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Registered Senior Member
The Final War WILL happen in the Middle East

Reason; Oil and Religion

Who is going to win?

MAD is going to win unless it is stopped.

How will we stop MAD to win?

Let us know, please!

A friend - Paul
You do realize that MAD requires more than just one state nuking the other into oblivion, right?

No Middle Eastern power has nukes that can blow the world to smitherines.
are you well, I suggest you go see a doctor.
always look on the brightside, and even if you find that hard, you can always buff up the darkside and give it a bit of a sheen, then things will start to brighten up.
Hi geeser,

I agree, with a case of beer and a joint wearing rose colored glasses, things will look on the brightside, and if that doesn't do it, puff up another joint so the darkside gets a bit of a shine, then things will start to brighten up.

MAD would not win if everyone took your advise. Look how America reacted to 911?

A friend - Paul
Hi Prince_James,

You are correct in saying that, "No Middle Eastern power has nukes that can blow the world to smitherines."

But oil thirsty countries have these nukes you know, such as China who is friendly to Iran. Pakistan, Russia, Europe, India, Israel, and USA have nuclear weapons. Oh! what about North Korea and Iran? Also terrorist organizations will have nukes soon, such as suicide bombers.

Religion? > The Islamic World wants the Jews/Israel out of Middle East. Is Israel and USA going to let the The Islamic World achieve their goals.

Even only ONE modern nuke exploded in the Middle East, would cause a chain reaction that MAD will win if not stopped. The human population would panic including world leaders which will cause caos and a globle financial collaspe. Then what? Just look on brightside then MAD will not win.

If only Americans would have looked on the bright side, 911 would not have happened, right!?

A friend - Paul
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