Love is blind


God is love. I have activated the spirit. Read and expand your knowledge. Follow the first commandment especially.
I have activated the spirit.

God is love. I have activated the spirit. Read and expand your knowledge. Follow the first commandment especially.

Can you throw more light over God is love and Love is blind?

Since these are main topics of the thread they require some expected detail over it.

In my opinion God is all about love for it see no difference in rich and poor etc. when in love with a being. God has nothing else to offer except love to it's true followers. Here love is blind also proves itself for it sees no difference between rich and poor to make a relation with. :cool:
Can you throw more light over God is love and Love is blind?

Since these are main topics of the thread they require some expected detail over it.

In my opinion God is all about love for it see no difference in rich and poor etc. when in love with a being. God has nothing else to offer except love to it's true followers. Here love is blind also proves itself for it sees no difference between rich and poor to make a relation with. :cool:

God is love. God's love is blind. No judgment whatsoever.
God is an emotion? You activated what spirit? Read what? Knowledge of what? How do you know the mind of this God you speak of? How do you assert that there is no judgement?

Same tired nonsense.........
If god were really love then we could just drop the god idea and talk about love. But it's absurd to think one can love everyone. Love is by definition exclusive or it becomes meaningless.
God is an emotion? You activated what spirit? Read what? Knowledge of what? How do you know the mind of this God you speak of? How do you assert that there is no judgement?

Same tired nonsense.........


It might even be interesting nonsense if Nick were coming up with his own nonsense.... instead of someone else's nonsense, regurgitated blindly from this website Nick's been pushing.

....Aaand I bet his exaltedness is going to cuss me out for that in
Incoherent statement.

Undoubtedly it's a statement you've had drummed into your head by parents and preachers but in reality it says precisely nothing.

What are you actually trying to say?
Histoire D’amour
Love Story

Un homme tombe en amour avec ses yeux,
A man falls in love through his eyes,
Une femme travers ses oreilles;
A woman through her ears;
Plus tard, il renverse ...
Later it reverses…

Une femme prend note de tout ce qui sera fait,
A woman notes everything to be done,
Mais l’homme ne connaót pas le voir un.
But the man does not hear the seeing one.

Mais il ya encore de l’espoir ...
But there is still hope…
Comme dans le mariage
As in the marriage
De la femme aveugle
Of the blind lady
Pour l’homme sourd.
To the deaf man.
If god were really love then we could just drop the god idea and talk about love. But it's absurd to think one can love everyone. Love is by definition exclusive or it becomes meaningless.

Oh Spidey why have you forsaken me . Listen to the Hot Chile Peppers ! I love all of you . Great song ! Love that song . I don't know if that is the tittle ?