Makes you think..


Registered Member
In many an arguement about religion, I've come down to one simple point..

Thiest: "God exists"
Atheist: "Prove it."

Inevitably, the 'Proof' is something about how you can look around you, see the world for the complex thing it is and how can it POSSIBLY have been the work of random chance (If they're big on creationism\evolution) or, possibly, something will be said about how "faith" is the only proof you need.

The thing is, there's more than one religion, there are a LOT more than one religion, and a great many of them have contradictory doctrines.. Since essentially all of them have the same "proof" for their validity, each of them is, in theory, equally valid.

Given that, and the fact that many say every other religion is wrong (and since the religion is valid, we're going on faith everything they say is truth, then every religion is incorrect), why is anyone supposed to believe that ANY religion is correct?
This is because most members of the population of the world are born under certain conditions and thereby indoctrinated with specific ideologies at early ages, consequently causing them to adhere to their religions vehemently and viciously for the remainder of their lives.

It's all a crucial foible in human design; we are born with the urge to live, to survive as long as we can. Religion is a delightful fallacy which permits an individual to fancy themselves as living forever, thus fulfilling this bestial instinct.

People are too pig-headed, too thick-skulled.

They just aren't willing to accede that they'll one day disappear utterly and be forgotten by everyone, and that the terrible, unyielding cosmos will continue without them, forever and ever and ever.

Religion is the stumbling-block of the weak of mind and the fearful of death.
Precisely. I find myself forever drawn into arguments with theists who start off assuming God exists and thus base everything they say on that "fact". What I'd wish for is a theist who was willing to debate in an open manner where nothing was assumed to be true until proven so.
You're asking the impossible, Siddartha, even if you can perform miracles as your namesake may once have.
No matter how viable or cogent or substantial the arguments against religion are, no matter how scathing, remorseless, and caustic our reproofs and criticisms are, no matter our bizarre and blasphemous logic, people must cling to the hope of life, the hope of survival.

Religions, wherever they exist, provide the ultimate relief, the final solace, the absolute best "life-saver" that can be proffered to fickle and frail humans worldover.

Their fears and vexations simply must be assuaged; they MUST believe that they will live forever.
It is beyond common human abilty to look into the awful, sordid nihility of death and accept it.

Religion allows people to blind themselves from the horrible, ungodly reality.

It is only a stumbling-block when seen in our eyes, but it is a blessing to the common man.
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