Luciferianism vs Christianity and vice versa and


Registered Senior Member
watch this thread drop like a stone?
whay cause for many they wont know about it, and 2, the one person who does--Adstar?-sorry if gtten name wrong-ducked out of a recent challenge bout all this

i have struggled to find anyone to speak abot it including some feminists, and out of all the billions of pages in google have notmanaged to find anyone talkin about it

about what?
ok. i am claiming that Luciferianism is the philosophy of the Illuminati. whether you believe about the Illuminati or not, you can bet that if you were to research about them, the majority-if not all-the websites analying and condemning them are arguing from Christian bias.

so for example, in putting down the Illuminati, they will also put down Gays. why? because they believe the Luciferians i will use 'Illuminati and Luciferian interchangeably) want the break down of the family and that many want to promote homosexuality and are homosexuals. This t Cristian sites condemning Luciferianism condemnd homosexuality. thats my point

Also theyt --the Cristian sites condemnd psychedelic experiences, and nonprocreative sexuality, for they also nbelieve that this is evil, and is promoted by the Illuminati

I hav wanted to create my own Blog to get some voice online that shows the limitations of the Christian propaganda takin over the web. alto i am also aware OF the existence of the Illumianti and their evil aganda i in no way agree with te ALSo controlling agenda of the Christan
interpretaton of the problem, which is severely oppressive i its own way

So we need to understand that there DONTONLY existtwo alternatatives, ie., eithe Luciferinaism OR Cristianity

THAT is what i'd like to explore. but i aint holdin my breath.
Lucifarianisim has far far more to it that the promotion of homosexuality. That really is a side issue.

The illuminati is just a tag. I doubt they still call themselves that. They exist of course and they do control the world. They actually control many of the "churches" they are not just linked to the masonic lodge but they are linked to many other groups like 1000 beams of light coming from the same source.

Of course we both know they exist and there is plenty of evidence out there. But many people do not want to be told or shown the evidence because the implications are far too terrifying for them to handle. People Do Not want to know about them. People just want to live their lives and hope they can get through life without suffering from the evil schemes of this organization.

A lot of the sites that talk big on being anti illuminati are themselves under the control of the lucifarians. Best way to cover a conspiracy is to create another conspiracy for the conspiracy hunters to go hunting for. Also the deception is multi-layered. The deceived are being deceived by deceivers who are themselves being deceived by people higher up these people are themselves being deceived by satan himself

So satan deceives the upper level they deceive the next level and then this level deceives the deceived. But they are all deceived from the top to the bottom of their pyramid.

I will tell you something that happened when i was answering your earlier thread. you know the one where you said i ducked out. Well i did duck out. half way into my reply i got an uneasy feeling. I got the thought that i was overstepping the line. So i got up from the computer to think, i grabed a broom and swept the floor, ( doing things like that often help me to think) while i was doing that i was praying to God for guidance, asking Him if i should post a reply. As i was asking, the computer shut down. Now the shut down could have been a random but i got the feeling that God did not want me answering some of the questions you where asking.

So i am willing to talk about them but don't be upset if i do not reply to all your points. I will reply to all i can.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Lucifarianisim has far far more to it that the promotion of homosexuality. That really is a side issue.

m:::::::eek:k, i must put you on the spot then. i just ask honesty.....ready?
do you think practising homosexuality is a sin?
do you tink nonprocreative sex a sin?
do you believe experimentation wit psycheelics is a sin?
please give reasons either way if possible. be bold!

The illuminati is just a tag. I doubt they still call themselves that. They exist of course and they do control the world. They actually control many of the "churches" they are not just linked to the masonic lodge but they are linked to many other groups like 1000 beams of light coming from the same source.

Of course we both know they exist and there is plenty of evidence out there. But many people do not want to be told or shown the evidence because the implications are far too terrifying for them to handle. People Do Not want to know about them. People just want to live their lives and hope they can get through life without suffering from the evil schemes of this organization.

me:::::;hmmmmthey are led to bekieve they do by propaganda...but very ner te underlying suface of that apathy is the need to explore about reality

A lot of the sites that talk big on being anti illuminati are themselves under the control of the lucifarians. Best way to cover a conspiracy is to create another conspiracy for the conspiracy hunters to go hunting for. Also the deception is multi-layered. The deceived are being deceived by deceivers who are themselves being deceived by people higher up these people are themselves being deceived by satan himself

me:::wht sites?....also, i cant let it go. when you say 'Satan' --that word. te very use of it suggests to me that you are unknowingly not aware of its history. wit respect. i m saying that mythology goes much futher back than the Judaic 'invention' of their mythical 'Satan'. so please explain how yo define 'him' please

So satan deceives the upper level they deceive the next level and then this level deceives the deceived. But they are all deceived from the top to the bottom of their pyramid.

me::::so our job here is to really explore about tis and try make some sense out of it, rght?

I will tell you something that happened when i was answering your earlier thread. you know the one where you said i ducked out. Well i did duck out. half way into my reply i got an uneasy feeling. I got the thought that i was overstepping the line. So i got up from the computer to think, i grabed a broom and swept the floor, ( doing things like that often help me to think) while i was doing that i was praying to God for guidance, asking Him if i should post a reply. As i was asking, the computer shut down. Now the shut down could have been a random but i got the feeling that God did not want me answering some of the questions you where asking.

