Lucy Dies, the Last Seer of Fatima

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Lucy Dies, the Last Seer of Fatima

Back in 1917 in Portugal, a country then undergoing a very popular Socialist Secularist Revolution, mostly aimed at destroying every institution of the Catholic Church, there were three children: the oldest, a girl, 10 years old, the second a boy of nine, and the youngest a sweet little girl of eight. The oldest one was as plain as any peasant girl, and for her age, her wits were sharp. She was their Leader because of both her superior age and her superior capacity. Her name was Lucy.

First, in November of the preceding year, they had noticed the Prophet Elijah up overhead pointing them out, but to whom they did not then know. And then, not much later, the Angel Michael came to them and interrupted their play to give them a rigorous schedule of Prayers to be kept and penances to be observed. He would appear to them regularly offering criticisms where called for and encouragements where deserved. The Children were being prepared for the Ordeal that lay before them.

Then from May until October, once a month, on the Thirteenth of each Month, Our Lady the Blessed Virgin was to appear to the Children and tell them Prophecies and show them Visions. People would hear of it and they would come to the Field, and, progressively, each month see more and more of the action. In August several thousand people witnessed rose petals falling from the sky, melting just before settling on the ground, and… it seems like a psychedelic phenomena… everything shifted in color and the very air seemed violet or pinkish. But the Big Show would come on the last month, in October.

In October occurred the most Spectacular Miracle in all of Human History. After Our Lady appeared to the Children, bringing with Herself the entire Holy Family (Joseph with the Infant Jesus), Herself reappearing not in Her usual Fatima garb (a white gown trimmed in Gold) but in the habit of a Carmelite Nun (several years ago an Angel came to me and asked if I knew the significance of Our Lady’s preference for the Carmelite Habit. After a month scratching my head and furrowing my brows over dusty books and computer screens it occurred to me that the Carmelite Order was originally a Jewish Order discovered by the Crusaders… they had found the Carmelite Brothers worshipping at a Chapel on Mt. Carmel that they said had once been the room inhabited by the Blessed Virgin Herself, when She had fled Jerusalem to avoid the Persecutions of Paul. Catholic Crusaders begged to be admitted to this Jewish Order, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mother of the Messiah, and then after returning to Europe, after repeated Petitions to the Bishops and Popes, which succeeded only after an Apparition of Mary Herself appeared to the Pope, the Order was finally admitted into The Church and became the First Order to be at once Jewish and Catholic. Therefore it represents the First Instance of a Religious Cosmopolitanism – a True Universal All Inclusive and Catholic Church. When I had discerned so much, my Angels congratulated me, though they wondered that it had taken me so long to see it).

Anyway, after the Children’s Vision, Our Lady had signaled Lucy to signal to the People, for now they were to have their Vision. But first, let me set the scene. It had rained all night and all morning. The Weather Front had been large and serious enough to have virtually shut down the War, as no horse, men or machinery could move about in the mud so much rain had occasioned. People were chilled and damp. The ground was muddy and cars were stuck. Still 75,000 people had shown up… many of them skeptics who came to laugh and criticize. When Lucy gave her signal by pointing to the sky, the rain suddenly and abruptly stopped and the clouds scurried out of the sky, moving in all directions at once. Then transpired the Miracle of the Sun. Over 500 Square Miles people saw the Sun dance and gyrate in the sky. Some were terrified as the Sun seemed to crash toward the earth, becoming large enough to stretch from Horizon to Zenith, a collision seeming immanent! After twenty minutes of this, all went back to normal. Miraculously normal. Perhaps the most puzzling miracle of all was that all the rain and damp instantly dried up – no telltale steam to give the process away… it was simply noticed that where people had been standing ankle deep in water a moment before, they were now standing on bone-dry dust. The roads became solid, and people’s cloths were found to be inexplicably dry after having been soaked through all night and all morning. People’s eyes glazed over in wonder, and their mouths dropped open in amazement, particularly those of the Atheists and the Skeptics whose Belief Systems had the furthest to go in order to adjust to their New Reality.

It proved the end to the Socialist and Secular Revolution in Portugal. Our Lady would later appear again to Lucy and tell her that Portugal’s Conversion would be lasting, and while few Nations would stay Loyal to Her until the End of Time, Portugal would be one of them (I’m betting Ireland will also stay Loyal).

Within just a few years, the Flu Epidemic of 1918-19 would take the lives of the other two children, but Lucy would survive to become a Nun. Our Lady would appear to Lucy often and Lucy would prophesize the rise of Communist Russia, and also of World War II. Rumor would tell us that the Blessed Virgin would tell Lucy that in 1986 that She had destroyed in the air the Ballistic Missiles that the United States and the Soviet Union had fired at each other, thus saving us from a Third World War that our Politicians and Leaders were perfectly willing to plunge us into. Ronald Reagan would not be able to realize his dream of destroying the World in order to save it from Moral Egalitarianism. But back to Lucy… She would be instrumental in adding a Prayer to what had been the Ancient Formula of the Holy Rosary (“Oh My Jesus forgive us our Sins, save us from the Fires of Hell and lead all Souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy Mercy”. Thought by some to be a Prayer to reclaim even the Souls caught in Hell). Lucy would be controversial in publishing the Three Secrets of Fatima… the controversy arising from the Vatican’s insistence in keeping the Third Secret of Fatima a secret even after Lucy had recommended its wide disclosure. The “3rd Secret” would be known only by the Popes and a few well placed Cardinals, who would unite in refusing to inform the Catholic Laity. Rumors of course insisted that the “Secret” was an accusation against the Corruption of the Vatican and that the Papacy found it easier to bury the accusations then to deal constructively with them.

