lucid dream novice


It ain't broke, don't fix it!
Registered Senior Member
sorry for jamming this forum up with personal requests, but maybe i'm not the only one wondering. does anybody know any good sites or tips on lucid dreaming? i've tried it before, but i don't think I'm getting the full effect or anything. i know i'm missing something, I just don't know what, but it seems like a cool thing to at least try. thanks for the help! :D

Woah, I tried some tips i pulled off's FAQ, and i just had one hell of a nightmare. i woke up in a cold sweat, is this supposed to happen or am i just lucky?!
weed_eater_guy said:
Woah, I tried some tips i pulled off's FAQ, and i just had one hell of a nightmare. i woke up in a cold sweat, is this supposed to happen or am i just lucky?!

Youre lucky cos you had a terrible nightmare? LMAO

I personally think the worst thing that can happen (although youd probably call it lucky) is sleep paralysis where you are apparently awake but cannot move and hear ringing/rushing sounds and a pressure on your chest along with an apparent breathing difficulty,it is horrible.

Ive also had the ringing and strange noises in lucidity,i think its where your body is just completely asleep but your brain is almost fully active.

When you are drifting off to sleep sometimes you get into a normal dreaming point then apparently slip over,or just generally fall and you really jerk out of your sleep and i think thats where the brain and body is out of synch,you only get that when falling asleep though.

REM sleep automatically paralyses the body to stop you acting out your dreams,sleep walking and night terrors do not occur in REM but in a theta/delta deeper sleep.

In lucid dreaming,its REM sleep but your central nervous system is more active instead of being switched off,also theres some neurons in your brainstem related to intelligence and informational process,essentially when you are in non-lucid sleep you are brain damaged,its like being stupid with an IQ of 40,so you blindly accept bizarre things as normal,all your intelligence is gone.

Somehow going lucid switches the crital parts of your brain,nervous system and brain stem on while keeping you paralised.

If they knew why that happens id imagine they find a way to reproduce it through machinary or drugs,id imagine the inventor of that drug will (assuming its not dangerous) recieve large wads of cash in short time.
Night terrors or what I call waking nightmares (because I am aware that it is happening) are really really bad. Although I am not supposed to have them since I damn old. Chiefly children are supposed to have them. I have read a lot about night terrors and all I have researched is just like you describe, Skullz...paralysis et al. .. however my experience is a little different as there is nothing heavy on my chest nor is it difficult to breath. My big problem are the thoughts I have while in this state, they generally freak me out.

They have been going on for 11 years now...and although lately they have subsided it always fecks me up when they happen.

I basically gave up trying to figure any of it out. I would probably drive myself crazy trying to come up with all the symbolism and what not. I chock most of it up to stress.