So i am willing to talk about them but don't be upset if i do not reply to all your points. I will reply to all i can.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
hhhaha intersting.....morelike te CIA shut it down. also consider this, and i am deadly serious. OK.....some people have been known/are known to affect electrical equipment just by going near it...i went through a small phase of this when i was suffering acute stress years back.......also/and, we are only just at te beginning in te modern world of understanding consciousness. your getting up to sweep--which is actually a poweful ritual!--nd your deep feeings about what you were at odds to do could also have contributed. and/or it coulda been a 'coincidence'........many times i have typed a long post hich has taken much effort, and my system has ut out and i loose the lot. what do i is 'God' or me ..not lookin at my internet time limit?.........or a combination...hehe

look foreward to your rply. lookslike its jest meee and you
I am not sure what these questions have to do with the topic we are discussing? But anyway...

do you think practising homosexuality is a sin?

Yes. Because God said so.

do you tink nonprocreative sex a sin?

I have no firm opinion on the matter.

do you believe experimentation wit psycheelics is a sin?

Any act that causes damage to ones body is wrong. When it is done knowingly it is sin.

hmmmmthey are led to bekieve they do by propaganda...but very ner te underlying suface of that apathy is the need to explore about reality

Well the thing is most people on this earth know nothing about it. And many that have heard something roll their eyes and laugh. Its not apathy its ignorance and disbelief. But when they are confronted with some facts then most of them run from it. They do not want to fact it. Many people do mot want to think of their own mortality they live as though they will never die. same kind of mind process happens with this topic.

me:::wht sites?....also, i cant let it go. when you say 'Satan' --that word. te very use of it suggests to me that you are unknowingly not aware of its history. wit respect. i m saying that mythology goes much further back than the Judaic 'invention' of their mythical 'Satan'. so please explain how yo define 'him' please

Well this is the thing you keep on calling satan a creation of mythology but i believe he is real. Of course satan was known about before the jews and a lot of myths where created about him. But he is real enough.

satan who was an angel of God through pride sought to be acknowledged as equal to God. satan has been doing all he can to justify that claim since he made it. God is demonstrating to the heavenly host that satans claim is false.

As for the sites just type in illuminati in a good search engine and you will see plenty.

so our job here is to really explore about tis and try make some sense out of it, rght?

Well i can only talk for myself. It is for me to be open to all the signs of the times to be lead by the Holy Spirit to discern the Messiah from the Anti-messiah. Often the best way to learn is just to allow the knowledge to come.

I am not really sure what your purpose is? If you have a "Job" it means you are working for someone.

hhhaha intersting.....morelike te CIA shut it down.

:D I don't think so. the boys from Echelon have a record of every key stroke ever entered into the internet but they do not have a billion analysts watching every discussion, they do have a good database with an excellent search engine though. But that’s irrelevant because nothing we say or do will change the events that have been prophesized to happen in the end times. I would not even try to stop them. Some one will try to assassinate the anti-messiah but that attempt will fail. Being a believer in Jesus i believe in non-resistance so there will be no assassins bullet coming from me.
You and i are very insignificant fellows and it really does not matter to them if some people know the truth. What matters is what the 99% think. As long as they are good little mushrooms then the 1% can rant and rave all they want. See here we are in a forum and only you and i want to talk about this.

I do not think it was the CIA. my computer has spat it's dummy before but i never got the feelings that happened with this shut down.

But anyway we have not really talked about the topic of the thread much anyway, Have we?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
I am not sure what these questions have to do with the topic we are discussing? But anyway...

me(((((((((they are VERY much to do ith tis topic. as i said, i have noticed hhat nearly all, if not all, sites condemning the Illuminati are CHRISTIAN sites which also condemn homosexuality, nonprocreative sex, experimentation with psychedelics etc....

Yes. Because God said so.

me))))))where did 'God' condemn homosexuality in the Bible? seem a
bit frightened of you 'God' dont you?

I have no firm opinion on the matter.

me)))about nonprocreative sex. hmmm strange. you are very sure about 'God's' condemnation of homosexuality, yet not this. does your god not say in te bible that nonprocreative sexis a sin?anywhere??

Any act that causes damage to ones body is wrong. When it is done knowingly it is sin.

me)))))))))taking psychedelics doesn't cause harm to one's body. you have believed the war on drugs propaganda against them. what's 'God' got to say about it?...where in your Bible does 'he' condend the taking of psychedelic drugs?

Well the thing is most people on this earth know nothing about it. And many that have heard something roll their eyes and laugh. Its not apathy its ignorance and disbelief. But when they are confronted with some facts then most of them run from it. They do not want to fact it. Many people do mot want to think of their own mortality they live as though they will never die. same kind of mind process happens with this topic.

Well this is the thing you keep on calling satan a creation of mythology but i believe he is real. Of course satan was known about before the jews and a lot of myths where created about him. But he is real enough.

me))))how do you know he is real? have you personally met him?....are you not away from the reseach of comparative mythology that there is the extremely anceint motif of a son/lover of the GODDESS who is a horned god of Nature...??

satan who was an angel of God through pride sought to be acknowledged as equal to God. satan has been doing all he can to justify that claim since he made it. God is demonstrating to the heavenly host that satans claim is false.

Surely all about 'Satan's 'rebellion' isn't IN your Bible? if so, where is it?

As for the sites just type in illuminati in a good search engine and you will see plenty.

me))))))oh,iknow that. what i was inquiring was the sites you mention that you said SEEM to be Christian but are themselves secretly Luciferian. i asked you to give me teir URLs, or at least one url...?

Well i can only talk for myself. It is for me to be open to all the signs of the times to be lead by the Holy Spirit to discern the Messiah from the Anti-messiah. Often the best way to learn is just to allow the knowledge to come.

mePPPPhow does this 'knowledge' come. does it just appear in your head as words? images?....?

