Looking for proof will drive you mad

The Void

Registered Member
I was thinking yersterday about the rule in the bible that everyone seems to break. The one that talked about not looking for proof of God's exhistance because it will just drive you mad. I take heart in this. It allows me to read and discuss evolution and big bang theory without having to say " That cannot be because it couldn't have happened that way. the bible says something else"

I take it to heart that no matter what we discover its not going to lead to proof, If there was proof I believe that it would defeat the goal our reality was created for. So while I argue that evolultion happened, etc, it in no way deters my faith.

I talk to God everyday and see his work in my life. I also use my mind to think about the creation of the universe without looking for proof of god's exhistance in it. I am free from having to look for holes in theories that confound creationists, making them take stand points of what I consider to be trivial technicallities. Instead I work to make discoveries out of general curiosity like any other scientist.

I thought hard before posting this, but maybe it will help someone. Its my first post in this forum, so I don't know what to expect here.
The Void,

Welcome to sciforums.

not looking for proof of God's exhistance because it will just drive you mad.
Have you considered that the authors of the bible knew that they were writing fiction and hence knew there could never be any proof so they inserted that text so that gullible people would not be tempted to ask questions?
I think the important point is faith! The idea proposed by this the void is that one should have faith in God, and not need proof. Does anyone else think that the whole universe, in the way it just is seems to point to the fact that we are stuck on a planet and it's as if we are not meant to know the truth! The whole thing is very puzzling, and it's as if it's a question of faith.
Originally posted by Cris
The Void,

Welcome to sciforums.

Have you considered that the authors of the bible knew that they were writing fiction and hence knew there could never be any proof so they inserted that text so that gullible people would not be tempted to ask questions?

Aye, I used to take that to an extreme too. At one time I thought religon was a way to control a more primitive uneducated population. A way to enforce morals in those people that other wise would have no reason to obey laws. Sure punishment works but why not tell the idiot peasants that if they murder someone they will burn forever in hell. A much easier deterent than locking people up, or hanging peasants that would otherwise be building your monuments or farming your land.

I can think of countless holes in the bible. I wont even try to defend them because I cannot explain it. I dont even know if a time machine taking me back to see Jesus himself speak would clear up all the questions.

At the time I believed in nothing I was empty. I can't believe its me saying it, my 25 year old self would be barfing. I do know that when i pray for focus I get it. When I pray for the strength to accomplish a task it comes to me if I am sincere enough, etc. This isn't proof god exhists to another but it is to me. When it happens enough I became convinced. I manage to find just barely enough resources to get by when before I saw no path. Its like magic, if you can imagine that. I'm no BS preacher trying to get your money either I really believe this stuff. I was put through literal hell in my life before I turned to this as a last resort. I feel like I have an ally now and Im glad to have em.

Dont be surprised to hear my arguements for evolution etc in the science forum either. I dont think they contratic. It is the only way I have been able to make sense out of all of it.
It's always nice to see open minded people here.

I hope you post more often

Welcome to sciforums, Void ;)

I think the important point is faith!
But the post represents a defeatist and lazy approach to life. That trying to discover truth is too hard and that we should all give up trying.

The idea proposed by this the void is that one should have faith in God, and not need proof.
Then you run the real and highly probable risk that what you believe will be false since there are more things that are false than are true. I.e. there is an infinite set of things that can be imagined but only a small finite subset of things that will be true. The chance of you accidentally finding something true without a proof is near to zero.

Does anyone else think that the whole universe, in the way it just is seems to point to the fact that we are stuck on a planet and it's as if we are not meant to know the truth!
No. It’s that we simply haven’t learnt and discovered enough yet.

The whole thing is very puzzling, and it's as if it's a question of faith.
Or a question of patience, education and discovery.
The Void,

At one time I thought religion was a way to control a more primitive uneducated population. A way to enforce morals in those people that other wise would have no reason to obey laws. Sure punishment works but why not tell the idiot peasants that if they murder someone they will burn forever in hell.
But this is still the case for many western democracies like the USA for example. The legal system still requires witnesses and jurors to swear an oath on the bible. The implication is that if they lie they will be punished by God. It is still a primitive culture that relies on such techniques.

I do know that when i pray for focus I get it. When I pray for the strength to accomplish a task it comes to me if I am sincere enough, etc.
And for many people the power of positive thinking has also been shown to be very successful. The placebo effect is also very real.

