Lucid Dreams


Registered Senior Member
Dreams can be very useful to look into your own Inner Self and you can handle from out there if you can remember your dreams well enough.

Sometimes it happens that you dream and suddenly you have the feeling you are flying. These dreams are not really dreams, because part of your Inner Self is awake and leads you to other places.

From out Lucid Dreams you have the ability to 'travel' and to find out more about the Spheres and the Beings living there. It is also a perfect way to discover your own Inner feelings and connection with the Cosmos. Bring more balance in your life and your way of looking at things happening here on Earth. Dreams tell you a lot about your way of living and things to come or how to handle certain problems you have going on in your life.

Best you can do to explore your dreams better is write them down if you can remember them. Write down what you remember about your dreams every time you have one and you wil find out that you shall remember more and more of them.

Once you have had a Lucid Dream, you can try to react into your own dreams and change them if they are heading in the wrong direction.

Out of body experiences are much more easier to do from out a Lucid Dream also.

When I started meditation quite a few years ago I did it with the desire to do astral projections. I had no success with that but the meditation became a everyday thing for me anyway. The out of body experiences I´ve had have all been through shaman drum sessions (even picked up a couple of totems :)).

Dreams have always been serious stuff to me. I created a entire life within the dreamworld, and sometimes suspect that is the world I live in right now :D
Some experiences have also fallen within a alternative existance, like waking up, being everyday me, living with my lovely woman and son. Nothing strange until I walk into the next room wake up and find myself in "real" reality.
Waking up is seamless, and the differences between the two realities are momentarily superimposed upon each other and I find my love sitting in the livingroom instead of the bedroom where we were just talking on a different bed than the one we actually own...
It´s weird, but I love the thin line between reality and "reality".
Never know what comes next :)
Sometimes the dreams feel better then ordinary life. :)

Not lately though. They are disturbed by uneasiness and a bad 'dark' sight in them. Feels like everything is falling down and if something stops me from being in my own dreams and handling from there.

Not nice at all. Just 'flares' from everything laying in a dark shadow...

Don't dare to go anywhere from out my dreams right now. Wondering why that is...Never had it before in such strong way...

Can you please be more specific? I know you have Lucid Dreams.

What is it about you humans, that you don't dare to post here about your experiences?

There are more members with different kinds of experiences at Sciforums, but nobody dares to speak up what it is about.

Afraid of the so called skeptics?

Come on, give an explanation about your dreams please;)

Comments will be there...always.

So what? Let them be...:)
Sorry about that one. I had accidentally pressed "Reply to Thread" instead of "start new thread" and there is no way to delete what you post here so I merely edited it out and replaced it with simply a period. Even so it turns out that what I'd posted fitted the direction of this thread quite well, I just hadn't read anything in this thread so I assumed that my interminable didn't.

In the majority of my recent LD experiences I have finally aquired the ability to fly on pure will alone. The trouble this creates though is that my dreams are short-lived and I end up missing out on the full LD experience. They have also exhibited bizzare ends and begins that I'm not accoustomed too. Kind of like I find myself swimming inside a blanket of dark warm colors and able to enter another dream or simply wake up. The other night I was flying in this blue white shimmering bog just before I woke up. Combined with the sensations its all around quite bizzare.

I am not yet a profficient master of the art of LD's but occasionally I will have an incomprehensible vivid dream. Where the colors are four times as vibrant, and all of my senses are awakened beyond there highest required states. Unfortunately, if I stay lucid in these dreams they do not last very long. Though there have been times I've awakened from what I knew was an extremely vivid LD and not be able to remember a damn thing. On this very night of last year though, I experienced a little taste of everything, the epic side of dreams, the vivid side, the lucid side, and just the plain experimental satisfaction of a productive lucid dream.

ALthough I remember the dream in its entirety, Lucidity doesn't really begin until about 1/4th or 1/3rd the way through. I was flipping through my photo album in order to show a women that she looked strikingly similiar to my mother. I realized I was dreaming because the majority of the pictures in the album weren't mine. After two chaotic abrupt scene changes I managed to hold onto a dream scene and move forward, only to battle with the problem one more time before mastering control. I then went on to experiment with a dream mirror. The first thing I did was emmerse my arm inside the mirror matrix style only to have my warm limbs liquify into silver and my face turn into a poor halloween alien mask. I re-stabilized and turned my back to the mirror. I demanded that three select people would appear on the other side when I turned around. It worked, sort of. The three people looked similar and had similar names to the ones I had requested. But instead of re-doing the experiment (which in retrospect I perhaps should have) I continued on and talked to these people. I reasoned that they were infact my proper reflection but more a reflection of my mind than my image. Although it wasn't entirely successful the dream all in all was the most leangthy and profitable LD I've had with sufficient recollection. I find LD's work much better when I have a purpose in them. Rather than random exploration or merely trying to fly.