I am not really sure what your purpose is? If you have a "Job" it means you are working for someone.

:D I don't think so. the boys from Echelon have a record of every key stroke ever entered into the internet but they do not have a billion analysts watching every discussion, they do have a good database with an excellent search engine though. But that’s irrelevant because nothing we say or do will change the events that have been prophesized to happen in the end times. I would not even try to stop them. Some one will try to assassinate the anti-messiah but that attempt will fail. Being a believer in Jesus i believe in non-resistance so there will be no assassins bullet coming from me.
You and i are very insignificant fellows and it really does not matter to them if some people know the truth. What matters is what the 99% think. As long as they are good little mushrooms then the 1% can rant and rave all they want. See here we are in a forum and only you and i want to talk about this.

I do not think it was the CIA. my computer has spat it's dummy before but i never got the feelings that happened with this shut down.

But anyway we have not really talked about the topic of the thread much anyway, Have we?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
what i really feel is that all over theInternet there is no real intelient exploration of te Illuminati. why? cause the ones that have taken on tis task are THEMSELVESprogrammed in Cristianity, which itsef ha a very bloody history, and seeks to control the individual and persecute tose its 'God' 'tells' them to. ie., BOTH sides are very dangerous. i am trying to encourage an ALTERnative voice
Hi Duendy:

it would be far easier for me to reply to your posts if you could break up my posts into points and make them individual quotes. Like i do below.

Let me tell you how to do it. And it is not very hard.

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You can create individual Quote boxes for each point i made by selecting the text by clicking and holding the button down at the start of the point USING THE RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON and then dragging the cursor over the text you want to quote. You will see the text being covered with a blue colour if your doing it right.

When you have finished "highlighting: the test you want to quote with the blue colour then you release the right mouse button ( the highlighted section should remain blue) then move you cursor up to the top of the box where you will see a line of editing symbols. the last one on the right looks like a little square cartoon dialogue box. This is the one you need to click on to make a quote box around the text you have highlighted. you will end up with a box like the ones below:

Originally Posted by Adstar
I am not sure what these questions have to do with the topic we are discussing? But anyway...

me(((((((((they are VERY much to do ith tis topic. as i said, i have noticed hhat nearly all, if not all, sites condemning the Illuminati are CHRISTIAN sites which also condemn homosexuality, nonprocreative sex, experimentation with psychedelics etc....

Fair enough. But you are talking to me now, i am me. All i can do is answer for my faith, what i believe, i am not hear as a supporter of any church or internet site. They are responsible for their own words and teachings. I am responsible for what i say.

Yes. Because God said so.

me))))))where did 'God' condemn homosexuality in the Bible? seem a
bit frightened of you 'God' dont you?

The bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

But it is only the beginning. I do not feel fear of God now because i know He loves me because i believe Him. wisdom and knowledge of the love of the truth dispels fear. Of course one must first believe there is a God to have fear of Him.

Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

As for the reference to the abomination of homosexuality. it is very clear both in the OT and NT that men engaging in sexual intercourse with other men is an abomination to God.

Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

Romans 1:27
Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

I have no firm opinion on the matter.

me)))about nonprocreative sex. hmmm strange. you are very sure about 'God's' condemnation of homosexuality, yet not this. does your god not say in te bible that nonprocreative sexis a sin?anywhere??

Many have interpreted the following passage as saying that non-proceative sex is sin.

Genesis 38
1 It came to pass at that time that Judah departed from his brothers, and visited a certain Adullamite whose name was Hirah. 2 And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua, and he married her and went in to her. 3 So she conceived and bore a son, and he called his name Er. 4 She conceived again and bore a son, and she called his name Onan. 5 And she conceived yet again and bore a son, and called his name Shelah. He was at Chezib when she bore him.
6 Then Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, and her name was Tamar. 7 But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD, and the LORD killed him. 8 And Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother’s wife and marry her, and raise up an heir to your brother.” 9 But Onan knew that the heir would not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in to his brother’s wife, that he emitted on the ground, lest he should give an heir to his brother. 10 And the thing which he did displeased the LORD; therefore He killed him also

Many say the sin was that Onan ejaculated on to the ground that he had non-procreative sex with Tamar. But to me it is the intent of Onan that was displeasing to God. For if He did impregnate Tamar then her son would be the rightful claimant to the inheritance of Judah, if Tamar did not have a son then Onan would have been the rightful claimant to His fathers inheritance.

Duendy i must stop here and post another reply later it is 1.00am here and i must sleep. this has taken longer than i expected sorry about this.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
sorry mate, i dont have a computer like yours so i am limited in what i can do...surely ypou can negotioate my replies.....what i say as 'me)))))))' in front of paragraph? not hard is it...??

ok. you condemn homosexuality. how d you feel people who ARE homoaexuals feels about that? that a loviing 'God' who would call love between people of same sex 'abomination'? you not think for yourSELF and not always be lookin over your shoulder at what 'God' supposedly says in your Book? even when your computer goes off you think God's dont it. to me that is quite sad

now,regarding tose passages supposedly condemning homosexual sex.. you are aware that they also can be interpreted differently than you do dont you? why do you choose you very antagonistic and harmful interpretation.....alos. how come you choose THATsupposed judgment for the OT and not all te oter condemnations-galore from te 'God'. for example, doesn't 'he' require you to stone an adulterer to death? do you believe that should happen?....are you with me? why have you just picked the condemnation of Gays....?

you see, as i am pointing out. yur very fascistic interpretation of the Bible is seemingly also shared by your 'colleagues'--the many other Christian sites online which condemn homosexuality. they --ones i have read, smetimes equate homosexuals WITH th Illuminati. do you also?....for if you feel homosexuality is an abomination, then surely both homosexuals and Illuminati will come under that category wont they?....did you know tat the term 'abomination' was really a tern used against te Goddess religion wher homosexuality and bisexuality was even honoured? and that te condemnation passages you point out are more against THAT aspect?

can you also not see that you areon par with the Illuminati, in that you are against freedom for the individual? ie., you seek to CONTROL the individual and Nature?
Hi duendy.

