Lucid Floating


Valued Senior Member
YES!! I just had a floating dream. I was in a room, and first i just went to a spot and i started getting into a trance or a feeling of dizziness, a feeling as if i was getting lighter...then i suspended into air at a certain clearance.Then i floated in a room for a while. The i went out of the room to tell my dad. But then i knew that it was a dream. Went back into the room again and at the same freaking spot, i started floating. Floated from that point to room's ceiling and its corners.
I have been very interested in the fact of learning how to lucid dream. If you can tell me what you did exactly to go into this lucid state that would be great. Just give me as much info. as you can on the moment you went lucid.
zion said:
YES!! I just had a floating dream. I was in a room, and first i just went to a spot and i started getting into a trance or a feeling of dizziness, a feeling as if i was getting lighter...then i suspended into air at a certain clearance.Then i floated in a room for a while. The i went out of the room to tell my dad. But then i knew that it was a dream. Went back into the room again and at the same freaking spot, i started floating. Floated from that point to room's ceiling and its corners.

Sweet! Try super bouncing with the floating next time. It's good path to
becoming a fly-er.

There's not much you can do. except i was hearing stephen la berge's tapes (i didnt buy them, but we share files in dorms here so... ;)) and i think its mostly a chance scenario.
I can fly in dreams, and it's great fun. The level of control varies, sometimes it's more like I'm weightless, and I have to propel my myself by pushing off walls etc, and sometimes I just zoom around at will.

Look for telltale signs in your dreams, mine often start with me leaping down staircases, entire flights at a time, and when this happens, I know I can fly, so try to get some done, before I realise I'm dreaming and wake up.

In your case, if the room is significant, try thinking about it before you go to sleep, and several times during the day, to seed your dreaming experience.
phlogistician said:
Look for telltale signs in your dreams, mine often start with me leaping down staircases, entire flights at a time, and when this happens, I know I can fly...

That's great advice. It also works with balconies, rootops, cliffs, etc.
I can make myself dream about anything if I want. Also, its almost like the butterfly effect in my dreams. If something cool happens, and I forget, I can rewind it, and do it again. What helps me is, whatever you want to dream about, think about before you go to bed (as your lying in bed waiting to fall asleep.) It usually takes me between 5 minutes to 1 hour to fall asleep. So, while I'm waiting, I daydream, or just think about what I want to dream about. 8/10 times I dream about it. I dont know, may not work for everybody, but its worth a shot
zion said:

There's not much you can do. except i was hearing stephen la berge's tapes (i didnt buy them, but we share files in dorms here so... ;)) and i think its mostly a chance scenario.

Can you share files outside the dorm, too? :m: :cool:
yeah, i can...its a 40 MB file, i dont know of any mails that can support the attachment....I could share them on a server, but they charge bro....
Well, there's rar or other apps that will split a file into a couple of pieces, say 4 or 5, to fit; but email isn't really the best protocol I don't think.

If you like I can set up an ftp or hotline server, and there's always aim/msn transfers.

Would that be good?
zion said:
Tried at AIM, you arent replying,when i am sending the file?!

I saw, sorry about that, I don't like logging out, and forgot to set "away." I'll be more careful, and drop you a line if I see you on.

Thanks much :)

[I'll see if I can get a server up, too, to make it easier.]
I know one way to Lucid Dream, but you can also have Lucid Nightmares which seem to go on for ever, and ever I would only recomend this for a Smoker.
If you wear a Nicotine patch to ben at night then you can Lucid dream
If you want to improve your ability to lucid dream there are two key elements that I have found imperative. I have always been able to lucid dream, but only on some occassions and I wasn't aware that it even had a name. Once I learned that there were ways to actually help induce them, I have increased my success.

1. Improve your dream recall. It is tedious if you don't like keeping journals or diaries (like me), but you need to keep paper and pen right by your bed. Every time you awaken and remember even a fragment of a dream, you write it down. This helps you to recognize in your concious mind the signs that let you know you are dreaming. The more familiar you become with your dream signs, the more likely you are to recognize that you are dreaming and become lucid.

2. Take reality tests during your waking life. Things like looking at your hands and seeing that they don't change (for some reason, if you do this in a dream your hands will tend to waver or have an unusual quality to them). Another is to read a page of text, look away, then look back to see if the text is changes. If you are dreaming, the text will change every time. I know it sounds strange, but by training yourself to take reality tests in waking life, you increase the likelyhood that you will do it while dreaming, thus giving yourself more chances to realize that you're dreaming and become lucid. I think I got this from Stephen LaBerge's writings although it could have been from another source.

There is a lot of info on the net if you do a search under lucid dreaming. Just be aware that a lot of the sites you will find want to sell you something. I have not tried any products that are supposed to promote lucid dreaming so no advice there. One more bit of advice, be prepared for what you will do once you achieve lucidity. Many people become so excited upon realizing they've done it that they wake themselves up. Flying is a great first experiment as is levitation as mentioned above.
I have read in numerous places that a good "reality test" is to wear a watch, and check the time often throughout the day.
When you try and check the time in your dream it will be obvious you are dreaming.
I haven't tried that one.

On thing that often works for me is to have a physical tie to reality and your body.
If I sleep with my arm in a slighly uncomfortable position (someone once mentioned taping two fingers together) or some such thing that will (as silly as it might sound) "remind" your body of itself, it can help you to realize you are dreaming.
one_raven said:
I have read in numerous places that a good "reality test" is to wear a watch, and check the time often throughout the day.
When you try and check the time in your dream it will be obvious you are dreaming.
I haven't tried that one.

On thing that often works for me is to have a physical tie to reality and your body.
If I sleep with my arm in a slighly uncomfortable position (someone once mentioned taping two fingers together) or some such thing that will (as silly as it might sound) "remind" your body of itself, it can help you to realize you are dreaming.

Good point about the watch checking. For whatever reason, I seldom seem to check time in my dreams either, so I can't confirm this one but many others have. It is based on the same Physiological reasons as the text based reality check. For some reason, during sleep (or REM - not sure whether it's all sleep stages or not) the parts of your brain that process text and numbers do not function the same way they do during waking periods.

The great thing about this reality check it that it is so automatic. I'm so glad it got mentioned here because it is a pefect example of training your mind to perform reality checks. You could start out by telling yourself that on Monday you'll perform a 'watch' reality test every time you hear a phone ring. Hopefully the result will be that if a phone rings in one of your dreams, you'll do the same thing.
Lucidgirl said:
Good point about the watch checking. For whatever reason, I seldom seem to check time in my dreams either, so I can't confirm this one but many others have. It is based on the same Physiological reasons as the text based reality check. For some reason, during sleep (or REM - not sure whether it's all sleep stages or not) the parts of your brain that process text and numbers do not function the same way they do during waking periods.

The great thing about this reality check it that it is so automatic. I'm so glad it got mentioned here because it is a pefect example of training your mind to perform reality checks. You could start out by telling yourself that on Monday you'll perform a 'watch' reality test every time you hear a phone ring. Hopefully the result will be that if a phone rings in one of your dreams, you'll do the same thing.

I'll validate the watch check. In fact I think I may have been the person
to bring it up :). Any text based reality check is a sure fire way to go really
and watches tend to be very convenient.

If a person trains themselves to reality check pretty consistently then an
odd thing happens (or at least it has for me). The moment the desire for
a reality check comes along, the answer is immediately "yes I am dreaming
by virtue of even wanting to check in the first place".