Magnetic Field and Magick


Registered Member
Hello.. this is my first post here, and it was this thought that made me search for an appropriate place to post this.

I had read a news item a few days ago that talked about the Earth's magnetic field and how it has been fading for the past few thousand years and looks to be setting up for a reversal. There are many writings on the practice of Magick (the real stuff, not rabbits from hats) in the distant past, and even the Bible confirms the practice of real magick. I'm thinking about the Egyptians facing Moses, and even though Moses' was more powerful the Egyptians could perform magick. This is if you take the Bible as truth. Well, here is my main point.. It seems that magick has been on the decline, and these days you would be pretty hard pressed to find someone who could turn a staff into a snake without it being an illusion. It seems there might be a relation in the decline of the magnetic field and the decline of magickal ability. I have never practiced magick, but have read a bit on the subject. If it is a natural ability of some individuals the field could be the key to turning it on. If the magnetic field was much stronger thousands of years ago who knows what else could be different in the world. I had also read a theory that increased iron in the blood increased the chances for telekenitic ability. This also could point to the field and increasing iron levels might in some way compensate for the weakened field. I've also been looking into the Schumann Resonance Frequency, which is supposed to be the natural "heartbeat" of the Earth at 7.82hz. My next thought was to make pulsed electromagnet with a frequency of 7.82Hz, but as I said these were just thoughts that came in the last day or so. So here I am asking about this stuff, and hoping I haven't arrived at the party too late. I didn't see a search utility for the forum, so I'm not sure if this was covered earlier. Anyway, I hope these thoughts aren't too wierd.. at least for a first post :)
Well you posted in the right segment of the overall forums for weird posts. Don't let any of the people that will probably respond get your down about your ideas, although I can't say there is any truth in any of them.

Alot of people think that all the events depicted as magical involved supernatural manifestations however it's more than likely clever usage of illusions and hoaxes to generate the appearance of magic.

The Egyptians were known to have played with magnet's, and even had conjurers use them in tricks. Although the actually knowledge of magnets was said to have come from the greeks, as one day a greek was walking across magnetite rock, and found his sandles became stuck to them. On closer inspection it revealed that what was attracted to the rock was the Tacs(nails) in his sandles.

I can't find the reference material on the instance of a fortification that used giant magnetite doors at the entrance. It was said the defense was impenetrable, as anyone trying to pass the doors with weapons would find they would stick to them.
However there was one draw back of the doors, they couldn't be shut, as if they were shut they wouldn't be able to open them again because of the polarisation (They would have been so strongly attracted to each other they wouldn't allow anyone to open them).

One last aspect is that the magnetic poles do shift, you will notice this since magnetic north alters slightly each year.

The main reason for this is due to the molten magma in the earths cores and their altering polerisation from the overall tilt of the planets axis as it rotates around the sun. The movement of the magnetic pole from this also interacts with the crust tactonic plates around the earths surface which have a "set" Polarisation, which means as the pole deviates further and further from the position the crust set at, the plates move in conjunction with it.

This is what causes some of the earthquakes on the planet and even odd weather conditions.
Magic = unknown technology

If you think I am doing magic, then it's most likely you are not aware of the technology I am using.
If that magic magnet you build works, let me know. I could use me some magic. ok ok ill spell it pretty for you one time. Majick. See, I gave it the special K and changed the g to a j, that means I really mean it. But seriously, if you make yourself a magic magnet I could use one too. Do you accept pay pal?
Magic is Magic. Aleister Crowley gave his type of "magic" a K to spell "Magick" for the type of "magic" that his sect performed kind of a calling card.