Looking For UFO Sightings Stories For Web Site.


Registered Member
Hi Everyone,
I am looking for new and old UFO sighting stories for my web site. I have been for some time now searching information about UFO's and the Paranormal. With my staff's help we are starting to gather up so many wonderful sightings. We would love to have yours here as well.
My site is http://www.homestead.com/ufo3/ufo.html
Thanks so much,
Yogi ( Brian ) HBCC UFO Research

Brian At HBCC UFO Research.
I'll check out your website, but what do you plan to do with the stories? Are they there for public consumption, or are we looking at book deals?

Pardon my cynicism, but I sent one of my experiences to a website on time, and they later informed me that the story was now their property to do with as they pleased.
Thats too bad, I hate to hear those type of stories. One must be very careful when you submit anything to anybody.
Last evening, my family and I were looking at pictures which we recently got developed from a trip to California. While at Universal Studios, my husband took a picture of my sister and I on this bridge-like structure which overlooks the Hollywood area. It's one of those overlook sights which has those telescopes (or giant binocular type machines - the name of them escapes me) for people to look through so that they can get a magnified view of the area. (We didn't use the machines. We were on our way to the Jurasic Park exhibit). Anyway, there is a strange object in the wide-open, clear, bright afternoon sky in that picture. It appears to be directly behind and above our heads, between us and the backside of the hill (or mountain?) that holds the Hollywood sign. The object appears relatively small, round and silver. It seems to be moving quickly because a tail is present. It's path is a slight curve downwards.

Anyone know of an unbiased way of getting this photo checked out?

Yes, you can send a print to FUJI
labs in NJ. If you'd like I will email you the address and telephone number.
They will give you an unbias opinion.

Hi Truestory,

I'm Cheri,and I am from California in the same general area. It sounds like you have a picture of what I have been seeing around here for about two years now. I posted a massage on, I think it was on Oct 3, of what it discripion of my sightions if you would like to take a look! I would like to see the pic. you have. If you are ok with this and have a scanner maybe you can E-Mail me it to see. So far you are the only one that has a story close to mine.My E-Mail address is:

SmokeaPoke@aol.com... I hope I hear from you.

But I will understand if I don't.

Thanks Cheri
Sorry, Cheri... On closer examination, it turned out to be a scratch on the negative which really could not be seen with the naked eye... Wish I could help.