Lucid dreaming basics?


Registered Member
Can someone give the basics over Lucid dreaming. I really want to learn this. I have been to the website lucidity but i want to hear what everyone else does. Thanks.
I find my hands in my "normal" dreams. Once I found and focus on them the dream turns lucid.
Yeah nice hint Sparkle

Well looking for logic stuff in your dream will eventually make you aware.. like for example seeing pink elephants in a bathroom.. not quite logic right? Just try to focus..

After your aware you can start doing all kinds of stuff, flying, passing thru walls, etc..

Very nice stuff, Lucid Dreams are way more "real" and vivid that regular dreams, quite a blow to the mind after you have one.
Try reading things. Any signs or letters in your dreams. Then read them again, the words will probably have changed. Once you're aware you're dreaming you can begin to manipulate your surroundings.

And then just try to change little things at first, like your outfit. I've been able to lucid dream for as long as I could remember it's always handy for when you're out and you suddenly realise you're in your pyjamas. And if you're having a bad dream you can change things around so the odds are stacked more in your favour.
Originally posted by Litany
Try reading things. Any signs or letters in your dreams. Then read them again, the words will probably have changed. Once you're aware you're dreaming you can begin to manipulate your surroundings.

This is the technique I've used, can't remember where I first read about it, but it can work quite well. I'd noticed that when I dream that notices and posters often changed, and had different words on them when I re-read them, sometimes it was quite frustrating, not being able to read the whole thing, as it kept changing. The concentration on reading and this trigger help me go lucid, although my lucid periods are quite short. Once I realise I'm dreaming, I wake quite soon after.

Also, if I'm walking around outside without any shoes on, that's a good trigger. I guess some things from reality seep into your dreams, and being shoeless is one of them. Perhaps I should try sleeping with some on and see what happens? ;-)

Having the inability to run, the old 'wading through water' feeling, or walking on my hands, ... when I dream I know I'll get that odd restricted feeling that happens to stop you kicking out, so my dreams rationalise this by having me walk around doing a handstand sometimes. This works, for some reason?!

But yeah, look for common themes in your dreams, and use those as triggers. I don't try and go lucid that often, as I wake up. Why spoil a good night sleep for ten seconds of mayhem!
I keep on talking about this, but read Remembering Your Dreams by Craig.... it's helpful and has a lot on Lucid Dreaming.
"In 1913, the Dutchman van Eeden called these dreams 'lucid dreams' and recognized that they were not only extraordinary vivid but could be controlled."It's talking about dreams that are very clear liek when you dream of "dreaming" and then wake up. Or dreaming then part-way-through realized it was a dream but still in it. You know...
"It has been reported that 73% of the population have had at least one lucid dream and lucid dreaming comes naturally to between 5 and 10 percent." Anyway, this book has some techiniques on recalling them.
"Awareness that the experience that seems so real is in fact a 'lucid dream' occurs abruptly when the dreamer notices something unusual, inaccurate, or illogical that is happening in the dream. With this realization comes a surge of excitement and a strange feeling of higher conciousness." When I wake up, lucid dreams leave me sort of shaky the whole day. "Sometimes the initial reaction is frightning" and that's what I usually have "because you are in such an unfamiliar state with the flow."
Also, when you look at a writing in a dream, usually in lucid dreams(or with me), and then look at it for the second time, it changes. That's when it is easy to realize that you are lucid dreaming. That doesn't usually scare me.
"Perhaps the most remarkable thing about lucid dreams is the dreamer's ability to control dream events like a director directing a film."
Just read the book! :)
It's helpfull to try and be aware in the physical world as much as possible, your awareness level when awake will be reflected when you dream, alo try and question where you are when awake, ask yourself wether you are dreaming or not... this should get you quite far if you do it everyday.

PS I have ripped off mysticweb to give you this info.:D
yes, hands work quite well. You can make it any object though deciding that once you see it, it's a cue for your lucid dream to come in. I haven't tried that though to be honest. If you gain control, try doing impossible things such as walking through walls, jumping up and flying, you know... It will give you the realization you're dreaming. Also, try remembering things you have done over the last couple of weeks. It will give you the feeling that you have no memory and you will again, realize you're dreaming. Try psychokinesis such as bending a spoon with your mind. That will also prove the absence of "reality." But those are things you can do when you gain control mostly, I guess. For example I'm still only trying to at least remember my dreams. It's hard for me to just lucid dream. But the book helps me with different steps toward my goal. You might be able to lucid dream as soon as you reinforce your mind to and set it to. Once you start waking up remembering your lucid dreams and get with the progress it will be much easier for you.
Hope this helps!:)
I have been able to "lucid dream" for as long as I remember. When I was a kid and my brother would tell me about nightmares I would always ask why he didn't just make whatever bad was happening go away. It seemed like something everyone would be able to do once you realized you were dreaming. I never had a method to do it though, it always just occurs to me that it has to be a dream, usually when something ridiculous or out of place happens. Unfortunately I have a lot of trouble staying asleep once I realize I am dreaming.

I have always wondered why lucid dreaming is talked about in the same places as telepathy, telekinesis, and astral projection. Lucid dreaming is just, well, daydreaming more or less.