Love of money is evil ?


Valued Senior Member
I love $, but the bible says love of money is evil, hence, i must be evil ? Correct?

Money is so important, without it i am going to starve, together with my children.

I love money, and sometimes do feel Greedy for it,
is it OK according to social norm ? :confused:
Perhaps you do not know God. It would be hard to hate the source of true love. Love of money is really greed and never leads to being fullfilled no matter how much money you have because love of money is not Love.
Money = productivity. Think of what money really is, how does one get money (in most cases) through work, through producing, through doing something which is of value. Your work, your effort, your cleverness and your over all productivity turn into money. All money does is represent an intelligent effort, it says you've done something. It turns your effort into something not just tangible, but universal and exchangeable, there is nothing evil about that. You work hard (or smartly), you earn money, you by yourself a nice big sports car, and no one has any room to complain about it because it was your own effort, and wits that made it possible.

People seem to get confused when some people do immoral things to get money. People screw eachother over quite a bit over money, but it's certainly not the money that's immoral but the act of screwing someone over. The number of lives that have been lost due to wars over land are uncountable, yet I haven’t heard anyone make a case for land being evil.

So don't worry about your love of money, it's a perfectly natural thing, it's the means through witch you can better yourself and the lives of your family, and that's certainly a noble goal. So long as you aren't stooping to immoral means of acquiring it there's really nothing you should be worrying about.
KJV: "For the love of money is the root of all evil"
NIV: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil"

If this is taken to be true, it does not imply that the love of money is in itself evil, only that evil may (or may not) arise from it.
The rich: money is honey

I remember during my salad days there was a song by the Swedish group ABBA it said: Money, money always honey, it is a rich man s word.
And I say it is almost every body s word. We all look for it. Governments are hunting for every dime they can find. With money people and governments make houses, build roads and factories, schools and hospitals.
With that one pays for the work that is done and gets paid for what one has done. It is a means not an end.
If one lives just for money , I think, it is dangerous. But if we are well off and care about others and help them to earn money that will be wonderful. Be my guest
in the true essence of your question you obviousely have never known love

i hope you will one day so you can help guide your children to know it aswell

i think it is more likely that you crave power to gain control for which you feel you have little of in your current situation

all parents need personal time
try and get some for yourself
it will benefit your children just as much if not more so than yourself

good luck
truth is a sticky concept
love is a rare jewel

groove on :)
Money is definitely a good thing. Only those without it complain.
If you are willing to fully believe what the bible says, you are less than are a fool.

Loving money means holding it higher than other more important things. I do not love money, but I use it. Actually, I despise money.

And the origins of money is your occupation. You are selling your freedom (time/life) for it... I think that is evil (bad/wrong).
Originally posted by DarkEyedBeauty
And the origins of money is your occupation. You are selling your freedom (time/life) for it... I think that is evil (bad/wrong).

Well that's not entirely true because it is very possible to end up doing something you love. In fact those who end up doing things that they love tend to be making a lot more money than average Joe accountant. I know that if I were to end up becoming a really good movie directory I'd probably want to keep on doing that regardless of whether I get paid or not, I love cinema, but you know what, if I were making good movies I'd probably be getting paid a shit load to do it, too!

If you hate your job then find something else to do, you're not a slave to the money, you're a slave to your own lack of inspiration.

Don't feel bad about HAVING to make money, either, because that's just the nature of the world. You HAVE to make an effort to sustain your life or it's just not going to happen, and if we didn't have money then you would HAVE to be farming your own food, and if you don't happen to enjoy a good ol' farmin' life then tough shit. So when you look at it money is a pretty sweet deal, you can take just about any type of effort that will make you money and turn that into food! Makes things a lot more fun, doesn't it?
You're right Mystech....I hate what I do, but right now it's hard to do the things which I would love to do because I need the training which I'm in the process of getting.

But if there wasn't money, if we bartered, then we would all more likely do the things which we like to do.
Well money and bartering are very closely linked. Say you like to paint, for example, and you wanted to try living on that (heh good luck) even if you paint a lot of very good pictures, real high-society art type stuff, then your currency (paintings) are really only any good to people who specifically want paintings. If someone else had something you want, like maybe a good affordable car or something, and they'd only accept jellybeans as payment, you'd be completely out of luck, but because we can trade for the universal currency (well ok not exactly universal, but everyone at least recognizes money as having value in some form or another) you can trade someone who's interested in paintings, for money, and KNOW that that car dealer is going to accept that money (and not demand the jellybeans that you just couldn't come by) and you'll drive home happy as it were. It's just so much more convenient!

