lung capacity?


Registered Senior Member
i wasnt sure where to post this, but i was wondering if anyone could recomend any exercises to increase lung capacity and respitory efficiency that are non physical i.e. not like running etc but breath holding eaxercises or something?. thnx
Yes it is.....Just practise holding your breath again for a while and eventually it should get should get accustomed to it. Makes sense no??;)

I have heard people who live in the mountains have a great lung capacity because of the low air pressure they develop their lungs to take in more oxygen.:confused:
Theres nothing much we can do to increase the capacity. That's kinda part of your genetic code, in that your alveoli have a set max. I guess you could become more efficient with the oxygen you use, ie sleep in a hypobaric (?) chamber. Blowing up balloons might help to strengthen the lungs.

I think what you're talking about is the external intercostal muscles and diaphram which is seperate from the lungs really. If you want to fix em then physical activity is probably your only option. Swimming is great for that. If you have knee problems, then it's doubly good.
Originally posted by sargentlard
Yes it is.....Just practise holding your breath again for a while and eventually it should get should get accustomed to it. Makes sense no??;)

I have heard people who live in the mountains have a great lung capacity because of the low air pressure they develop their lungs to take in more oxygen.:confused:

its not the air pressure, its the amount of blood cells, a lack of oxygen makes your body produce more blood cells so you carry more oxygen with less or the same breathing. If you hold your breathe at high altitudes you can do double! =)

If you get really good at it you can slow your metabolic rate, requiring less oxygen.

I have also read of a Swami who claimed (supposedly this is true) that he could stop breathing completely.
He would somehow leave his (esophagus?) open (sorry it's been a long time since bio, and I can't remember the mechanics of aspiration) and allow the air to move freely in and out of his body and hos lungs would absorb oxygen at the rate they needed.
I can't say that this is definately true, but I have read that he had done this in front of witnesses.
I don’t think you can actually make your lungs bigger, but you can force your body to make more read blood cells (oxygen depravation, high altitudes sports) also yes many have trained there bodies to lower there metabolic rate, I think through a state of meditation as a result though your body is totally relaxed and its not exactly possible to do any activities. I my self use to be on the high school swim team and can recommend swimming for this kind of training.
Qi Gung is your friend.

also spelling Chi-Gung, Qi-Kung, Chi-Kun, Qi Gong. It is a practice, similar to Ti Chi, of learning how to generate and move energy around your body. Your body produces chemical and electrical energy, and your mind is capable of exerting some level of control over that creation.
A large portion of these techniques are breathing techniques, and will significantly increase your lung capasity and strength.

also, try swimming under water for long distances. the water pressure and the physical exersion while holding your breath will create some serious improvements.