Anyway, this last week Lucy died. It was startling news. Marians always suspected that Lucy would live to see the End Times that She had Warned of in her messages from the Blessed Virgin. Few Marians can not help but to wonder that the Bells that toll for her do not also toll for us all.

May I also add that Lucy will probably be received into Heaven as a Saint. A life time of Penance and Prayer will have purchased a store of Grace which can now be released upon the World. Skeptical or not, if you have any extraordinary Need in your life, now would be the time to pray to Sister Lucy now in Heaven.

A wonderful exaggeration and elaboration of something with very few facts to support it. Of those present only a few claimed they saw something and then their stories are inconsistent. Like you have done this story is told in such a way that implies that 75000 people saw a miracle whereas in truth only a few claimed to see something and no one is quite sure what it was, if anything. Given the weather conditions and heightened expectations generated by emotional religious fervor then almost any innocent natural incident would be mistaken as a supernatural event.

Your additional anecdotes show you have potential as a skilled mythmaker as I suspect much like those original creators of the gospel fantasies.

The rest of your post is of course just Catholic piffle.
A wonderful exaggeration and elaboration of something with very few facts to support it. Of those present only a few claimed they saw something and then their stories are inconsistent.
I would check up on the facts here. The sun was moving and people would naturally see differently corresponding to when they looked up at the sky. Just because a few hundred or so of the 70,000 have had their testimony written down, does not mean the other portion didn't see the miracle--only the testimony without any outstanding detractors is sufficient. Just because a miracle is perceived differently doesn't necessarily mean it didn't occur. When Paul was given his apparition, the people around him saw the light, heard Paul's voice, but neither heard nor saw Jesus.
it doesn't turn me on, the whole Virgin Mary myth. i smell the Patriafchs, and their nuns all clothed ut to the ears, and dry and sexless, and even 'virgin' has been misinterprted to mean celibate for Christ =, when its original pagan meaning means 'independent woman'!

If i was to conjure up a representation of the repressed suppressed Goddes, it would be in her wild aspect. cause it's that that is the taboo, as is the Crone. the Crone is even MORe suppressed. the old wise woman--the dark, the fathomless underworld/ the unconscious. death decay regeneration.....the dark moon

I suspect the young kid was desperate to show something and simply pointed to the sun as it emerged from behind the clouds. Now we have some 60 to 70 thousand people staring directly at the sun in a desperate hope to see a miracle. We shouldn’t be surprised that this alleged Marian sun miracle is no more than an optical effect only experienced by those foolish enough to stare at the sun and not by others who were more sensible.

There is no miracle here.
Then transpired the Miracle of the Sun. Over 500 Square Miles people saw the Sun dance and gyrate in the sky. Some were terrified as the Sun seemed to crash toward the earth, becoming large enough to stretch from Horizon to Zenith, a collision seeming immanent!
Of course, the Sun did not actually move around in the sky or get closer to the Earth. If it had the other few billion people living on the same hemisphere would have noticed it, particularly as the Sun got closer and fried the Earth like a piece of bacon.

This indicates that the people who saw this "miracle" (assuming they did) were delusional or the victims of an illusion. No miracle, just a "vision" at best.

I suspect the young kid was desperate to show something and simply pointed to the sun as it emerged from behind the clouds.
Well, I doubt Lucia would make this all up, and then become a nun. Seems like she gave up her own life for it?

Now we have some 60 to 70 thousand people staring directly at the sun in a desperate hope to see a miracle.
Their testimony says that they were not hurt looking at the sun, which is not normal. Your eyes naturally protect you from looking at the sun. It hurts.

Well, I doubt Lucia would make this all up, and then become a nun. Seems like she gave up her own life for it?

Her mother described the child as a compulsive liar, constantly making up stories. Leading up to this case the child had found gullible people that actually mistook her lies as miraculous revelations. A liar when faced with possible exposure simply continues to push the lies as far as they will go. It seems very amusing that the Vatican has fallen for the lies of a child with a vivid imagination. Isn’t this infinitely more credible than the unprecedented actuality of a supernatural phenomenon?

Their testimony says that they were not hurt looking at the sun, which is not normal. Your eyes naturally protect you from looking at the sun. It hurts.