This isn't proof god exists to another but it is to me. When it happens enough I became convinced.
I have no doubt the effects are real it is just that others can easily achieve the same thing without the need to believe in a god. Your strong conviction gives you strength, but that is the very real effect of positive thinking. There is no god involved that is just a delusion.

I manage to find just barely enough resources to get by when before I saw no path. Its like magic, if you can imagine that. I'm no BS preacher trying to get your money either I really believe this stuff.
That’s fine, but gods aren’t real, you only believe they are and it is that strong belief that gives you confidence in yourself. There is no god helping you solve your problems, you are doing that yourself.

I was put through literal hell in my life before I turned to this as a last resort. I feel like I have an ally now and Im glad to have em.
But it is still a crutch. Perhaps you can’t survive without one. But once you realize it is your own strength you are using then you will be able to kick away the crutch of religion and experience true freedom and self confidence.
Originally posted by Cris
The Void,

Welcome to sciforums.

Have you considered that the authors of the bible knew that they were writing fiction and hence knew there could never be any proof so they inserted that text so that gullible people would not be tempted to ask questions?

The bible has an iffy plot, an indeterminate ending, but a gigantic cast of characters, and it's non fattening.:D
Thanks for your response Chris. I expected more people to say these types of things.

Originally posted by Cris

But the post represents a defeatist and lazy approach to life. That trying to discover truth is too hard and that we should all give up trying.

I understand this point of view very well. You have missed a segment of my story however. What I was trying to do was tell why this works for me. About 10 years ago I said these same types of things that you have. It used to seem to me that, taking into account the lack of cold hard proof in any way of the existence of God, believing was just too rediculus to even consider, and was a "Brave" thing to do. Also, that even now I so thoroughly undertand these issues that I know there is no way I can relate my experiance in such a way to conclusively change anyones mind that is seeing things from my old point of view. But what I can do though is open your mind back up to the possibility of it.

Why would I want to do that? To be right? No, I am not arguing this point of view from any egotistical point of view. I am doing this because, for me I have found something new that works.

How about " Because in my blind unenlightened point of view I believe God is watching and it is my duty to try to pass on the unending Chain Letter of religon. That is not what I am trying to do either. Im a level or two past all of that, when you grasp what im actually saying here maybe at least you will see a fresh point of view on religon that you can at least respect in someone else as more then just a blind leap of lunacy.

One thing I know about you is that your very smart. So what i ask is that since you stepped up to discuss this with me what rather then drawing conclussions now from what you know, seek out a little more information. Because to draw a conclusion now would be a mistake. Why? Well because your still alive. Your not quite done here in this world yet and it certainly wont hurt you or anyone else to put off drawing a definte conclussion on any matter like one related to Gods existance.

The first semester I returned to school I had an economics class. One portion of the class discussed Oligopoly, a market composed of just a few large competitors, and the properties and types of Oligopoly. One theory called game theory, looked at all the possible outcomes In the pricing of a product like gas in an Oligopolistic market and showed in conclusion how it cost consumers money and is generally bad for all business because of reduced efficiency.

The game theory reminded me of something I had been turning over in my head for a long time. A philosophical idea called Pascals Wager. It works in much the same way as game theory. You examine all possible beliefs and outcomes.

Ok in Pascal's Wager you consider two philosophies, A belief in God, and a non belief in God.

Also in Pascal's Wager you consider two outcomes, God exhists, and God doesn't exhist.

You draw a little chart with the beliefs on top, and out comes on the left side and a cross section drawn between the terms.
OK now we consider each possibility and what it would mean IF that out come came to pass.

The first one is, I believe in God and it turns out he doesn't exhist. Result, I live a life that is deluded, but happy because while I was alive I allways belived evil doers would ultimately be punished and that I had an ally there to give me strength. I also never know I was wrong because I die and that is that.

The 2nd result comes from, Belief in God , and God exhists. Well then I go to heaven.

The 3rd result possibility, on the next line of the chart is " Didn't belive in God and God did not exhist" Well, then I live in a world with no belief at all. It is really up to you to think about this one and how it makes you feel. But for me it makes me feel hopeless, because it means the universe is pointless. I know what your thinking, that hopelessness is no reason to run to a religon out of fear and blindness. All I am spelling out in this discussion is what these possible outcomes MEAN. Anyhow, you never get to even KNOW that you were right because you die and that is that.

