

Feelings of unrequited lust seem equally as powerful an effect as staring Linda Blair's "Exorcist" straight in the eyes. The real life equivalent of which is the Devil.
Actually, the devil is as much fiction as the girl from the exorcist.

And lust is a perfectly natural and healthy adult experience, if not taken to extremes.

skeptic: Actually, the devil is as much fiction as the girl from the exorcist.

And lust is a perfectly natural and healthy adult experience, if not taken to extremes.
M*W: The devil is a creation of Christian fear. Evil is nothing more than negative energy anthropomorphized by Christianity.

Lust is desire gone mad. Lust implies the desire to selfishly take. Love implies the desire to generously give. Lust creates negative energy. Love creates positive energy.

The Self + Another = Love

The Self + Desire = Lust

Just my two pfennigs.
If you recall, the original sin is disobedience of god's will, not lust. To say that lust is evil would be contradictory to god's blessings and him telling the first people to reproduce.
It is the urge towards worldly, material things that is evil and connected with the Devil.
If the lust you feel is making you do things that you don't want to do, then you are a slave under sin.

If you have any feeling (lust is not the only feeling that can be exaggerated) that makes you do things that is wrong and you don't want to do, then you are a slave under sin.

My advice is to find balance. Free yourself from sinful desires.

Things we do wrong, makes us feel bad because it hurts our "inner self", just like pain is a indication that we have hurt our "outer self". When we burn, we draw away our hand. We should do that with sin also, can't fight fire with fire.
M*W, you saying that "Christians" created the devil is, in my opinion, not true. The devil, satan, lucifer, whatever was created in many different religions to symbolize evil. Overall though, even though i say that, i completely agree with you on the Christian thing lol ;)
Remember what Diogenes said -- "If a man could stave off hunger by rubbing his belly, no man would ever starve".

Can't you think of something you can rub.
I suspect that lust may be different from sex and that we can have one without the other. Sex is real. Lustful substitution isn't. It keeps down one's frame of mind and prevents enlightenment, which appears to be the goal of one living in a modern society. It draws the soul away from the Qualities of life.
suspect that lust may be different from sex and that we can have one without the other. Sex is real. Lustful substitution isn't. It keeps down one's frame of mind and prevents enlightenment, which appears to be the goal of one living in a modern society. It draws the soul away from the Qualities of life.

No. There is not a single solitary one iota of a difference between sex and lust... not if you are talking about enjoyable sex, anyway.

There is the sex of marriage, which is nothing more than a painful duty most of the time. Where lust fades from familiarity and indifference, nothing really substantial remains.

Why do you suppose the success of the pharmaceuticals like Viagra and the other hardening drugs. Men used to be able to come home and give the excuse to their wives that they were tired, or 'stressed out'. But now the wives are calling their husbands' bluff, and they are being strapped up with drug induced Lust so they can do what they would simply rather not.

I am an old man and what I remember is that no man ever needed the help of a drug to chase a pretty, young and NEW secretary around a desk.

LUST is sex, or, anyway, the only sex worth caring about.
Regarding lust, biblically speaking:

Galacians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

2 Peter 2:10 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Any reflections of the declaration of St. Paul, St. Peter and St. John?