Lets continue

Any act that causes damage to ones body is wrong. When it is done knowingly it is sin.

me)))))))))taking psychedelics doesn't cause harm to one's body. you have believed the war on drugs propaganda against them. what's 'God' got to say about it?...where in your Bible does 'he' condend the taking of psychedelic drugs?

There is no scripture on psychedelic drugs in scripture, But the concept of respecting our own bodies is firmly established. Many psychologists would disagree with you on the damaging affects of mind altering drugs. The explosion of mental illnesses and deep depression in societies where mind altering drugs are being used leads me to believe that the two are linked.

satan who was an angel of God through pride sought to be acknowledged as equal to God. satan has been doing all he can to justify that claim since he made it. God is demonstrating to the heavenly host that satans claim is false.

Surely all about 'Satan's 'rebellion' isn't IN your Bible? if so, where is it?

Isaiah 14
12 “ How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer,[a] son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:

‘ I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.

As for the sites just type in illuminati in a good search engine and you will see plenty.

me))))))oh,iknow that. what i was inquiring was the sites you mention that you said SEEM to be Christian but are themselves secretly Luciferian. i asked you to give me teir URLs, or at least one url...?

No i will not be doing that.

Well i can only talk for myself. It is for me to be open to all the signs of the times to be lead by the Holy Spirit to discern the Messiah from the Anti-messiah. Often the best way to learn is just to allow the knowledge to come.

mePPPPhow does this 'knowledge' come. does it just appear in your head as words? images?....?

By believing in Jesus and letting the Holy Spirit guide you in the reading of scriptures. God can explain things through dreams. God can explain things through other Christians.

what i really feel is that all over theInternet there is no real intelient exploration of te Illuminati. why? cause the ones that have taken on tis task are THEMSELVESprogrammed in Cristianity, which itsef ha a very bloody history, and seeks to control the individual and persecute tose its 'God' 'tells' them to. ie., BOTH sides are very dangerous. i am trying to encourage an ALTERnative voice

So am i. But the alternative voice i am trying to promote is the Word of God a voice that is acknowledged by many but ignored by most. they honor Him with their praises but dishonor Him by going against His words. You say Christianity is violent well once again i must reply for myself. I am a follower of the Messiah Jesus and part of that is loving my enemies, I believe in Non- resistance and taking no part in war or violent persecution. I believe in taking no part in worldly governments that i believe are controlled by satan. See either they are Christians or i am a Christian. I get the feeling that you want to believe they are Christian and i am not?

sorry mate, i dont have a computer like yours so i am limited in what i can do...surely ypou can negotioate my replies.....what i say as 'me)))))))' in front of paragraph? not hard is it...??

Well my attempt at giving instructions did not work out anyway, So i suppose i will have to grin and bear it.

ok. you condemn homosexuality. how d you feel people who ARE homoaexuals feels about that? that a loviing 'God' who would call love between people of same sex 'abomination'? you not think for yourSELF and not always be lookin over your shoulder at what 'God' supposedly says in your Book? even when your computer goes off you think God's dont it. to me that is quite sad

Well there would be a number of different reactions. shame, fear, hatred, amazement, indignation, conviction, mirth, i suppose all the feelings under the sun. thats what makes people individuals i suppose. But the reaction makes no difference to Gods will. I would hope for shame and conviction that would lead them to seek the forgiveness freely available via belief in the Messiah Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins. You think that is quite sad? Well that’s your reaction and you are free to have it. Whatever the reaction, Gods will stands. The physical act of homosexuality is an abomination to God.

now,regarding tose passages supposedly condemning homosexual sex.. you are aware that they also can be interpreted differently than you do dont you? why do you choose you very antagonistic and harmful interpretation.....alos. how come you choose THATsupposed judgment for the OT and not all te oter condemnations-galore from te 'God'. for example, doesn't 'he' require you to stone an adulterer to death? do you believe that should happen?....are you with me? why have you just picked the condemnation of Gays....?

I have just answered you question on homosexuality because that is the point you wanted addressed. do not falsely accuse me of focusing on one thing when it is you who focused the conversation on it by asking to talk about it.

The Word on homosexuality is not harmful for the homosexual who is convinced of the sin of homosexuality and is repentant of it and accepts Jesus as their Savior. Actually being told one is a sinner saves the sinner who acknowledges it and embraces the love of the truth for forgiveness. I don't reveal sin to condemn the sinner i reveal sin to convince the sinner they need to be saved. It is you that see antagonism in my words because you don't understand that God is offering all sinners forgiveness through Jesus.

Now where have i sad that adultery is not sin? Where have i said that an unbelieving adulterer is in any better position in eternity than an unbelieving homosexual? or fornicator? or pedophile? or thief? or murderer? look over my posts if you want, you will not find it.

you see, as i am pointing out. yur very fascistic interpretation of the Bible is seemingly also shared by your 'colleagues'--the many other Christian sites online which condemn homosexuality. they --ones i have read, smetimes equate homosexuals WITH th Illuminati. do you also?

