Making Stuff FLoat

Closet Philosopher

Off to Laurentian University
Registered Senior Member
I always heard about how people can make stuff float in mid air. Like how people can concentrate on an object and make it fall off a table with mind power.

a) Is this even possible. Well, I guess anything is, but has any one heard of this?

b) It sounds really cool, I want to do it, BUT HOW?
It's complete BS - I would think that anyone with that ability would have claimed the million bucks from Randi by now.
(Q) said:
It's complete BS - I would think that anyone with that ability would have claimed the million bucks from Randi by now.

James "Not so Amazing Randi" has rigged the test. He knows that psi is real--in fact, it is so real that he subconsciously uses it to make tests fail. If somebody tries to levitate something in front of him, he uses his mind powers to shove it back down. This is not only unfair, but it leaves the applicant thinking "maybe I don't have powers after all."
Heres how you make stuff float.
1. Find thin fishing line. ( clear kind )
2. Attack to object.
3. String line through pulley so you can hold it.
4. Pull and amaze your friends.
James "Not so Amazing Randi" has rigged the test. He knows that psi is real--in fact, it is so real that he subconsciously uses it to make tests fail

That is just rediculous. If these people truly think they can move objects with they're mind then why are they depedant on someone who riggs the test? Nothing is stopping them from taking another more reliable test. And I seriously doubt he's subconciously altering his tests, if this were so even he wouldn't know that he was changing the tests. How would you?

Randi must have amazing ming power strength then? Are you saying he can stop a person from using their powers even when Randi is in another country or on a different continent when the person is doing the test?

James R said:

Randi must have amazing ming power strength then? Are you saying he can stop a person from using their powers even when Randi is in another country or on a different continent when the person is doing the test?


He employs a local minion to do the job, such as Michael Shermer, Martin Gardner, or Joe Nickell.
Ah! A conspiracy to suppress Psi powers.

Why is it that the same people who believe in Psi almost always also believe in UFOs, crystal power, the Celestine Prophecy, the Bible Code, and a conspiratorial government?
Because they are gullible fools who will most likely commit suicide in the next year or 2 since they find their life extremly boring :)
James R said:
Ah! A conspiracy to suppress Psi powers.

Why is it that the same people who believe in Psi almost always also believe in UFOs, crystal power, the Celestine Prophecy, the Bible Code, and a conspiratorial government?

First of all, I don't believe in those things. Second, you're building a strawman, and a faulty one at that: there are plenty of people who believe in psi, and not the other things mentioned. Third, your point has nothing to do with this discussion.
Votorx said:
Who are these people?

Anyways answer my question ERK, im interested in your reply.

Sigh. Try

As for your question:

Votorx said:
That is just rediculous. If these people truly think they can move objects with they're mind then why are they depedant on someone who riggs the test? Nothing is stopping them from taking another more reliable test. And I seriously doubt he's subconciously altering his tests, if this were so even he wouldn't know that he was changing the tests. How would you?

Huh? They aren't dependent on anyone. Which more reliable test are you talking about? I thought we were discussing, in particular, the Randi test.

How would I know? Well, it seems extremely suspicious that these people can perform all of these amazing things when people aren't criticizing them, yet when a member of the evil-skeptic-conspiracy shows up and introduces their "controls", their powers fail. Extremely suspicious indeed. Suspicious of the skeptics, of course. They must be interfering.

Besides, people with real powers don't want that filthy skeptic-energy-infused money anyway. It's probably cursed with aura-dissipating, chakra-displacing, bioenergy-destroying, morphic field-mutilating curse demonic energy.
It's probably cursed with aura-dissipating, chakra-displacing, bioenergy-destroying, morphic field-mutilating curse demonic energy.

OF COURSE! What was I thinking? These highly educated, respected and wellknown scientist much be cursing the money with unproved impossible aura-dissipating, chkra-displacing, bioenergy-destroying, morphic field-mutilating curse demonic energy.

Which more reliable test are you talking about?

Get a can, place it on the floor have a few well known trustworthy scientists watch and make it float. Allow the scientists to examine the can and allow them to come to the conclusion that its not a scam. Why would you depend on the Randi test if its common knowledge that its a hoax (unless of course it isn't). Especially since Randi is using his supernatural mind power to cancel out your psi energy right?

Well, it seems extremely suspicious that these people can perform all of these amazing things when people aren't criticizing them, yet when a member of the evil-skeptic-conspiracy shows up and introduces their "controls", their powers fail. Extremely suspicious indeed.

Yeah...especially when the audience is full of gullible paranormal believing fools...I guess they just can't rise up to the pressure...