"Lord Jesus" Antichrist?


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Before I say anything...

1) I'm not "christian" (although I see merit in the idea of "loving thy neighbor")
2) I don't believe in "religion", I just have an interest in THEOLOGY
3) I don't believe this stuff in the video, I just find it interesting
4) If you come to me and you say that religion is not true or that Jesus is our "lord" and "saviour".... thank you very much, that's not the point of the thread, please get back to it.

So... This guy in this video basically says that our idea of Jesus as "Lord and Saviour", like a lot of "christians" believe, is the actual antichrist... so basically the catholic church is the antichrist. There are a few scriptures that I vaguely remember from the research I did many years ago that gives quite a bit of weight to this hypothesis. Basically the Jesus people worship is an idol and Jesus himself said that he was just a teacher and not God (that would make worshiping him the same as worshiping an idol). He also said that many will speak of his name as thought they were his followers, but he would tell them to go away because they were not truly his followers.

Basically, there's a difference between "Lord Jesus" and "Christ". "Lord Jesus" is an idol, "Christ" is more like a concept, the ideas that the teacher Jesus promoted.

I make no comments on the method which was used to determine "Lord Jesus" as the antichrist.

Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkcpTcxSXxA

Let the fun begin! :D
Bring chaos and destruction to planet earth, I suppose. The speaker in the video mentions that the Bush administration in the beginning... I suppose the wars and other actions of Bush are part of it...
What i mean is if one Christ has no power and\or did not exist than an anti Christ would mean what?

I didnt listen to the video, i dont have a sound card.
We are not disputing that in this thread. The thread assumes that Christianity is correct. So given that it is correct, how does this fit.

It's a discussion from a theological perspective rather then a religious one.
So exactly what would be the purpose of an "anti Christ"?

Anti means opposed to, so who would be opposed to Jesus?

Lets think, Jesus was pretty much a Hippy Rabbi. So the antichrist would be someone who is anti Jews and Hippys.