The catholic church also speaks out against the sin of homosexuality same with islam. Both faiths are an abomination to me. The chinese athiest communist government also sees homosexuality as a depraved decadence that needs to be suppressed. I have no allegiance to any of these groups. Most people in here know my stance against catholsism and isalm. Just because two people agree on one issue does not make them blood brothers on all issues.

for if you feel homosexuality is an abomination, then surely both homosexuals and Illuminati will come under that category wont they?....

If both the illumanist and the homosexual do not repent of their evil and accept Jesus as Messiah then yes both will end up in the same eternal destination. they will end up is the same category for sure.

did you know tat the term 'abomination' was really a tern used against te Goddess religion wher homosexuality and bisexuality was even honoured? and that te condemnation passages you point out are more against THAT aspect?

Tats the interpretation you want to believe. But what is truth is truth

can you also not see that you areon par with the Illuminati, in that you are against freedom for the individual? ie., you seek to CONTROL the individual and Nature?

No. I accept peoples free will. i do not want to force anyone to believe or do anything. I do not care for the laws of nations and becoming a control freak. I give the Word that’s my calling i am not responsible for the enforcing of truth. People can make up their own minds on what they will embrace and what they will reject. The illuminati on the other hand do seek global dictatorial control and the enforcement of their will.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
i could waste efforst trying to debate wit yu point by point, but my reading of what you say says to me are just too far gone. too caught up in your chosen cultic belief. so anything i might say will of course fall on blind eyes and deaf ears.

i will toug make a few point from th gist of what you hehe, i imagine you wil respond

you hypocitically harp on about how your chosen faith tells you to 'loveyour neighbours' breath you quite happliy report that 'homosexuals' will be consigned to damnation.
shame on you cultist fool.

you condemn Cathyoliscism , Islam, etc which also hold very divisive beliefs that perseucte and kill people, yet are too damn blind and stupid to realize your own mish mash do it yerself belief is JUST as fasicistic!...more fool you

all of tis nonesense is supposed to be coming from your 'God'....oh yes? well that's whatthe othe cults say isn't it? see the pattern! they all jusify their evil by stating 'God told me so'

notice you completely buy the seucalr myth of mental illness? typical. apparent;ly THA you cant see through, even tough tey claim to not obey any 'God'. and with that uniformed conformity to opprssive autority, you also condemn what they condemnd, wit their WAR ON DRUGS--psychedelics. fool marches on..

what else what else

oh yes, how you conveninently dnt get tepoints i mean. i had said this: IF you are so Legal in your belief in what te OT law says about homosexuals, how so you are not so legal about what should happen to 'fornicators' and adulterers'--ie., te biblical law from your all-luvin god that states--IN TEXT--they should be STONED to death?? whay oh why dnt you rave on about THAT? it's in yer precious bible isn't it?!
i hafe no doubt thatif it WAS law, you wouldn't challenge it.

adstar. you are what i feared. your ilk --which has taken over th Internet, and seems to be THE onl voice examining, condemning the Illuminati is as dangerous as the Illuminati. your condemnation of tem is the pot callin the kettle black. you lost are as fascstic as them. only you use different words, and have different gods, Lucifer/Jesus-God, but basically your cults are from the same patriarchal root stock which despises Nature, the Body, and Freedom
I thought you wanted to discuss the illuminati Duendy looks like all you wanted to do was talk me out of my faith. I am disappointed. Of course your disbelief has blinded you to what i say, You cannot accept what i say so you fall back on all the well ingrained stereotypes you have learned to fear and hate so you do not have to deal with the thoughts i have shared with you.

You called me a fool again and again and again are you desperately trying to convince me of that or yourself??? You can twist what i say to try and make me out to be what you want me to be but i have faith that those who are open to conviction and the love of God will embrace the truth when they see it.

I have no doubt i will be embracing a few former homosexuals in eternity as my eternal brothers I will be embracing a great many former sinners in eternity. Let the false accuser accuse and mock the messengers of the Gospel of Grace, no weapon fashioned against God will ever win.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
hmmmmm, bit confused where you say you are going to embrace homosexuals in eternity...? mean non-practising gays no doubt...?

let us be clear. YES, i Am trying to talk you outof your faith. I know that you are completely lost in literalism. you have taken te superifical stories/myth as sacrosanct and are missing te deeper meal

how do i know?

mny clues. your whole attitude actually. but let's take one MASSIVE clue. your attitude--prissy and wholly misinformed--aboutpsychedelic inspiration

really all mythology has been influenced by that very thing yo quickly dismiss. that is SOME clue

yourdepening on dry fruitless words, old archaic ideas read in a most superficial way, and thus are hypontized by empty symbols

Luciferians too love their symbols. they believe tey are rebels, but really they are as stuck in an old groove as you are.

if i was to take you into te woods, and give yo some sacred mushrooms, ten you would realie what i mean. at present it is words and words from a time that never even really existed!
hmmmmm, bit confused where you say you are going to embrace homosexuals in eternity...? mean non-practising gays no doubt...?

See you have not been listening to what i have been saying. You have been so intent in putting your thoughts across and saving me from my faith that you have not bothered to listen to the basic Christian message that i have been giving for months in this place.

We Christians are not saved by our ability to successful rid ourselves of sin, We are saved because we acknowledge that we are sinners and trust in the atoning blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins. That’s something that no matter how many times i say it people just cannot or will not understand. There are many homosexuals in this world who know that their act is sin and they acknowledge their sin to God and Accept Jesus as Messiah they will be saved and with me in eternity surrounded by the love and peace of God.

