lucid dreaming


Registered Member
So here's the deal: I love lucid dreaming, and they are the only dreams that I really have any strong conscious memory of after the fact. Is there a way or tactics to invoke higher chance of lucid dreaming? Anything to do before going to sleep or something like that that seems to work for you?
my recipe

That's what I do when I want to have a lucid dream:
- order myself to search for my hands in my dream. Once I have found them I KNOW (at some conscious level) that I am dreaming and the lucid dream starts.

In general, you should also make it clear to yourself every day that you are not dreaming. For instance you shall observe the world around you, when you are in your "normal" state of mind and establish the absence of signs for dreams. No fleeting pictures, no pictures that dissolve when you look at them closely, no funny kind of flying going on... This makes it easier for your mind to distinguish between the "wake" state and the "dream" state. You shall also frequently look at your hands while awake. Then your mind becomes used to searching for them.

There are more methods (read some books on Tibet - they recommend you imagine a big letter on your breast and concentrate on that before you sleep), but for me the searching of my hands works best.

A word of caution: lucid dreaming is fun and gives you a sense of control. However, do not forget that normal dreams have meanings, too. Those meanings are assembled by your subconscious mind - don't neglect them.
You can also count yourself to sleep like this. 1 IM DREAMING.. 2 IM DREAMING 3... IM DREAMING ,..ETC. This way when your actually in the dream your counting saying your dreaming, once you realize this your lucid.

Im at the point were i can become lucid anytime i want. Its not hard it just takes time. Get Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge. Its a great book with many methods for achieving lucidity.
