lucid dreams, etc.


ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum?
Valued Senior Member
Does anyone know why we have lucid dreams? If I have a dream, and my friend is in it, and also has that same dream, is there a word for that, or is it just a weird coincidence? Also, if anyone else has had lucid dreams do you usually wake up soon after realizing it's a dream(not immediately, but after a bit)? Are everyone else's dreams as enjoyable as mine?
Oniw17 said:
Does anyone know why we have lucid dreams?

Not as of yet.

Oniw17 said:
If I have a dream, and my friend is in it, and also has that same dream, is there a word for that,...

"Fantasy". I can guarantee that you both did not have the same dream.

Oniw17 said:
Also, if anyone else has had lucid dreams do you usually wake up soon after realizing it's a dream(not immediately, but after a bit)?

No more so than a normal dream.

Oniw17 said:
Are everyone else's dreams as enjoyable as mine?

I don't think anyone has data about the amount of pleasure your dreams give you nor how to measure and compare it to the pleasure their dreams give them.
mine are enjoyable. Last week I dreamed of making love to this black hot chick and was it as real. yeah...
Does anyone know why we have lucid dreams?

I don't suppose there is a 'why' involved; we gain consciousness within our dreams through either technique or accident, whereby something either internally or externally rises our awareness without waking us fully, so it is not a case of our minds using lucid dreaming as a tool for a gain of some sort, rather we are taking advantage of our understanding, and the nature, of dreams.

If I have a dream, and my friend is in it, and also has that same dream, is there a word for that, or is it just a weird coincidence?

There is a term, it's called shared dreaming, but I agree with Crunchy Cat that it is not a real phenomenon, simply a coincidence, or a subconscious psychological persuasian on either part.

Also, if anyone else has had lucid dreams do you usually wake up soon after realizing it's a dream(not immediately, but after a bit)?

It differs, but alot of people do report waking shortly after becoming lucid, either through the shock or excitement of becoming lucid, or because the R.E.M. period is short, around 10 minutes long (I think).

Are everyone else's dreams as enjoyable as mine?

I dream of undescribable feelings in my lucid dreams. Feeling like religion, majik, and Love to say the least. I also dream of God like characters and wizards, past and astral times with reptiles. I think they are enemies leaving me to a choice to decide as to what kind of girl to love be it Indian or other. I usually wake up and just know I had some kind of majic dream again. Mine are very enjoyable especially when I dream to morph into a 9ft king cobra that can fly over committing women during darkenss of a garden. I think I have some thing called Kundalini Dreams.
I usually find my lucid dreams to be very peculiar and unsettling. In real life, once I get the feeling of unreality, my skin crawls and a sense of panic strikes for an instant. When I notice the unreality of a dream I'll often wake up abruptly to sleep-paralysis where I'll hallucinate crazy faces coming at me and weird sounds.

maybe it's because of the narcolepsy or something...
Try to repeat the experience of the dream with your friend and attempt to convey meaningful information.
Does anyone know why we have lucid dreams? If I have a dream, and my friend is in it, and also has that same dream, is there a word for that, or is it just a weird coincidence? Also, if anyone else has had lucid dreams do you usually wake up soon after realizing it's a dream(not immediately, but after a bit)? Are everyone else's dreams as enjoyable as mine?

Imbalances in the physical body and specifically the central nervous system can cause such things in theory. For instance there are dietary imbalances that can in fact cause there to be less insulating factor in the nerves. Your body can technically pick up electromagnetic signals much like a radio tuner. Your nevous system is then subject to signals that did not originate with in your own central nervous system and could cause many such phenomenon. If you want a scientific reality based answer, that is. Does this make it any less wonderfull or amazing or wonderous event? No, personally I find reality to be far more awesome and amazing as we learn more and more about it than I do making up really cool magical tales. But thats just me and if you thrown in $1.25 it will get you a cup of coffee.