1 Timothy 1:
15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

Its not me who is condemning homosexuals to eternity in the lake of fire. It is those who wave their finger and shout homophobe, homophobe, homophobe, They are deceiving homosexuals into the eternal lake of fire.

My words are designed to show homosexuals that they are sinners needing to be saved. And that they can be forgiven and saved. Its the people who shout out its ok, its ok, your lifestyle and sexuality is ok, thet are condemning them to eternal fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
See you have not been listening to what i have been saying. You have been so intent in putting your thoughts across and saving me from my faith that you have not bothered to listen to the basic Christian message that i have been giving for months in this place.

me))))))(i am listening to you closer than you think

We Christians are not saved by our ability to successful rid ourselves of sin, We are msaved because we acknowledge that we are sinners and trust in the atoning blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins. That’s something that no matter how many times i say it people just cannot or will not understand. There are many homosexuals in this world who know that their act is sin and they acknowledge their sin to God and Accept Jesus as Messiah they will be saved and with me in eternity surrounded by the love and peace of God.

me))))))))yo blame your divisive attitude on your 'God/Jesus'-----this supposed 'all-loving god' who willeerrr one mo be chillin with the 'low lifes', the next, in the twinklin of an eye, be flingin them in the ...Lake of Fire. now that makes senseeeee......not!. i believe you are muddled

1 Timothy 1:
15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

me))oh right he appointed himself chief non-sinner. convenient hey?

Its not me who is condemning homosexuals to eternity in the lake of fire. It is those who wave their finger and shout homophobe, homophobe, homophobe, They are deceiving homosexuals into the eternal lake of fire.

me))))))i see i see. now it's THEIR fault. you never take ownersip of your business do you? your hands are lilly white. .....this is compelte and utter hypocrisy, andis what i detest about many Christians. i would sooner HAVE Luciferins , and that is saying someting. but one could understand how distorted evil rebellion would grow out of your oppressive belief system, wit your lakes of fires and stonings etc etc etc etc........oh by the way. you keep dodging that thing i asked you about stoning adulterers '''cause theee bible told me to'. well? why you keep avoiding answering. Jesus, if you can believe homosexuals --practising pagan ones--are gonna be thrown in fire for all eternity, why cant you just admit ypu'd recommend adulteres be stoned to death asit says in the Bible? didn't you quote before an OT reference informing believers that homosexuality is a sin??

My words are designed to show homosexuals that they are sinners needing to be saved. And that they can be forgiven and saved. Its the people who shout out its ok, its ok, your lifestyle and sexuality is ok, thet are condemning them to eternal fire.

me))))you mean like the Illuminati....? are they the ONLY people who claim homosexual loving between males is fine? what about other Christians that have no problem with it? are they gonna to your lake of fire too?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

We Christians are not saved by our ability to successful rid ourselves of sin, We are saved because we acknowledge that we are sinners and trust in the atoning blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins. That’s something that no matter how many times i say it people just cannot or will not understand. There are many homosexuals in this world who know that their act is sin and they acknowledge their sin to God and Accept Jesus as Messiah they will be saved and with me in eternity surrounded by the love and peace of God.

me))))))))yo blame your divisive attitude on your 'God/Jesus'-----this supposed 'all-loving god' who willeerrr one mo be chillin with the 'low lifes', the next, in the twinklin of an eye, be flingin them in the ...Lake of Fire. now that makes senseeeee......not!. i believe you are muddled

Those sinners who responded to Jesus where responding to His forgiveness. There a two kinds of sinners ones who respond to the Message of God with repentance and meekness and ones who shake their fist at God and tell Him to shove it. One group is forgiven and saved the other group is tossed into the lake of fire.

1 Timothy 1:
15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

me))oh right he appointed himself chief non-sinner. convenient hey?

See you are not reading the scripture. Paul is saying that He is a chief Sinner. Not a chief non sinner. Try to put your anti-Christian emotions on neutral for a moment and just read what I right without having your judgement clouded by the blood rushing to your head.

Its not me who is condemning homosexuals to eternity in the lake of fire. It is those who wave their finger and shout homophobe, homophobe, homophobe, They are deceiving homosexuals into the eternal lake of fire.

me))))))i see i see. now it's THEIR fault. you never take ownersip of your business do you? your hands are lilly white. .....this is compelte and utter hypocrisy, andis what i detest about many Christians. i would sooner HAVE Luciferins , and that is saying someting. but one could understand how distorted evil rebellion would grow out of your oppressive belief system, wit your lakes of fires and stonings etc etc etc etc........oh by the way. you keep dodging that thing i asked you about stoning adulterers '''cause theee bible told me to'. well? why you keep avoiding answering. Jesus, if you can believe homosexuals --practising pagan ones--are gonna be thrown in fire for all eternity, why cant you just admit ypu'd recommend adulteres be stoned to death asit says in the Bible? didn't you quote before an OT reference informing believers that homosexuality is a sin??

Yes it is their fault. Not because they are sinners but because of their reaction to Gods will on the matter. This is Gods business, my will is irrelevant to the eternal destination of any other human being on earth.

I did not intend to dodge your question on stoning adulterers. Christians do not carry out judgements upon others for their transgressions. God has taken that out of our hands. His will given through the Messiah Jesus was to leave judgement to God. The penalty for sin still stands but the ones carrying the penalty out has changed.

