Malignant Skin Cancer?


SF's Incontestable Pimp
Valued Senior Member
Alot of the older heads here may remember me, anyways, the other day I realized I had a small bump or swelling on the right side of my neck. It's painless and there's only one. I don't really know of any infections and I fear the bump may be assosiated with some form of skin cancer.

This is a bad picture of the small, painless bump on the right side of my neck.

This is a picture of a dark spreading on my right armpit, there is alot of hair in the dark spots.

As you guys can see from my myspace ( im your average seventeen year old teenager and it would suck if I really did have a form of skin cancer or something. I am going to go to a doctor sometime this week but I was just worried about it and I woulden't mind knowing more about it or what others think it may be.

Thanks, peace.
inflated lymph nodes are quite common. ESPECIALLY on the neck area.

I would be more concerned about the armpit.
Please see your doctor for no one here can determine what you have going on, only guess.
The 5-year survival rate for malignant skin cancer is incredibly high, 98%. And you know how statistics are derived, that figure includes the bozos who waited too long for treatment or went to the quack that their looney Aunt Beatrice recommended.

If that still sounds scary, stop for a moment and realize that the 5-year survival rate for the general population of your age isn't too much higher than that.

I assume that since you're together enough to be one of our elite group, that you're sane and sensible. Therefore you're probably not going to worry about two of the three leading causes of death among teenagers: suicide and homicide.

But you're probably still more likely to die in an auto accident than you are of melanoma, especially considering that you don't actually know that you've even got it.

So buckle your seat belt, never drive after having even one drink, don't carry crazy, distracting passengers, obey the speed laws, and don't ride with anybody who doesn't follow those rules himself or herself. Then leave the medical prognostications to your doctor. As others have suggested, it's very likely something else that you've got.

One of the wisest things I've ever heard was on a soap opera:

You don't have to bother preparing for bad news. If it comes, it takes all the room it needs.
when you prod around the lump does it move? can you squeeze it around, or it it dead still. it it is dead still and wont move then id suggest seeing a doctor, but what is the problem with ouyr armpit, i dont see tho problem.