Lucent Dreaming is the REAL Holodeck!

Have you ever had a Lucent Dream?

  • Yes, frequently

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Once or very seldom

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • No, I never have had a lucent dream

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, I don't believe it is possible.

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
If you want to experience a real Startrek-style Holodeck, then learn how to have lucid dreams. They are dreams in which you know you are dreaming and can control the dream with deliberate decisions you make while in the dream.

I have, for instance, dreamed up people from the past or present to talk to, to work out a difficult business or personal problem. I have used this technique to visit far away places - including other planets. while there, I dream I can breath but have low gravity and can jump up 30 feet. I can also dream of whatever kind of social, sexual or personal relationship I want - and I have had a lot of fun in this area!!!

These are the most vivid dreams you can imagine. I have experienced thirst, sweat, heat, cold and become tired from the experiences in these kinds of dreams - they are that real to you.

The only possible negative aspect is that because the dreams seem so real and you remember everything the next day very clearly, it sometimes is hard to remember what was a dream experience and what was a real experience. One time, I told someone that I had skydived because I have done it so many times in my vivid dreams but, in fact, I never have skydived. I technique I use to remind me of the dream nature of the experience is that I always dream I am in black-and-white checkered clothes. That way, when I remember it later, I remember what I was wearing and realize it was a lucid dream.

This is a learned technique that anyone can learn with a little practice and patients. You have to get your subconscience mind to be receptive to your conscience mind's thoughts and commands. It can be done and everyone can do it - and, in fact, you do, do it on a regular basis that you are not aware of.

Email me if you are interested in more.
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I'm there...Lucid Dreaming is the thing that we can control and it's not that hard. Just train your mind to recognize when you are dreaming. I use the stimuli of flying. If I am flying, then I know I am dreaming, and then have control. Its an incredibly empowering experience. If someone hasn't tried it they need to.

But I haven´t thought of bringing other people in. I will try that next time. Most of the time I use the experience for flying practice, I just love to fly. The feeling of comfort when you remember that you CAN actually fly and then just lift from the ground. The other night I went pretty high, above the clouds. I will try to get out into space sometime. :D

What this has to do with Lucent Corporation? From the topic, I thought they just developed a crude Holodeck technology!
lucid adj 1: (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable; "writes in a limpid style"; "lucid directions"; "a luculent oration"- Robert Burton; "pellucid prose"; "a crystal clear explanation"; "a perspicuous argument"

[syn: limpid, luculent, lucent, pellucid, crystal clear, perspicuous]

2: having a clear mind; "a lucid moment in his madness"

3: capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner; "a lucid thinker"; "she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident" [syn: coherent, logical, lucent]

picky, picky, picky
It is like those ink blots that look like different shapes. Our mind works on associations. An object relational database...hehehe... :D
Lucid dreams are perfect to go out of your body.
In that kind of dreams, you have control while you are dreaming.
Make advantage of that and fly.
Think you go out of yourself and let yourself flow.
The dimensions you can go to are so incredible.....

I think everybody has to learn to go out of their body.
Then so much more people would understand how the Cosmos works.....
A little.

You always ask yourself during day time if you are awake and not dreaming, if you dream so clear, you sometimes forget if you are awake or dreaming. It is a good thing to do, because it can help to make you aware you are awake , or not.
Most of my Lucid dreams are set in the future and some in other worlds with two moons. Only one was set in 1800s and turned out to be true. I did not know the information until after I told the story to my landlady. It is posted somewhere in this forum.

My daughers lucid dreams are set only 2 years ahead and has already come true many times.
Not quite sure if I have? But, because your some what awake is it tiring. Like you were up all night kinda thing or is it still restful sleep with perks?
Kmguru, you better listen very close to what your daughter tells you.
It sounds to me that it is not only dreams she is good with.
Listen well, please, it is difficult if there is more and she doesn't dare to say. But I do not think that is the case with you.

Dreams which you can remember very well when you wake up, are mostly a sign or a warning.
Best you can do is write them down and look if there is a symbol in the dream you can compare with your daily life.
Or past lives, is possible too, but then you have that more times.
By the way, this dreams are so good to exercise your controle in a dream.
Controle over your own dream.
If it is a bad dream, you can realize that you are dreaming, than you can change the dream in the dream.
When you know how to controle the dream, you can fly out, whenever you want.
Try it, nothing to loose..
Dream that you go out of your body.
It works, it really works.
It is the most easy way to go out of your body, in a dream.
When you are awake and want to 'travel' you have to do more to get your concentration right.
In a dream all the walls you built for in real life, fall away.
That makes your sixth sense more 'awake', so you can go more easy to 'travel'.

I hope you understand what I want to say.
I only try to help here, with the knowledge I learned.
Lucid dreams are good.
If you are having lucid dreams a lot, it can tell you a lot about your daily life.
And make you understand some things in life better.
It is also the best way to go 'travel', but that is not my choice to make.
I only told you this because it is such a great experience...
I think everybody should do that, go out of their body...
It is really an incredible, wonderful experience.
But this is only my choice.
Only mine.
Hi Banshee:

My mind is wide open to possibilities.But I work on the priniple of stability. Matter you interact with has certain rules. By following those rules, you go about your business everyday. The otherpart is the energy world, or the world of information, synchronicity, cause & effect, predictions or simply put the world you are entering into that is based on a mathematics of Chaos. Our mind can calculate the results, but has to be given the needed meditation - until we develop the quantum computer.

And so I dream on. Use my own mind to do simulations, what ifs for problems to be solved. So far it works very well.
I know what you mean yes, but you dream often in a night.
In one dream you can fly out, for a while.
You get the sleep you need, your mind has to deal with daily problems in the night, so that you are ok and not get stressed out.
Sorry, it is to difficult for me to put it in the good english words.

You dream often, if you are aware you are dreaming, when you are dreaming, you can control your dreams.
So it is easier to go out of your body in a dream.
In the night, when you sleep, the walls you have built in your mind for protection, are not so 'thick', they 'fall away' so to speak.
Then your sixth sense has more the chance to 'break free' and helps you.
It is good to open that sixth sense in daytime too, you can train that by controlling your dreams.
It gets easier then in daytime and then you are more aware of 'things' you do not notice so fast now, without using sixth sense.

I hope you understand, I wrote it down difficult, sorry.
Just want to tell you what I know and let you have the same knowledge about lucid dreaming.
I don't mean to be arrogant, please, do not think so.
I just want to help, because lucid dreaming brings humans more close to their Deeper Selves.
Which a lot of people do not know what it is and how to handle.
Please, I had to learn to, I only tell what I have learned.
I do not want to be arrogant.
Then I will stop immediately with this writing.
So let me know if you want to know more or so.
I will answer the best I can.
And then, I misunderstand sometimes what is written.
Then I give wrong answers.
I apologize to the people who I misunderstood and who really think I am arrogant.
Thank you.
mistermistoffolees said:
If I can't lucid dream, does that mean I'm weak of mind??

Do you dream at all? Dream state is one of the sleep stages. Lack of it could point to psysiological issues. Stressed out, not getting enough restfull sleep and many other problems. Better to do a full physical work up...see your doctor.