make a sentence out of religious words


Atheism:is non-prophet making
Valued Senior Member
some to go on with

Jesus: Just Existing Seems Unlikely Sadly.

Mohammad: Mouldy Old Hermit And Minor Molestor Also Dammit.

Baptism: Boring and Pointless Theatre Invoking Silly Myths.

moses: man orating superstitious erroneous shit

lord: let other religions die

pope: person of posed errancy
geeser said:
some to go on with

Jesus: Just Existing Seems Unlikely Sadly.

Mohammad: Mouldy Old Hermit And Minor Molestor Also Dammit.

Baptism: Boring and Pointless Theatre Invoking Silly Myths.

moses: man orating superstitious erroneous shit

lord: let other religions die

pope: person of posed errancy

M*W: Here goes:

Jesus: Just Eat Something Undesirable, Sicko!

Mohammad: Mother Of Hell And Mad Man Are Destroyed!

Baptism: Becoming A Priest Today Is Still Masquerading!

Moses: Multitudes Of Sinners Emigrated Sinai!

Lord: Let Our Rituals Die!

Pope: Physical Observation Precludes Evolution!
Okay, I had to reach a little for this one...

Atheist: Accepts Truisms, Heave-hos Everything Involving Spiritual Tripe
Baptism: Boring Ass Pacifists Trinken Idiotic Shit Methodically.
M*W: Says:

Bible: Bumbling Idiots Believe Lost Enigmas.

Atheist: A Theist Has Ever Incite So Traumatic.

Jesus: Jesus Evolves Surrepticially Under Semitism

Abraham: A Bad Reality Accumulates Hatred And Misogyny

Peter: Please Eradicate Truth Entirely Reasonable

God: Go On Delusional
god:God ordains delusion

paul: purely asinine uneducated lies

job: jesus out bibled

mark: man actuating real kenotism

luke: lets understand killing errancy
Pagan: Promoting Ancient Gobbledygook All Naked

Wicca: Weird, Inane, Crazy Crackpot Activities

(Hey, why just pick on Christians?)
Oxygen said:
(Hey, why just pick on Christians?)
Because the other religs ain't as harmful or detrimental to society. Christiany preaches peacefulness, yet its followers commit atrocities.

Pagans, mostly, just try to live thier lives. Ever the Vikings, with thier warlike nature, mostly just raided and traded. They didn't try to conquer all and spread thier religion while obliterating other ones.
Amen.....All meaning ends now
Grace.... God's religion attracts crazy enemies
Holy...... Horny organist loves youngsters
Divine.... Doctrine involving Vatican is never easy
Mecca... Mohammed enjoys cartoon characterizing aggression
Hapsburg They raped, pillaged, plundered, enslaved, screwed children as well as adults, murdered innocent infants, just like the Crusaders, the Muslims, and others Just because they aren't Christian doesn't make them innocent. Besides, you never saw "Viking Charities" feeding the hungry or sheltering the homeless, although I bet the YMVA (Young Men's Viking Association) would have a lot more than a basketball court and a swimming pool for it's members.:)

In the interest of fairness, let's nail 'em all.
Oxygen said:
Hapsburg They raped, pillaged, plundered, enslaved, screwed children as well as adults, murdered innocent infants, just like the Crusaders, the Muslims, and others Just because they aren't Christian doesn't make them innocent. Besides, you never saw "Viking Charities" feeding the hungry or sheltering the homeless, although I bet the YMVA (Young Men's Viking Association) would have a lot more than a basketball court and a swimming pool for it's members.
Good point.
Still, though, thier theology didn't preach peace while thier followers engaged in war. Vikings and Saxons followed thier religions exactly how they were supposed to: slaughter and raid for the glory of Wotan.
However, christians, muslims, etc. were hypocritical, preaching peace and understanding while at the same time systematically obliterating ethnic groups and peoples of all kinds.
Hipocracy is worse than barbarianism.
There are plenty of followers of Christianity who remain true to the basic principles of peace, love and tolerance, but they don't make for good TV. By the same token, it disgusts me to see some of the current self-proclaimed followers of ancient pagan religions, particularly that of Wotan, make the claim that the original intent was a "symbolic war", and that the legends of slaughter and bloodshed is simply misinterpretted tales of old rituals.

The modern followers of most religions, I'd say, have twisted the original beliefs of those religions to be what they want it to be, which is pretty much how it has been for ages. Makes me wonder how can one have faith in anything so malleable as religion?