Also, see my "Lucid Dream, Astral Projection, OBE?" thread.
This is my first time posting here, so, hey everyone:)
Anyway, I had my first lucid dream a few months ago. In my dream, I was walking down a street with buildings on both sides, and for some reason, I just realised I was dreaming. I had read about lucid dreaming before, and got so excited I woke myself up :( I havn't had another since then, but would love to. Just thought I would share my experience with everyone.
how do you control the urge not to wake up. I have had several lucid dreams and whenever i realize im dreaming i just automatically wake up. any advice in how to stay dreaming??
Willaan, be welcome at Sciforums. Have a good time here in this cozy community.:)

some_guy01, before you go to sleep, tell yourself over and over again, you want to have control in your dream. After practising this will happen. You have to get control over your dreaming, so you can change it from within the dream. It needs some practising, but it is a succeeding method.;)

Good luck, let know how you are doing...
I actually did it!!!!!!

I've been Lucid dreaming for about 2 years and lately I have been able to really control my dreams, just this morning I had the most unusual experiance ever!!!!! I was dreaming my kids were home (they just left) and I asked them how they got home again, and then it occured to me that I was dreaming and asked them if I was and my youngest shook his head yes, then I was off!!! I found my self scared and feeling I was comming out of lucidity and remembered to focus on my hands. Boom!! there i was, seeing myself on my bed from above, I then found my self floating above a glass top mirrord table I have in my room, but it was on my bed, I could see my self floating above it, my eyes were open yet I looked asleep, for the first time I was able to get to the floor which felt like a sponge and jumped in the air to fly, I floated in front of the mirror in my room and could see my self floatong, I could see my shadow on the walls as I did front rolls, it was awsome, THEN, I saw a window that is'nt in my room with people in it, two different times with different people each time, I feel that if I were to walk into the mirror I could go right through but at that point I became a little afraid and I woke up!!! Wow!!! what an experiance, I am so excited I had to tell everyone!!!!!!! Anyone has had a similar experiance I would LOVE to talk to you!!!! Happy Dreaming!
A few times.

Ive had some similar types of dreams when I was alot younger. The last time i let myself do it, it scared the crap out of me and I got a sort of phiscal pain from it.

I chould control almost the whole dream.

I used to enjoy the feeling of floating. Do you?

I can still do it now but I always stop my self before it happens, I tend to have a realy shitty night of sleep whenever I stop it.

Prehaps i should try it sometime soon.



Try it on some shrums. Its rather neet.
Hi Peter,

I Love to float, I was'nt so sure until a few months ago, I would try to hide my self from flying or floating to the ceiling because I didnt want anyone in my dream to see me, I thought it was wierd for the longest time, but then I read up on Lucid dreaming and found that it was the first step to being able to control my dreams, from then on I look forward to my flying and try to make it happen. Focusing on your hands when you feel you are looseing it really helps, I'd like to know more about all of this as I am just beginning to understand it all. I'm happy to hear there are others ou there with similar experiences, thanks for the reply!!!!:cool:

Hey, why don't you take this to Astral Projection?

I believe that what you had is Astral Projection.
Some of the threads didn't have any new things.
So maybe if you could move this all to Astral Projection, maybe you will shake some live back at that thread...

I think people shoold just stick t one thread about the same thing instead of opening hundreds about the same whit a little difference...

But Congratulations on doing it finally :)
I'll get back on my own threads to shed the live back in, and my other favorites...
Ignore Mr.G though, he's a skeptical mad-man that always complains and p*sses everybody off.

