Looks like this is where the Vision threads go..


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
SO...someone tell me.

What is the differance between a DREAM and a VISION? How do you KNOW that something is going to be a prophecy?

If someone (THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION, if you want to make a religious reply, start your own thread in that forum about what go d told you to do), continueing on.. if someone told you to spread a message through a dream.. would you do it? What elements would have to be present in the dream/vision/wte to make you beleive you needed to do this task?
Well if I was rubbing it with a hot chick in a dream I will certainly wish it were a prophecy. I have not the slightest idea why I dream what I dream and when I dream it. In fact I barely remember what I dream of these days. I think when you are awake your brain is just too used to being awake that when you fall asleep it keeps on working, only there is no mind to direct it this time or give it proper feedback, which is why we usually dream stupid things more often. Vision to me is just day dreaming and a dimension of wishful thinking, most people underestimate the power of unconcious reasoning, those are the people who make false hysteria out of so called "visions". Many times I have predicted several things about my dog like where he is going to pea next and it happened, to some its a vision.

"The glorification of life is having to see things from different point of view, or as the businessman will do; adding value to the same thing
"---C.S Lewis
I've had two visions that told me specific things I believe are prophetical. One of them I sort of followed in discouraging people from a particular action, but you can only do so much. The other was more personal, and I think if there is any merit, it will happen on it's own, maybe I'm wrong.

What made me respect it to any degree? Just internal evidence, it felt strong, but it could also just be the product of my own mind, like a wish, so I didn't take it as a command.
hrrmmm... you said its personal.. but is there any way you can elaborate? i mean sure we all dream thing or see things that we know will be true simply from our brains working off history. history repeasts itself. mix that with a dose of logic and we can give a pretty good guess at alot of things.
iteresting.. but does that mean all visions are negative? what about a positive vision?
NightFall said:
What is the differance between a DREAM and a VISION?

A dream is a natural form of hallucination resulting from various repair and
organization activities that occur while sleeping. A vision is the
interpretation that a hallucination represents the existence of an explicit
future event.

NightFall said:
How do you KNOW that something is going to be a prophecy?

There is no evidence to suggest that prophecy exists; however, the sure
way would be to test it out yourself. The first step is to wait it out and see
if the event comes true.

NightFall said:
if someone told you to spread a message through a dream.. would you do it?

'From' a dream (i.e. a dream character asked you to spread a message in
reality) or 'Through' a dream (i.e. a dream character asked you to spread a
message within a dream?)

NightFall said:
What elements would have to be present in the dream/vision/wte to make
you beleive you needed to do this task?

Assuming we're talking about a dream character asking me to spread its
message to reality, I would first establish credibility of the character. I
would start by asking it for a series of 'prophecies' and see what percentage
of them (if any) actually came true.
NightFall said:
What is the differance between a DREAM and a VISION? How do you KNOW that something is going to be a prophecy?

if someone told you to spread a message through a dream.. would you do it? What elements would have to be present in the dream/vision/wte to make you beleive you needed to do this task?
It's a dream if you're asleep, a vision if you have it while awake (like, if you're standing and it lasts for a few seconds). No, most don't know the difference between a prophetic dream and a usual one until they see the events happen in real life and make a comparison.

No I wouldn't spread the message, since I wouldn't know that it is a prophecy; I'd take it as an odd dream, no matter what happens in it.
NightFall said:
lol so you would bargain with the messeger? hahaha.

that's not nearly as funny as the notion of believing some hallucination is the future.