My words are designed to show homosexuals that they are sinners needing to be saved. And that they can be forgiven and saved. Its the people who shout out its ok, its ok, your lifestyle and sexuality is ok, thet are condemning them to eternal fire.

me))))you mean like the Illuminati....? are they the ONLY people who claim homosexual loving between males is fine? what about other Christians that have no problem with it? are they gonna to your lake of fire too?

Yes many “christians” preach that homosexuality is ok they even have practicing homosexuals leading their congregations. And i believe they will be thrown into the lake of fire. Because when they face judgment Jesus will say to them.

Luke 13
25 When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open for us,’ and He will answer and say to you, ‘I do not know you, where you are from,’ 26 then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’ 27 But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.’ 28 There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves thrust out.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:

Those sinners who responded to Jesus where responding to His forgiveness. There a two kinds of sinners ones who respond to the Message of God with repentance and meekness and ones who shake their fist at God and tell Him to shove it. One group is forgiven and saved the other group is tossed into the lake of fire.

me)))))))ohhhhhhh...if you could just see what you say.......let me try and explain. you posit a god-man/Jesus who preaches meekness and mildness, and turn te other cheek, and love thy neighbour etc. YET this same person willbe party to everlastingly damning anyone who defies them. your beliefs/interpretatins are AS ugly as nazism. vile!

See you are not reading the scripture. Paul is saying that He is a chief Sinner. Not a chief non sinner. Try to put your anti-Christian emotions on neutral for a moment and just read what I right without having your judgement clouded by the blood rushing to your head.

me)))))hah...i assure you i am totally cool. i am not getting hot in te head, peopl who get hot in argument usually do so cause they feel threatened by whats being said. my reaction to what you profess is more akin to mouth droppin open in dismay that ANYone can believe such nonesense

Yes it is their fault. Not because they are sinners but because of their reaction to Gods will on the matter. This is Gods business, my will is irrelevant to the eternal destination of any other human being on earth.

me)))))yes. you have surrendered your will to a ridiculous indoctrination, willingly!

I did not intend to dodge your question on stoning adulterers. Christians do not carry out judgements upon others for their transgressions. God has taken that out of our hands. His will given through the Messiah Jesus was to leave judgement to God. The penalty for sin still stands but the ones carrying the penalty out has changed.

me)))))))look, you are being hypocritical. pretending that believers who believe teir god hates certainpeoples do nothing to act out their evil beliefs. show me in history where what you claim is evidenced?? dont bother. nowhere.

Yes many “christians” preach that homosexuality is ok they even have practicing homosexuals leading their congregations. And i believe they will be thrown into the lake of fire. Because when they face judgment Jesus will say to them.

me))))))tell me someting ....from YOU, not from your precious bible-or can you not think for yourself? i doubt it-----: what IS it about two males loving each other which you feel is so damned evil?

Luke 13
25 When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open for us,’ and He will answer and say to you, ‘I do not know you, where you are from,’ 26 then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’ 27 But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.’ 28 There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves thrust out.

mePPPPthsis archis patriarchal BS written by archaic patriarchal socia-controllers thousands of ukin years ago. tis is 21st century, post ukin quantum physics etc, and yet here you are still stuck wid it? VERY sad indeedo

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
tell your anceint of days to go fuk himself up the arse
The Ancient Of Days has seen everything you have put down Duendy. So He has seen your suggestion, there is no need for me give Him your message.

Those sinners who responded to Jesus where responding to His forgiveness. There a two kinds of sinners ones who respond to the Message of God with repentance and meekness and ones who shake their fist at God and tell Him to shove it. One group is forgiven and saved the other group is tossed into the lake of fire.

me)))))))ohhhhhhh...if you could just see what you say.......let me try and explain. you posit a god-man/Jesus who preaches meekness and mildness, and turn te other cheek, and love thy neighbour etc. YET this same person willbe party to everlastingly damning anyone who defies them. your beliefs/interpretatins are AS ugly as nazism. vile!

Yes Jesus died so that these sinners could live. God does not want anyone to be doomed to the eternal fire. But that is where people will go if they spit in the face of The love of the Truth as you are doing now.

Isaiah 5
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight!

May you come to the truth before you die.

See you are not reading the scripture. Paul is saying that He is a chief Sinner. Not a chief non sinner. Try to put your anti-Christian emotions on neutral for a moment and just read what I right without having your judgement clouded by the blood rushing to your head.

me)))))hah...i assure you i am totally cool. i am not getting hot in te head, peopl who get hot in argument usually do so cause they feel threatened by whats being said. my reaction to what you profess is more akin to mouth droppin open in dismay that ANYone can believe such nonesense

"i assure you i am totally cool"

I don't believe that for a minute. I would say you are very agitated extremely frustrated and full of anger. Your insult to the Creator of all Existance makes you claim hollow indeed.

Yes it is their fault. Not because they are sinners but because of their reaction to Gods will on the matter. This is Gods business, my will is irrelevant to the eternal destination of any other human being on earth.

me)))))yes. you have surrendered your will to a ridiculous indoctrination, willingly!

My will is to trust in His will. His Will Be Done. As if my will or your will could change the master plan of the Ancient Of Days.

I did not intend to dodge your question on stoning adulterers. Christians do not carry out judgements upon others for their transgressions. God has taken that out of our hands. His will given through the Messiah Jesus was to leave judgement to God. The penalty for sin still stands but the ones carrying the penalty out has changed.

me)))))))look, you are being hypocritical. pretending that believers who believe teir god hates certainpeoples do nothing to act out their evil beliefs. show me in history where what you claim is evidenced?? dont bother. nowhere.

