Lucky numbers


Valued Senior Member
I found my ‘lucky number’—9--on an online horoscope site. They apparently deduced it from my date, time and place of birth, the letters in my name and the position of the stars when I was born.
Intrigued, I sat down to see if I could find this number, based just on my birth date by doing a simple equation, which just sort of came to me instinctively.
I added 24+9+1952 (birth date), which came to 1985, I then multiplied 1x9x8x5 which came to 360, I then added 3+6 (to reach a single digit) and guess what? I got 9.
I thought, well there’s a coincidence!
So I tried the same thing with my wifes’ birth date, I got 9! Well won’t you look at that I thought, so I tried it with our wedding date, and would you believe it? 9 again!
I began to get excited by this phenomenon and tried it again with my fathers’ birthday—9—my mothers’—9—and my mother in law—9--.

I edited this because I made a mistake in my 1st calculation that I posted--funnily enough it also came to 9, so I didn't realise the mistake until today and I've fixed it--

I have now done the equations for my 2 brothers in law and they both come to 9!!!!

This is too much of a coincidence, waddaya think?
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Strange. I think its one of those math tricks. My lucky number is 18. The age when I'm allowed to vote buy alcohol and tobacco. 18 is the jewish number for life. Strange coincidence isnt it?
It's a stupid trick. If you're date is before 12-31-1957 you will almost always 9 being your lucky number doing that unless you end up with a zero somewhere in the first add.

If you don't know how that works you weren't paying attention in math.

If you multiply anything by 9 and add the digits you will always get a nine.

If your b-day is before 12-31-1957 you will always get 19xy as a result from your first add. There's that nine that's multiplied.

You're right, I never paid any attention in maths, even less so in physics. So tell me, what's the significance of that date?