The 4th result is, didn't believe in God and God exhists. Well, this possibility is open for different results by different religons. Most would agree though that this means "hell".

The conclussion from this little chart, if you look at it, is that it is foolish to rule out religon very easily.

The chart is not a reason for believing but it is a reason for not drawing a conclussion yet. I ask that you think on this chart now, but also that you keep the idea with you as you get older because as time goes by perspectives change a bit.

I know you have a 2nd post I have to answer so ill end this one here.
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The Void,

At one time I thought religion was a way to control a more primitive uneducated population. A way to enforce morals in those people that other wise would have no reason to obey laws. Sure punishment works but why not tell the idiot peasants that if they murder someone they will burn forever in hell.

But this is still the case for many western democracies like the USA for example. The legal system still requires witnesses and jurors to swear an oath on the bible. The implication is that if they lie they will be punished by God. It is still a primitive culture that relies on such techniques.

** A point that is easy to see. Sure seems like it at first glance I agree.

I do know that when i pray for focus I get it. When I pray for the strength to accomplish a task it comes to me if I am sincere enough, etc.

And for many people the power of positive thinking has also been shown to be very successful. The placebo effect is also very real.

** I am a great fan of the power of positive thinking type books. I have read Tony Robbins and Les Brown and own many audio tapes. What I have discovered in my own journey though is that positive thinking is only one half the battle and I WILL elaborate more on this in another post.

This isn't proof god exists to another but it is to me. When it happens enough I became convinced.

I have no doubt the effects are real it is just that others can easily achieve the same thing without the need to believe in a god. Your strong conviction gives you strength, but that is the very real effect of positive thinking. There is no god involved that is just a delusion.

** What I am saying here is that I know the issues as you see them. I know that for you the only thing that is going to swerve you is God himself appearing and telling you your wrong to your face lol, at least at this point. What changed my beliefs was a CONSISTENT good result from prayer that I could not get any other way. I spent 10 years fighting a losing battle with all the tools you have mentioned.

I manage to find just barely enough resources to get by when before I saw no path. Its like magic, if you can imagine that. I'm no BS preacher trying to get your money either I really believe this stuff.

That’s fine, but gods aren’t real, you only believe they are and it is that strong belief that gives you confidence in yourself. There is no god helping you solve your problems, you are doing that yourself.

** Saying gods aren't real draws a conclusion. You can't know that. You can strongly suspect it and say its unlikely but saying that they 100% aren't real isn't an enlightened way to look at just about anything. My belief comes from CONSISTENT positive results that lead me to this point of view. You can argue with this too, but to do so would be just for the sake of arguement. You can't draw a conclusion that is 100% based in fact regarding the exhistence of your creator, it is illogical.

I was put through literal hell in my life before I turned to this as a last resort. I feel like I have an ally now and Im glad to have em.

But it is still a crutch. Perhaps you can’t survive without one. But once you realize it is your own strength you are using then you will be able to kick away the crutch of religion and experience true freedom and self confidence.

** Im being haunted by my own words here. For me to answer this here and now would be like jumping to the end of a book and telling you the conclusion. It is easy to reduce it to a crutch, I dont see it that way, and you are not ready to hear why.

People should be free to do anything they wish except where such actions would interfere with the freedom of others
The Void,

But the post represents a defeatist and lazy approach to life. That trying to discover truth is too hard and that we should all give up trying.

….even now I so thoroughly understand these issues that I know there is no way I can relate my experience in such a way to conclusively change anyone’s mind that is seeing things from my old point of view. But what I can do though is open your mind back up to the possibility of it……..
I can easily understand the frustration of the Christian who is continually faced with questions regarding lack of proof for their god. And as you have pointed out that the bible says you should not seek such information, and that those who seek proof before they believe have yet to experience that all important inspirational leap to understanding the greater truth.

I am doing this because, for me I have found something new that works. …..
….I’m a level or two past all of that, when you grasp what I’m actually saying here maybe at least you will see a fresh point of view on religion that you can at least respect in someone else as more then just a blind leap of lunacy.
I understand the phase you are going through and that you are doing your best to convince yourself that you have found something real. Or rather it is real for you, but it is very subjective and personal. However, many people from many religions reach the same conclusions, but your problem in trying to convince others that your ‘truth’ is correct is showing why the Buddhist for example who has found an equally satisfying truth (without a god) is less real than yours. When you look beyond Christianity and at other religions and even the New Age upstarts, we find that same inner belief that something has an essential truth and it is that psychological process that you are experiencing.

