madrassa's are they a suicide bombers conveyor belt?


Sir Vincent, knighted by HM
Registered Senior Member

Scores detained in Pakistan raids

Islamabad students outside their seminary after a raid

Police in Pakistan have detained about 200 suspected Islamist extremists in a series of raids on religious schools, mosques and other properties.

The suspects are being questioned about any links they might have with militant groups or with the London bombers.

3 of the uk suicide bombers went to pakistan in 2004 to visit mad-asses in pakistan

There are 10,000 mad-asses in pakistan, the government there say they can not keep tabs
on what goes on in them all.

The bali bombers like the uk ones in pakistan visited mad-asses in indonesia

So the big question is are madrassa's a suicide bombers conveyor belt?

They remind me of a catholic sunday school gone mad
basically they sleep and eat relgon there, for the maincourse they are forcefed a non stop diet of the koran and for desert in some of the schools in pakistan they are told how to make bombs and kill westerners.

Is this about religous education or about how to hate humanity and other religons.
Communist Hamster
Revolutionary Rodent (600 posts)

Yesterday, 03:36 PM
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No, it's about you making hate threads against Islam.

No mr hamster

its about me longing to switch on the tv news for one day a year without hearing about islamic militants

Today 21st july 2005
bbc world news today rattles on about uk militants, pakistan mad-asses, while in saudia arabia bomb factory found, in the states bush makes a statement about terroist patriot bill, meanwhile back in iraq another day of suicide bombings

So you see 30 minutes of news 20 minutes taken up with islamic militants issues
this is not a hate thread this is a bored shitless of hearing of islamic nutters on my tv
get a life get, get a new religon, and learn thet religon is about peace not killing.

The battle for hearts and minds

Pressure On Muslims: The government wants them to feel British, fundamentalists insist they are not. Home Affairs Editor Neil Mackay reports.

TREVOR Phillips is drawing fire from all sections of the Muslim community. The extremists loathe him for trying to force them to be British, the liberal moderates are shocked that he has undermined the Holy Grail of multi-culturalism, others think he’s simply a sell out.

The Islamic Extremists

Anjem Choudary is the UK leader of al-Muhajiroun – the ultra-hardline Islamist movement that wants to see Britain turned into an Islamic state under Shari’a law. On Friday, Choudary’s followers were busy burning Union Jacks on the streets of London. Choudary says that Phillips’s call for Muslims to accept that they are British is a direct attack on Islam.

“He wants to force Muslims to become British,” Choudary says. “The idea that because you are born on a piece of land that you must have allegiance to a country or must behave in a certain manner is alien to Islam. What it says on your passport is irrelevant. The concept of Islam overrides everything else.”

Choudary says that a Muslim who gave allegiance to a country or a political ideology was a heretic, as only Allah should be served by true Muslims. “I’m a Muslim who just happens to live in Britain. I see the UK as a host nation.”

Although Choudary wants Britain to be an Islamic state, he says he’d leave the UK to live in any country which truly enacted Shari’a law. “We symbolically burned the Union flag in London to say we have no allegiance to the government or the police and to say that the war on terror is against all Muslims.”

The loony Choudary wants the uk turned into a Islamic state under Shari’a law

what is it with muslims that they bring there religon to a country and before you know they are trying to make it into a Islamic state

Imagine if you will like mr Choudary

i go to pakistan and burn the paki flags in the streets and make news statements that pakistan must convert to budhism my guess is i will be dead in 5 minutes

Yet these loonies burn uk flags on the streets in london take state benefits
do not work, do not want to work only undermine society hoping one day to control the country that is hate mr hamster
If it isn't about you making hate threads, then why have you made so many threads, all against Islam?
Communist Hamster
Revolutionary Rodent (601 posts)

Today, 06:37 AM
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If it isn't about you making hate threads, then why have you made so many threads, all against Islam?

Why because i dont see budhhists, catholics, hindis,christians or any other religon or cult going on a worlwide killing spree in the name of there religon

This year alone islamic suicide bombings in uk,pakistan,iraq,india,israel
the list is endless

then islamic bombings in Thailand,lebanon,iran,turkey
the list is endless

Islamic slayings in holland and lebanon

Please mr hamster enlighten me to another religon which is on another worlwide killing spree and i will run threads on them oh wise one

This is not about me hating islam

It is about islamic militants hating the world we live in and seem determined to bring it to a end, because there goals of a world converting to islam and living under Shari’a law will never be realised

These people can not and will not accept the world as it is

meteorites, climate change, rising water levels a shift in the atlantic conveyor belt are not mankinds biggest threat

Islamic militants are our biggest threat it is only a matter of time before these loonies get nukes then what wake up to reality mr hamster or you will be exterminated like vermin and the rest of us through these absolute insane islamic militants
The root cause is not Islam. These madrasas are funded by wahabi Saudi Arabia who happens to be a close buddy of US. Cut off the sources that are funding these madrasas, they would go out of business.
Re-searcher (2,055 posts)

Today, 08:24 AM
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The root cause is not Islam.

I beg to differ as long as muslims tolerate crazy imans and loony clerics
preaching negative things about the west islam and muslims are to blame

likewise if priests or monks started to preach hatred they are sacked

muslim imans or clerics are never sacked

Muslims are in complete denial over there attacks to this day they deny the sept 11 attacks and blame mossad israel intelligence for the attacks

and the uk bombings the iranian government blamed israel and mossad for it
even one of the suicide bombers wife in the uk said he was innocent

Laugh laugh what next the world is flat
Only a handful of people listen to the hate-preaching imams. Everyone else ignores them.

Christianity went on a killing spree (the crusades).
Communist Hamster
Revolutionary Rodent (604 posts)

Today, 03:08 PM
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Only a handful of people listen to the hate-preaching imams. Everyone else ignores them.

Christianity went on a killing spree (the crusades).

Ah the crusades again is that bc or ad or acdc

When in doubt a muslim or muslim wanabee will dust off the crusades book
to justify the actions of islamic militants today

How long must the west be held accountable for the crusades

we are talking about a time of men just descended from apes with brains too match

witch burning aswell

maybe the 3billion women in the world can be suicide bombers too
so they can pay men back for the shameful burning of 350,000 lady witches

mr hamster can you see your stupidness in your justification of islamic militants

Mr hamster why are there not 3 billion lady suicide bombers
why answer its called brains

They do not dust off history books and hold modern day men accountable for these witch burnings

So when is islam and muslims going to forget about the crusades answer never

simple in order to hate one needs many reasons
e.g. israel,religous freedom,the crusades

Mr hamster is there anymore prehistoric crimes against islam that you can dig up

I did hear a tale western cavemen were very anti muslim
is that just rumours Mr hamster or any truth in it

How about re-dusting thet old cruades book and see if there is anything in there about it
Communist Hamster
Revolutionary Rodent (607 posts)

Today, 06:58 PM
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vincent, see your stupidity in claiming every muslim is dangerous.

mr hamster i do not believe every muslim is dangerous when i see muslim children targeted in iraq i feel for them and have even cried for them

What i am saying is the majority of muslims are letting these loonies run there religon in the gutter and making islam the most hated religon in the world

There have been thousands of attacks against muslims in the uk since the attacks including one murder

Do muslims enjoy being despised and spit at on the street
if not they should all accept these crazy clerics and mad imans who preach only hatred
should be kicked out of there mosques in every country they preaching there hatred in secretly or openly