Besides, a barter society is a cash society. . . Imagine that you were a luxury car salesperson, now it's going to take a hell of a lot of jellybeans, or computer parts or, whatever the heck you'd like to trade, to get you a luxury car, you'd have to bring this stuff to the dealer in wheel barrels, and then he'd have to figure out where to stash the damn stuff while he looks for either some use to put it to or someone else to trade it to. It's just very inconvenient. A small light weight currency like our paper money and coins is much more efficient, but even better is when nothing actually changes hands at all, credit, debit, checks, they’re all even better because for one it’s much harder to lose than a physical currency, and it’s easier to determine it’s value and authenticity.
love of money = lack of love for yourself

money essentially, is the most effective tool used by society to enslave the populace... the inhabitants of planet earth have been systematically brainwashed (damaged) into believing money equates to happiness... there used to be a time when family and friends did that for us, now if there is no money we can't seem to find joy...of course we need money to function in today's world but do we really need 15 different types of shampoo? do we require a new car every fuckin year? must we chop down hectares of irreplaceable forestry to wipe our overweight asses? remember money is what buys all the fast food and computers that ensure our asses are obese...

if you believe money, power and fame are the keys to a succesful life, you are fucked... yes severely really do not get a damn thing and guess what... the man is soooo happy you revere money instead of humanity... that way a human life is not even worth the paper it is killed for... makes it a hell of alot easier to exploit natural resources, other life forms and oh yeah humans without too much retaliation cause hey! money = happy... bullshite... money is necessary... but money does not bring justice, sincerity or honour, if anything it deters these things from being present in our society...

love or hate it... it's up to you how to feel about it... a gun is not evil, killing someone with it is... a swimming pool is not a tool of the damned, drowning someone in it is... money is not the root of all evil, valuing it above a human life is...

yeah you're going to hell but guess what... you can't take the green monster with you when you go... so remember while you're backstabbing, con jobbing, extorting and killing for money... when satan finally does sodomize your ass til its black and grey, your love of money did buy you that fancy BMW... think of that while he's packin your fudge...


ps. social norm? you are kiddin right? what in the hell is normal in our society today? make yourself, build your own norm based on what you believe is right and wrong... does loving money make you feel good about yourself? ask yourself some questions that may help you explore your emotional depth as an individual... or better yet, as a human being sharing this planet with 6 billion people... it's much easier and way more sane than consistently failing to live up to the contrived norm we all fight to attain...
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Hey, if you've got a problem with money feel free to send every excess dollar you can muster my way. I'll give it a good home.

Money in itself doesn't bring happiness, but if you can't find happiness with huge amounts of resources to work with then there is something very wrong with you.

In fact, anyone who thinks money is evil is quite free to send all of theirs to me. I'll bear the burden happily so that you can live better without it.
"Money in itself doesn't bring happiness, but if you can't find happiness with huge amounts of resources to work with then there is something very wrong with you."

But theres plenty of peopel that can make themselves happy etc, without plenty of resources. Why is it that surveys keep finding that we dont feel any happier now than a few decades ago, despite having mroe resources available. PLus if you keep looking for happiness, your not exactly going to find it.
Why is it that surveys keep finding that we dont feel any happier now than a few decades ago, despite having mroe resources available
Maybe because now we have to do more for less? And your expected to be happy about it:bugeye:
Originally posted by Saint
I love $, but the bible says love of money is evil, hence, i must be evil ? Correct?

Money is so important, without it i am going to starve, together with my children.

I love money, and sometimes do feel Greedy for it,
is it OK according to social norm ? :confused:

I love money too, with a passion. But the bible isnt referring to
money itself. It means greed. The craving, the willingness to
kill , and steal that the craving for money might result in.
Originally posted by Saint
Is it OK to use money to buy SEX ?:eek:

In my opinion, yes, it's a valid business arrangement, shallow and cheap though it may be. The social and economic pressures which pressure some women to become prostitutes, however are extremely problematic, and I certainly don't support them. I don't see how pointing to the various things that money can be spent on lends to the idea of money being immoral.

Money can be used to buy a gun, or a missile or a tank, but is this somehow the fault of money? These things can also be built by your own two hands with enough work, but is producing something of value inherently immoral?