Male hairdressers banned from women's salons in Gaza

There's this big universe were in. There may be others unseen. Along with that people say is a spiritual dimension where all the unproven entities cavort. Who knows what else is out there? A pretty big area with a lot of problems for one deity to deal with. I'm not sure where 'viewing female hair' sits on the list of priorities but if I were God I take my thumb and squash out of existence any asshole who thinks I have nothing better to do than worry about it. How small do you have to be to think this is important? Imagine believing your God thinks non-hair viewing is worth keeping a universe intact for? In-fucking-credible!
so making jokes about Palestinians is James R. in sight.

meanwhile anyone squeeks about the Jews and genocide in Gaza...oh its on.
can you imagine the out cry if someone were to mock a jewish decision because of their faith. once again the bigotry against Islam is shown by posters here and condoned by the moderation.
Gaza's male hairdressers: Time to cut and run?
"Maybe I will emigrate to Somalia or Afghanistan," says hairdresser Adnan Barakat with a wry smile. "There's no life for me in Gaza." Mr Barakat is one of only five or six male hairdressers in the Gaza Strip who cut women's hair. He has been serving female clients at his small salon in Gaza City for more than 25 years. But he worries Hamas's new policy banning men from cutting women's hair could put an end to that. "If they come and shut me down, I will just be left to sit at home and watch TV like all the other unemployed people with no life," he says. Unemployment is about 40% in the blockaded Gaza Strip, according to the United Nations.

Hatem al-Ghoul does not know who attacked his salon with small bombs - twice.