get into the realm of requiring even more independent evidence to consider them.
Moderator note: Cloudrunner is a sock puppet of a previously-banned user. He has also been banned.
yes, it happens all the time.

soak a bag of trash to about 90% water saturation, sit back and watch.
pretty soon that water logged bag will burst into flames.

I keep trying but can't seem to get it to work.
noone answered the question...
is it true or not? did that event up there really happen?

The event is quite possible. Whether this particular story is true or not I don't know.
People have tried to prove spontaneous human combustion is nothing more than the wick effect, high temp slow burning, but this one was apparently instant.
This kind of thing and other effects have happened to American soldiers on the Philadelphia experiment.
So this victim was temperarily exposed to either that technology or a slip in nature, which usually only occurs in twelve main global locations, six in either hemisphere at approx 30 degrees north and south.
Gerhard Kemmerer:

The event is quite possible.

How do you explain it?

People have tried to prove spontaneous human combustion is nothing more than the wick effect, high temp slow burning, but this one was apparently instant.

If the report can be believed.

This kind of thing and other effects have happened to American soldiers on the Philadelphia experiment.

Wasn't that a movie? i.e. fiction.

So this victim was temperarily exposed to either that technology or a slip in nature, which usually only occurs in twelve main global locations, six in either hemisphere at approx 30 degrees north and south.

This sounds like pure pseudoscience. Got any references?

Got me wondering about Clouds other posts

Got me wondering about you and just how gullible you might be.

Do you also believe in Ghosts? UFOs? Atlantic? Crystal power? Cold fusion? Psychic powers? All of the above?
Gerhard Kemmerer:sounds like pure pseudoscience. Got any references?

Do you also believe in Ghosts? UFOs? Atlantic? Crystal power? Cold fusion? Psychic powers? All of the above?

It would not help to give you short answers, unless you make yourself familiar with my other posts on different subjects, where I have left the keys to unlock this yourself.

It is impossible for you to grasp otherwise.