Hi, I don't really know if this was lucid or what... but I had a dream that has effected me rather strangely. Some of the events might be out of order because the longer and longer from the night I had it the more sketchy it gets. I think it started out in what could be a sort of wal-martish warehouse kinda thing. It had cement floors and kinda poor lighting, with shelves that were filled with a bunch of random objects. The ceiling was rather high and was white, just about like in a super wal-mart. Well anyway, I was doing something with the shelves organizing them (how do you organize random stuff lol) and I think I had a stapler holstered somewhere. I went to walk around the corner of the shelf and bumped into this girl I don't really know of ever think about from my high school's speech class. This segment is rather embarrassing but it didn't feel at all like what I will describe what happened. A few remarks were passed and I was left with the impression that she wanted me to go in the back through two grey plastic swinging doors, the kind that you can push or pull with a small Plexiglass window in them so you can see if someone is in the way of them when you go through. At this point I didn't become aware I was dreaming, instead I just became aware that things didn't make any sense....

For example in "normal" dreams you could see your friend and for some reason in the dream he is your brother, with no questions asked. In this dream, with the above example I would have realized that my friend wasn't my brother even though my friend and everyone else would insist he was. The making of a strange dream hehe.... anyhoo back to my dream!

*note* I can't every remember a dream where it was in first person, every dream I can remember has always been in 3rd person.---

I stood where I was as she walked back in a little room in front of the double doors, like where a service desk would be. I was standing where I bumped into her all of a sudden not understanding what was going on. I then realized I was walking toward the double doors. She was no where in sight and I became confused. She then came through the double doors and said something along the lines of "Good, I thought you weren't coming, that would have been rather impolite." I in my confusion mummer something like, "well I am not generally impolite to people." All of a sudden as if I blinked I was driving a car up a mountainside road. She was in the passenger seat. We then exit the vehicle at the end of the road. Rather "erotic" things then took place. During this however she bent and contorted and stretched about, I got the feeling she was not even human, some sort of robot or other form of life. I was getting rather scared and when we were done I became really happy to be out of the situation, I was then smiling and she said something to me which I cant remember. Maybe along the lines of I can't believe we did this. Then I "woke-up", I was in a house like you would find at a trailer park. My friends were over and they had brought some people who had kids. These people were probably 23 or 24. I was horribly frightened and didn't know what was going on. Because I knew this was not where I lived. I decided to be quiet about it however and walked into a sort of living room. My friends informed me that they were all leaving. The people with kids stayed and were sitting on the couch. Then my mom walked in and pulled me aside asking who these people were. I didn't know so I made something up. I also have the impression that she asked me a bunch of other questions I didn't know answers to. I somehow got outside and got into another car. It was day out, but near the sun setting. I then found myself with my friends outside the big warehouse . Further in front of it was a rocky shore with waves hitting the rocks. They all gave me the impression that I was to be very paranoid. I then started to feel very anxious and was feeling like I was going insane. I think it was supposed to be a drug warehouse or something. We walked in and stayed a while. All of a sudden I looked up to see a big window being broken and these things started to lower themselves in, everyone started to panic and ran all around the place, another broke through the newly formed tiles on the ceiling near a stair way, the kind that you find on the outside of large buildings as a fire escape, they were white. The things lowered very slowly so I could only see them from about the knees down. They knees down looked like Psycho Mantis or something from Metal Gear Solid 2. Leather pants and military style boots. the pants somehow where rugged and frightening. They had on fisherman style yellow rain coats that where open in front and went a little bit past the knee. They were making the sounds of a loud modulated vacuum, pretty high pitched, and had long vacuum type tubes that shot out a white mist. It dissipated after a certain length much like a fire extinguishers contents would. It was somehow implied that it was a raid of some sort, for what I didn't know, I just knew that I had to avoid the gas they were shooting out. I ran out of the front door and it was still night time. Everyone was scattering and I heard female screams from somewhere distant, it was a sick running out of air scream. I then heard the same high pitched vacuum noise fade in without the modulation. I then began to scream, repeatedly I think, and was screaming, "What's going ooonnnnn!!" in the same out of air screams I had heard before. I looked up and what seemed to be a sort of very very high technological helicopter thing with a bright spot light passed over me I saw the same kinda technological boat racing up the coast in front of the warehouse. The light passed over me again flooding all of my senses and the only thing I could hear then was my screams. the reason I was screaming was that nothing over what I thought was the past two days made no sense. Every bit of it felt real, with the exception that every thing that didn't make sense I realized didn't. I was thinking while I was screaming that maybe I had taken some sort of drugs like LSD or something and was having a bad trip. I was on the brink of sanity and then with the bright light my screams faded and I woke up. I was shocked.... I didn't know if it was a dream, if I was still dreaming. I then went to work. Which happens to be a store much like Wal-mart, named shopko. Everything was in the white florescent light. I felt really strange and almost didn't think what and where I was, was real. So what kind of dream did I have. It has effected me so great, it is like a switch has been turned on or off in my head and something doesn't feel right. It has been several weeks or even a month since the dream and I can't get over it. I didn't realize I was dreaming, just that every discrepancy was wrong. It was like I was going insane, and I am rather glad I haven't had another thing like it. Also if anyone knows anything about dream interpretation, can anyone help me out ??


