Lucid Crossroads shared dream space


Registered Member
Hope that some of you here are regular lucid dreamers if not its not very difficult ¦¬)

One of the benifits to becoming lucid would be the ability to reach us at the Lucid Crossroads. Have you ever wanted to meet up in dream time? I've often thought that whats needed is a mutual dreaming enviroment, some where we can all visualise and recall when lucid.

To this end I've created the Lucid Crossroads its not ment as a replacement to theurealworld or your other favorite forums (infact it doesn't have its own forum) but it will give a meeting place in either dream time or maybe given time the astral planes.
I'm checking out your site, very cool. I have a dream diary but I haven't really committed to it, I'm thinking that I should.

I had one semi-lucid dream once, I kept gaining and losing control of it, but I was directing my own star wars movie. Very cool.
I like the amazing change between the end book 1 where you've just got used to this fantasical world and the fact everones got a personal sole as a character and the beginning of book 2 that just makes what you have read even more breath taking cause of its setting in our "real" world.

Initially the dream diary is the only sure fire way to get lucids and it over time tell you things about yourself that you previously only dreamt about :)

I use a programme called liquid dream as it has a graph function to show you your spread of lucids over a year and loads of other stats.
I assume your name is to do with Dark Materials? ;)

Is there any way to start lucid dreaming? I occasionally do, but then kinda do it too lightly, and totally wake up. :rolleyes:
Well goto the How section of the Lucid Crossroads or look online at the fankly rapidly expanding number of websites devoted to lucid dreaming.
The shortish answer is there are loads of ways to get lucid, the two classic ways are DILD dream initiated lucid dream (wake up whilst already dreaming) and WILD wake initiated lucid dream lie down fully awake go into a trance state and straight into lucidity.

But the real trick is to read all you can about lucid dreaming, saturate your brain with what is going to happen to it, how its going to control it etc.

Also you "have" to keep a dream diary (write down in moring anything you remember of your normal or lucid dreams) can be a little bit of a pain but if you goto the links page at the Crossroads you can download a free dream diary that runs from your computer, it has cool graphs that show you waht you've been dreaming about over a month which can be a real eye opener about the things that really matter to you or that your subconcious wants to tell you.
Oh, right, thanks. I would but rarely have lucid dreams, though I do often note them down when I have them. Though, sigh, don't have enough time to keep a real diary, let alone a dream one. :rolleyes:
No you misunderstand, the dream diary is for your normal dreams (as well as lucids).

By forcing your mind to remember the normal dreams you gradually have more vivid dreams and better dream recall all of which leads to more dream awareness and thus lucidity!

i do not know of the books you refer to although i do think you
find fascination with the evil forces!

you will find all you are looking for and more if you seek it!

but i must realy DRAW EXCEPTION TO YOU
trying to indoctrinate other un-initiated people into your power web!!!
this is most unsettling!!!
i warn you to gain some seriouse advice on what you are doing!!!
before it is too late!!!
if it is not too late already!

i wish you light.
i wish you rite.
i wish you safty and truth in sight.

firefly find yourself before you blindly try to find others in realms that may undermine the growing goodness in your heart!!!

peace and light
peace and light
safty and sight

quote * Pantalimon

i do not know of the books you refer to although i do think you
find fascination with the evil forces! * quote

Well why are you flapping your lips about them chap?

No I don't have a fascination with evil forces.

quote *but i must realy DRAW EXCEPTION TO YOU
trying to indoctrinate other un-initiated people into your power web!!!
this is most unsettling!!!
i warn you to gain some seriouse advice on what you are doing!!!
before it is too late!!!
if it is not too late already! * quote

*yawn* mad people bore me

I wish you light
and 30mg of Fluoxetine for the voices in your head.
I assume your name is to do with Dark Materials?
what does... > ""Subcultures"" > """Parapsychology""" >
(Lucid Crossroads shared dream space), mean???
(please give me your understanding of this^)
on a scietific perspective ofcoarse!?
assuming you have atleast some small knoledge of the shear nature of this type of subconseuse interface i wonder why you seek to delve to a point that could, in the incouragement of others, suggest things that so obviousely can lead to
semi/and/or/schzophrenic episodes in cerseptable people!! such...
or am i assuming too much of the depth in which you are dabling?
annallogy..-can a ten year old drive a car???
there will be (at some point) cost ...(numbersgame!!!=VIEWview)

maybe you see this as an artists palet that needs no truth justification responsibilty or realativeness???

