Males, what do you do during her period?


Registered Senior Member
She won't even try intercourse, although I'd be willing to do it. I've heard just a good towel underneath that area works fine. Does it?

I wish she would just take those things that stop the period alltogether. Only thing good about a period is the sex is awesome after a break.
What is 69? Well, you know what it is.

What is 6.9?
69 with a period in the middle
"thoise things that stop it all together"?? -laughs-

you mean the form of birth control? that also causes exessive weight gain.. which takes care of the desire problem. lol

as for the towel idea.. um.. ever considered just doing it in the shower?
What do i do during her period? Lug around an exclamation mark. :D

Try masturbating. And if you feel too ashamed to jack off, then have her masturbate you or go oral if she will.
Fen ...

Better than a towel - available at any medical supply source -
chucks (absorbant material backed by a plastic sheet).

Take care ;)
but the bible says sex during menstruation is a sin, so just don't do it! SHAME!

actually this thread did kind of gross me out, but to each their own!
yeah dude, chill its like a few days or something!!!.... a girl needs that time to take a break from it! sheesh.!

i used 2 go out with a girl who used 2 always ahv a period. it was weird. its like the only time she would want 2 get together or sleep over was during her blood cycle. coincidence?
That must be some major blood loss, if it lasts for two weeks. I'm sure some medical help is available to shorten the period.

Cool skill it sounds like she doesn't want to have sex with you, and uses her period as an excuse. Maybe only visits you when she got it, so that she knows that she has a valid reason to say no, if she feels you are pressuring her to do something she doesn't want to do.

Otherwise I agree with agent 5. :)
69 with a period in the middle :D

I prefer a 68..... You do me and I'll owe ya one :D
Nightfall see a doc, they will probably put you on the pill but at least it will stop the problem. My sister was geting hers every 14 days which is really bad to, i am not sure if she solved the problem but i haven't herd anything more so i hope she did

well anyway my friend's GF is on the pill and she (and him to oviously) choses to have sex during her period. that is the only time he uses a condom. Another girl i know said she doesn't even like to touch herself then
its up to you and her i gess
Hey, if you have a fat babe, I'm sure there are other places you can stick it. Roll out the barrel......
Nope. Played for a few hours at a friends and got bored. Decided not to get it until it costs $15.:(
Originally posted by nightfall

nono. for some unlucky gals its up to two week

Yep, see a gynaecologist. No way should it happen that often.

My wifes niece had a similar problem. They sorted it out.