Man mates Machine

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The whole android concept is a novelty. Other than as a plot device for sci-fi, why would we want robots to emulate human form? Human thinking, sure. That's useful. But why put a thinking robot brain into a body that only poorly emulates a human? Why not put it into a body that is capable of greater flexibility, something more modular perhaps?
yes, I know that site,...but the first pleasure-bot needs to be born!
Don't you think so?
Oh, well, the pleasure-bot. Yes, of course. What was I thinking?
I think, this WILL be one of the first applications for androïds: the sex bussiness. They have the market, the money and the costumers.

It's an ideal situation for commercialising robots, and definetely better than a vacuum bot,...

That's the whole point, isn't it? To make droïds look like us,...Not TOO real, but real enough!

I bet some people would pay BIG bucks to play with a toy like that,...!:)

Hehehehe But $7500 a piece is still too much,...they should lower the price by promoting it trough prostitution,...

think of it: no more woman abuse, no more human humiliation, no more trading in woman, ect, ect,...

it would work wouldn't it?
Fukushi said:
it would work wouldn't it?

Only for some.. Many are getting a lot more from sex when knowing that they are not only receiving, but also giving (usually pleasant) feelings.
hmm... ap lesure bot that would be nice ( as long as you could buy it at any age you know what i mean? ;)
I've got this from Wikipedia:
Men as a group employ fewer masturbation techniques than women. These too are influenced by a number of factors and personal preferences. The most common method of masturbating among males is to hold the penis with a loose fist and move the hand up and down the shaft until orgasm is achieved.

So actually it's not more then fair, that we get 'our' toys to play with :)
Isn't it nice then to have some more alternatives,...because the planet is indeed FULL of woman,... but often the're not WILLING enough to participate in 'just' your sexplay. because they say they want to be loved too,...and when you love them, they piss on you and leave you,....and when they say they just want sex: next thing you know is: "I can't be with you anymore, I've got a boyfriend now!"

So in good fashion, we treat woman like shit, and like a toy, and we even make DOLLS in their likeness. And They (the Dolls nor the real life girls) DON'T complain, and a plus too: the dolls can't NAG: "I've got a headache" :p

True or not?

And these dolls can fake it too, maby even better then real woman: because you didn't think that ALL woman enjoy sex equally? well: a sex droïd just might. So as for knowing to GIVE pleassure, problem.
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