"please expand"?
2nd Q =
are you below the age of 22?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Apologies if i have offended!
Last edited:
No need for Apologies

I assume your some sort of God squad debunker or just a loon with a net connection?

Offended I'm not.

Boring me .... yes.... offended no

I'm assuming your first language is not English is it chap?
I'm bad with languages myself, my Spanish is virtually non existent my Portuguese poor and my Japanese barely begun so I do have sympathy.

quote * I wonder why you seek to delve to a point that could, in the incouragement of others, suggest things that so obviousely can lead to
semi/and/or/schzophrenic episodes in cerseptable people!! such...
or am i assuming too much of the depth in which you are dabling?
annallogy..-can a ten year old drive a car??? * quote

This is almost incomprehensable

However I think I know what your babbling about, the analogy with children and cars is a good way of how I think it might be you my "young" friend who are ignorant of this subject.

When you have completed your high school diploma, degree or wherever you are in the education tree you might consider doing some research into this subject so you can join in some meaningful debate.

Till then wake me when you can structure a sentence and construct an argument

:eek: :)
Junior Member

Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 6

i hope, that one day you will find love!
it will only help to broarden your understanding and respect for other people, as well as respect and greater understanding of yourself.
Oxymoron earthling

Registered: Apr 2001
Location: new zealand
Posts: 553

What alot of dribble you have posted fella

In reponse to your words of "wisdom" for my good self......... err....whatever

Mad people bore me!:)
the window to the mind is two sided!

just because you have pollished off all charateristics of the outside, does not mean you have removed the muddy dirt through which you choose to view everything that exists outside your own understanding/self limiting factualisation!

do you use the word "mad" on an emotional basis? :D

* if i was "truely mad" (using your emotional definition ofcoarse)
i would be agreing with everything you are saying!

i say again...
i hope one day ... you will find love.

but i cant hold my breath forever so i wont bother
(the insueing bedlim may lend sadistic pleasure to your aching soul and 'that' would put me in the wrong.

Originally posted by ripleofdeath
I assume your name is to do with Dark Materials?
I was talking to Pantalimon.
sorry for interrupting!

i took it too Seriously :(

dont let my ramblings interfere with your fantastic fictionalisations


happy hauntings :)

note: the topic was posted under
maybe you should have made the post under-
"fantasy fiction" in the "free thoughts" area!!!!

materials / elements/ gems/emulets/power...
is niether good nor bad!
it is only determined in its use as to the nature of your peception to its induction to your relm of understanding. :)

little Box’s made of ticky tacky!
(And then labeled and bracketed)

groove on all :)
LOL hehe your funny riple not just here but in other topics, I just had to say that.)

Are you guys really able to meet in lucid dream? Wont that transfrom it to astral projection or something? Have you met someone through lucid dream , not your imagination but the real person? I'm just wondering cuz I can lucid dream, and I nver met someone doing it before. ANd how would you find the person? I was thinking this other day, maybe I should give myself a soul name or soemthing and u can call it and i'll come... hmmm thats fantasy i think. But I'd like to know cuz it seems cool. And I'm only person I know in real life besides on comp that is into stuff like this.

thnx bye
lucid dreaming/astral travelling sounds fun but a little bit of caution might be in order. as in the real world, the astral plane has plenty of assholes that would wanna have some fun with you
(or so i've been told)