I dont know what kind of dream that was. Kindda strange, not uncommon thou.

It does how ever lead to some insight on your death postings.

Happy dreaming.

Remeber- There is no spoon.................

Sounds like recently you've been more keen to become aware of your thoughts, surroundings, and where your attention is. Reasoning is made up of attention(present), memory(past), and imagination(future), only you can truly know what these dreams r, but let me offer this. Pay attention to where your thoughts r while awake, and this will transfer into your inner level experiences at night. Who knows, if you become good enough at this, you may even find you can b aware while u r dreaming. no telling what that could lead to.

If you have any specific ?'s about dreams, i'd b happy 2 help. Been studying informally all my life, and formally for 5 years or more in school.
There is an underlying universal language...

What is this you say about flying??

Almost every night that i remember dreaming, 2 a night 4 or 5 days a week, i'll have flight experiences, and all of them r lucid, but as to what i should do with these i am somewhat confused, and this confusiuon is shown in these dreams, i always meander about haphazardly, or just explode into outer space and leave the solar system. Disorienting at times, but always thrilling.
Any suggestions?

also, being in water or imagining water brings lucidity, maybe its that fluid motion, or that i'm a Cancer. HA HA
I had a day dream today at school, was rather fun. I was sitting upright at my deask and eventually wandered into a dream, soem things happened thatI can't remember, but I do remember I was at a small stream/creek. On the other side of the shore I looked down at the ground. All of a sudden a trillion tiny ant like golden brown bugs swarmed the shore, all of a sudden I felt like I was melting or falling down slowly, almost kinda floating, it felt very warm and good, I got really excited and kinda woke up, I remeber waking up with no knowledge of where I was, so basically I was askign myself... where the hell am I. After a few seconds I realized I was at school. Hehe, have any of you who have gone through learning to lucid dream or float started out with a melting slow warm falling sensation. Or is the start of floating rather diffrent?
I remember a product that was being sold which was like a mask you put over your eyes when you went to bed.

It detects your eye movement while your sleeping to determine when you dreaming. It them flashes red lights that "are seen in your dream" so you can control it.

I should've ordered it :(
lucid dreaming HELP!!!

Hello everyone,

I have many things to discuss.

I am pretty new to this forum, and I tend to read for me than I reply! Haha.

First of all, I've always remembered my dreams every single night all of my life. Yet recently (over the past few months or so) I've hardly remembered them clearly... and the whole dreaming sensation has nearly disappeared- or has been simply confusing and frustrating. I've found that I've been spiritually on a 'down', and physically as well - no energy, etc. Makes perfect sense of course...

Anyway, I've been able to lucid dream without even trying in the past. I've often had what my friend Vivian calls 'irrelevant psychic dreams'... I dream about very irrelevant things, then the day after the dream, they come true. For example, one night I dreamt that four people in my english class were wearing red shirts (and this was the primary focus of my dream, that is all!) then that morning I went to english class, and four people had red shirts on. I've had many dreams like that.

In fact, I did not even realize that the realization that you are dreaming, and being able to control dreams was called lucid dreaming. I did not know the term for it to be perfectly honest.

In my 'lucid' dreams, I've controlled absolutely everything in them, and it's been wonderful. I did not even try to do this however.
Yet suddenly over the past few months my dreaming has not been remembered or clear... it's been very bad and I really want to get back to dreaming 'properly' because it really does dictate my 'reality', you know? Can anyone help me with this? Any advice would really be appreciated, because my dreamworld matters to me so much.

Anyway, I'd really like to hear about out of body experiences while sleeping if anyone has any. I'm quite certain that I've had some, and I want to hear your descriptions and sensations, etc.


P.S. Live Long And Prosper!!!