Quite right. We are unable to focus on such a bright light source. We squint, blink, and move our head, or use only momentary glances, all of which can give an illusion of movement of the object. Astronomers stated that the sun did not move so all we have is an optical illusion.
Her mother described the child as a compulsive liar, constantly making up stories.
I think her mother only scoldered her. There was tension because the crowds had trampled her garden. But if she was lying, I doubt she would never had become a nun and never continued on in her belief. Most people can tell when a child is lying. Furthermore, she'd not only have to feign the apparition, she'd have to feign her entire faith. To make up apparitions and to tell lies would put her faith in jeopardy.

Quite right. We are unable to focus on such a bright light source. We squint, blink, and move our head, or use only momentary glances, all of which can give an illusion of movement of the object. Astronomers stated that the sun did not move so all we have is an optical illusion.
There are other possibilities. The children claimed to also see Mary when the crowd saw nothing. Perhaps the force behind the apparitions could hide the real sun and project another image.

But if she was lying, I doubt she would never had become a nun and never continued on in her belief.

Given the choice of admitting to being a charlatan and the likely severe scolding and ridicule that would follow versus being a celebrity at the center of attention – I’m not so sure that she would not have followed that path. Many people live a lie and delude themselves or hide their real beliefs for their entire lives. That the girl became caught up in a lie that she couldn’t easily escape seems to be a quite credible and natural probability.

Most people can tell when a child is lying.

Perhaps, but the emotionalism of religion coupled with strong conditioning and indoctrination to believe that such claims can be true, may well have blinded otherwise sensible conclusions. I suspect that in the majority of many similar cases the issue never became publicly exposed, this one escaped.

Furthermore, she'd not only have to feign the apparition, she'd have to feign her entire faith. To make up apparitions and to tell lies would put her faith in jeopardy.

And she would likely have worried about that all her life – what tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive. It takes courage to admit to a deceit – it is quite possible she never found that courage.

There are other possibilities.

To be precise I think you mean other speculations. When discussing the supernatural nothing has yet been shown to be possible.

The children claimed to also see Mary when the crowd saw nothing. Perhaps the force behind the apparitions could hide the real sun and project another image.

Or they were good friends and all agreed to the same game. This is still a far more credible natural explanation than the invention of an entire supernatural realm as an alternative.
Cris said:

A wonderful exaggeration and elaboration of something with very few facts to support it. Of those present only a few claimed they saw something and then their stories are inconsistent. Like you have done this story is told in such a way that implies that 75000 people saw a miracle whereas in truth only a few claimed to see something and no one is quite sure what it was, if anything. Given the weather conditions and heightened expectations generated by emotional religious fervor then almost any innocent natural incident would be mistaken as a supernatural event.

Your additional anecdotes show you have potential as a skilled mythmaker as I suspect much like those original creators of the gospel fantasies.

The rest of your post is of course just Catholic piffle.

Okay, Chris, then explain what happened to the Socialist Revolution that had been sweeping Portugal at the time, which, after the Miracle of the Sun, simply evaporated. What of the 500 Square Mile Phenomena where those who did not even attend the event were able to come into the streets
of their town and villages and see the same surprising celestrial events.

What you are reciting are the engineered and manufactured defences put forth by the Free Masons to salvage the influence they had lost in Portugal. No one in Portugal believes them, but all the Atheists in France, Italy and the Anglo Saxon World cling to them as their last straw.
duendy said:
it doesn't turn me on, the whole Virgin Mary myth. i smell the Patriafchs, and their nuns all clothed ut to the ears, and dry and sexless, and even 'virgin' has been misinterprted to mean celibate for Christ =, when its original pagan meaning means 'independent woman'!

Catholics do not understand the word Virgin as a mistranslation of "Slutty Girl" or whateve it is you said. Catholics understand the Word "Virgin" as it has been given to them from the very Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin who insists upon Her chasity and literal virginity. It is the One Thing that would put a Transcendent and Spiritualized Human Being above the animals.

You need to remember that Mary was the Immaculate Conception. She was no ordinary girl. What do you think was passed down through the Patriarchs and carried about in the Arc of the Covenant but that Holy Thing from Adam which would make Mary his Virtual Daughter born as of the Spirit and not of the flesh. I am convinced that Mary did not even have genatalia, and that the birth of Christ was as spiritual as his conception had been.

Also, if you do not believe in Virginity then consider why Christ is accompanied in Heaven by an entourage of 10,000 Virgins of both sexes I presume. Or is that a mistranslation too.

Then we need to examine the success the Saints have had with virginity. It seems that many of the most verifiable instances of the Vine of Christ coming alive in Humanity has been with Celibates. Anyone who studies the Saints, in Both East and West, Catholic or Non-Catholic will find that if Celabacy is not absolutely positively essential to the process, then it is extremely helpful to the process. Afterall, it is difficult to correllate being a Spiritual Being with copulating like a monkey. A Saint has already gone far toward the Goal when he can stop copulating like a monkey.

And again we can see the Spiritual Bankruptcy of Protestants who come on line to argue for the merits of sexual promiscuity and animalism. Satan must congratulate you for all your efforts.