Of course believers in God have committed atrocities against their fellow beings. believing in God is not the same as believing God. I am no hypocrite on this issue. I have never bashed a gay or burned anyone at the stake nor have i waged a military crusade. I have preached against hating the sinner for a while here. You falsely impute that hatred to me. But i am used to facing false allegations from people. Its like water of a ducks back to me Duendy.

Yes many “christians” preach that homosexuality is ok they even have practicing homosexuals leading their congregations. And i believe they will be thrown into the lake of fire. Because when they face judgment Jesus will say to them.

me))))))tell me someting ....from YOU, not from your precious bible-or can you not think for yourself? i doubt it-----: what IS it about two males loving each other which you feel is so damned evil?

Don't you get it. The Less you hear from me the better. I am here to deliver Gods Word. I do confess sometimes i get in the way of the Message and make a mess of things.

And duendy your "emotional" input has no effect. You do not insult or hurt me by your words or make me feel dumb or stupid. All your words flow to the Source of the Message, Not the messenger.

May you be forgiven.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: Duendy I am curious since you have such a focus on homosexuality, I was wondering, are you a homosexual?
Adstar said:
The Ancient Of Days has seen everything you have put down Duendy. So He has seen your suggestion, there is no need for me give Him your message.

me))))))'he' is your 'big eye/glorified CCTV camera. always 'lookin over your shoulder'. even wen your computer shuts down you JUMP!...'it's HE' ypu think in your paranoid state, 'it is HE. i musta done someting wrong' you see. this is the danger of te belief system you've gotten yerself entangled up with. 'paranoi means 'beside yourself' are not really WITH...whole. not really really you in dynamic being. tis isn't a raging purple faced responder responding. it isme seeing thru where yo at.

Yes Jesus died so that these sinners could live. God does not want anyone to be doomed to the eternal fire. But that is where people will go if they spit in the face of The love of the Truth as you are doing now.

me)))))))listen closely. there IS no everlasting Lake of fire. all that hasbeen writ to fear you. to disabloe you. to split you in a psychological dualism. whereby the patriarchal sippners can spin you like a top under teir authority.
look adstar. you reaaaly dont know what you speak do you?you have never seen A lake of fire with sinners gnashin teeth in it. you have read some words and live yer life by em. that. the rest is gamble isn't it?....yes i am open to te posibbility of hell andheaven. but most definately not in the way your myth has distorted about pagan understanding te Underworld is a VERY powerful place and full of learning, insight, and transfomation. The patriarchs appropriated these more ancinet ideas and -as is their wont--made it ito a 'scarecros'--a stick to create a social control. so people would succumb to their whip!

Isaiah 5
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight!

May you come to the truth before you die.

me))))words words words. Adstar...whereis YOUR invidual uniqueness. where is YOUR song? why are you living on tese old dusty words from way bac when?
also....even lookin at them dusty old words. ...take callin evil good good evil IS hat yer doin. you are calling good people who love same sex evil, nd evil--bad words/propaganda that demonize them etc, good!

"i assure you i am totally cool"

I don't believe that for a minute. I would say you are very agitated extremely frustrated and full of anger. Your insult to the Creator of all Existance makes you claim hollow indeed.

me))))))'he' is anasy figment ofyour imagination. if you oly could see. tis dude you use as signature is a fascist worse than Hitler, and Stalin etc put togther. an ultimate dualist personified. and 'he' seems to have yo by the bollks due to you feeding your belief

My will is to trust in His will. His Will Be Done. As if my will or your will could change the master plan of the Ancient Of Days.

me)))))))you have given yourself over to fascism dude. you've surrended your will/freedom to an abstraction

Of course believers in God have committed atrocities against their fellow beings. believing in God is not the same as believing God. I am no hypocrite on this issue. I have never bashed a gay or burned anyone at the stake nor have i waged a military crusade. I have preached against hating the sinner for a while here. You falsely impute that hatred to me. But i am used to facing false allegations from people. Its like water of a ducks back to me Duendy.

me)))ohhhh, your WORDS bash. dont you see? violence isn't just hitting someone over the head, or throwing them in a lake of acid. some of te worst violnce comesout of the mouth spreading evil

Don't you get it. The Less you hear from me the better. I am here to deliver Gods Word. I do confess sometimes i get in the way of the Message and make a mess of things.

me)))))))wher are YOU? lost in old words. nuthin left of you left but old words that make conflict between people

And duendy your "emotional" input has no effect. You do not insult or hurt me by your words or make me feel dumb or stupid. All your words flow to the Source of the Message, Not the messenger.

me)))i know. you are now numb. you have lost your soul

May you be forgiven.

me))))))i meant what i said. fuk his forgiveness. that anceint of days you love is one evil bastard

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
yeahhhhhhh him

PS: Duendy I am curious since you have such a focus on homosexuality, I was wondering, are you a homosexual?
i dont HAVEto be what i defend........hav you ever had any gay friends who also have sex?..if not yo should. you should MEET the people youre belief consigns to everlasting hell in a tub of acid
I don't think there is anything more left for me to say duendy.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
duendy said:
tell your anceint of days to go fuk himself up the arse
M*W: Hey, du: I think Adstar likes the old Greco-Roman assfuck job. Those were the "ancient of days" assfuck jobs, weren't they? I'm curious, yellow, of course, but in those "ancient assfuck of days" did they have some kind of ancient K-Y jelly? What, oh tell, did they use for anal lubrication in that day? Let me think, here? Olive oil, perhaps? Was it "extra virgin" olive oil?

Man, I'm craving a traditional Italian salad right now. Buona sera, ciao.