Lucid Dreams - Yes or No?

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I'm curious as to how many members have had lucid dreams. Under what circumstances did your consiousness come about? Have you been successful at inducing lucid dreams? Have you particular interest in lucid dreams? Would you like lucid dreams if you haven't already had one? Explain..
I'm afraid of having a lucid dream. That's why I didn't even tried to have. I mean what if things go bad with your body. I know it sounds stupid.
The only bad thing that might happen is that you get laid, lmao I once had a lucid dream where I encountered that female from Married With Children, now I didn't get to bang her or anything but I certainly saw and felt her lol.
I clicked the wrong answer. You can put me down for having a few. It is quite the pshychotic experience.

The only bad thing that might happen is that you get laid, lmao I once had a lucid dream where I encountered that female from Married With Children, now I didn't get to bang her or anything but I certainly saw and felt her lol.

So, were you trying to have a lucid dream. I mean did you do anything before sleeping. Or was it a coincidence
I induced mine

If you want to here's what to do:
Keep a dream journal. Every morning when you wake up instantly write down everything you can remember. Do this for a week and you will be remembering more than ever. It's an awesome experience.
The reason you do this is because lucid dreams are pointless if you don't remember them!

Reality Checks. In dreams if you look at a clock twice it is never the same. If you look in a mirror twice chances are things are different. Start double-checking these things during waking life, and you might when you're dreaming. As soon as it happens in a dream it will act as a signal to your consciousness and you will realize you're dreaming and become lucid

The technique that worked for me was some type of self-made meditation. Before bed, I would drift into sleep-like states but still keep my consciousness going. Where I started seeing those shapes and colors and fractals. I'd repeat "lucid dream lucid dream lucid" alot, and after a few nights it worked. If you're skilled enough you can drift directly from wake into lucid dreaming through meditation.

I havn't been able to stay in them very long though. It's almost like losing a radio signal, static starts coming in and BAM I'm awake and wishing I was back in a lucid dream gettin layed

A pretty good tip that worked for me is to start spinning in your dream. I look at my hands and am soon awake. But if I start spinning (others say it works too) it helps keep the dream going.

I'm afraid of having a lucid dream. That's why I didn't even tried to have. I mean what if things go bad with your body. I know it sounds stupid.

I don't think your fear is stupid. It's a good thing to be careful and a lucid dream is unique.

I have had lucid dreams and they did no harm to my body. They were generally fun, even pleasurable, so much so that I would get excited and wake up.
Under what circumstances did your consiousness come about?

Well in any dream you are conscious... just nota awake. What lucid dreams gain you is knowledge that you are dreaming. Your memory doesn't operate the same while dreaming however, so if you do realize you are dreaming it is possible to forget later on in the dream.

The circumstance where I typically become aware that I am dreaming is when I experience a violation of reality. That sort of tips me off and I ask the question "am I dreaming?". That in turn triggers a trained memory that the answer is always "yes" if I have to ask... and viola... lucid dream.

Have you been successful at inducing lucid dreams?


Have you particular interest in lucid dreams?


Would you like lucid dreams if you haven't already had one? Explain..

Yes. It is satisfying to realize you are dreaming and then experiment with the hallucinatory dream environment.
I'm afraid of having a lucid dream. That's why I didn't even tried to have. I mean what if things go bad with your body. I know it sounds stupid.

Your brain turns off your body's ability to move when sleeping despite what you might be choosing to do in a lucid or regular dream. Beyond that the content of a dream is hallucinatory and has no impact on the 'external'.
Involuntary Lucid Dreaming

Believe it or not, I have these stupid dreams once a month or so and it seems I have no control over it. I will go to bed as usual, start to dream and will at some point decide that my dream is pissing me off and I decide I am not going to put up with the crap anymore (usually I am battling some kind of beastie, but I have other dreams as well).

The really weird dreams that really suck are the ones where I have these "waking dreams" or whatever you call them. I open my eyes, look around and I am perfectly conscience of my surroundings but I can't move anything and I can't actually 'wake up' - I am fully aware that I am asleep and I want to get up but I can't no matter how hard I struggle, or think "alright dammit wake up" I just can't do it, in fact I feel like I have been heavily sedated. Oddly enough that its not scary at all - it just leaves me really tired the next day.
lucid dreaming is somthing im very interested in. Ive practied for a month or so until i realzed what it required while dreaming to realize that in fact i was dreaming. Lucid dreaming and dream control are differnt things. Not often do i have complete control of what is going on but recently ive had the ability to contol what i said and kind of where i went. im doing a project on it for my sociology class which has to be an hour long so i greatly look foward to share with my peers the wonders of lucid dreaming. :D
lucid dreaming is somthing im very interested in. Ive practied for a month or so until i realzed what it required while dreaming to realize that in fact i was dreaming. Lucid dreaming and dream control are differnt things. Not often do i have complete control of what is going on but recently ive had the ability to contol what i said and kind of where i went. im doing a project on it for my sociology class which has to be an hour long so i greatly look foward to share with my peers the wonders of lucid dreaming. :D

imagination helps with lucid dreaming.
practice it: imagine a familiar object floating in an unfamiliar scene. Imagine this and how it will affect the environment around it. Example: imagine a vase floating above a lake...making a mirror image and than dipping inside water making a splash. Concentrate on a splash. go and actually throw a rock in water...remember how the splashes form...apply that to the vase...blend it in. Than see what dream you have.
I had many about future, I'm half awoke and half asleep, pictures runs fast in front of my eyes. Sometimes I just can believe that all this will and it is happening. All of my lucid dreams come true till now. I don't need to go to psychic. As you people know, dreams really does come true. All you have to do is, believe in it.
You're right, It may never happened, who knows. As Bon Jovie say - Keep the faith.
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I had a couple their alright. I'm quit boring so if I have I can pretty much bend my dreams to my will.

The bad day's are when your truly lucid but the body is asleep, it's caused to some brain chemical that prevents you from kicking and sleep walking it can happen that when you have to many of that stuff in your system you wake up more or less paralysed. That doesn't happen often but it's a bitch.
I haven't had the waking up and being paralysed thing, but I've had a few lucid dreams recently. I was thinking about lucid dreaming during the day and must have forced my subconscious into submission, because at night I had a lucid dream. It was quite a good one, too. I broke into Lacey Turner's (Stacey off Eastenders) flat and hid there until she got home. Far from being shocked, she just said hello. She tried to have a bath whilst I, er, got in her way. The strange thing was she said she worked in a stripclub in Manchester and commuted there every day which took about 4 hours each way. We talked for quite a while about some things, which I'd like to be able to remember, but I can't

As soon as somebody finds a way to let us control our dreams and sleep 24/7, goodbye world. Plug me in :D