It is not that I do not have respect for you but that I can very easily see the mistake you are making. It will likely take you some time to realize this and it will either be traumatic or a cathartic relief when you eventually (if ever) discover your mistake.

One thing I know about you is that your very smart. So what i ask is that since you stepped up to discuss this with me what rather then drawing conclusions now from what you know, seek out a little more information.
I suspect I jumped in because I recognize your story as being quite a common mistake.

Because to draw a conclusion now would be a mistake. Why? Well because your still alive. Your not quite done here in this world yet and it certainly wont hurt you or anyone else to put off drawing a definte conclussion on any matter like one related to Gods existance.
But here is where I find religions particularly damaging even to the point of being evil. For the moment human lifetime is very short, to waste anytime on nonsense is criminal. What is worse is losing time believing that a wonderful super benefactor will give me immortality, when we should be working hard to solve these problems for ourselves.

As for pascal’s wager; we have discussed this many times here and I won’t repeat the issues again. It is invalid – try this link –


But here is the atheist wager –

"It is better to live your life as if there are no Gods, and try to make the world a better place for your being in it. If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, He will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in Him."

… you keep the idea with you as you get older because as time goes by perspectives change a bit.
I’m 50, my perspectives have changed many times in my life already. I’m now at a point where many things have become very clear, one of which is the overwhelming need for objective and critical thought.

** Saying gods aren't real draws a conclusion. You can't know that.
But yes I can. The concept of gods is based only on human imagination. They are fictional in exactly the same way that Sherlock Holmes is fictional.

You can strongly suspect it and say its unlikely but saying that they 100% aren't real isn't an enlightened way to look at just about anything.
Do you then only strongly suspect that Sherlock Holmes is not real?

You can't draw a conclusion that is 100% based in fact regarding the existence of your creator, it is illogical.
Given that I am the result of an evolutionary process and was not created then I could argue for 100% fact. But that is not what you meant is it? Where is the logic in concluding that an imaginary character created the universe? So yes I can conclude with 100% certainty that imaginary characters do not create universes.

The real problem is yours in trying to prove that gods are not imaginary, and that brings us back to your original post where you are trying to escape that responsibility.

It is easy to reduce it to a crutch, I dont see it that way, and you are not ready to hear why.
I suspect you aren’t capable of explaining your perspective in a logically convincing manner. This is a factual assessment since you have already agreed that you have no proofs and hence no facts so any argument you present is necessarily irrational. But take care with how you assess me; I have considered many possibilities over the years. Isn’t it more likely that you know you have a weak case and that I am not likely to believe your argument on that basis?
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Originally posted by The Void
I was thinking yersterday about the rule in the bible that everyone seems to break. The one that talked about not looking for proof of God's exhistance because it will just drive you mad.

Which part of the Bible is this verse in?


Jan Ardena.
Cris wrote:
Have you considered that the authors of the bible knew that they were writing fiction and hence knew there could never be any proof so they inserted that text so that gullible people would not be tempted to ask questions?

Yes, of course, they all conspired together despite some of the authors not even knowing who Christ was or what the outcome of the book would be. Some of them died horrendous deaths because they were so intent on selling this fiction.

I suspect I jumped in because I recognize your story as being quite a common mistake.

Yes, somehow only you were imparted wisdom amongst the billions of souls on this earth.

Gag me.

Yes, of course, they all conspired together despite some of the authors not even knowing who Christ was or what the outcome of the book would be. Some of them died horrendous deaths because they were so intent on selling this fiction.
Damn I didn’t know they were that well organized as well as insane.

Yes, somehow only you were imparted wisdom amongst the billions of souls on this earth.
Nah, sciforums doesn’t have that many members yet, but Porfiry is trying.

Nah, everyone can see cynicism is its own worst enemy.
Originally posted by Bridge
Some of them died horrendous deaths because they were so intent on selling this fiction.
If you insist that martyrdom constitutes compelling evidence, you may discover that logical consistency mandates your support for many movements which have managed to produce martyrs.
Looking for proof of alot of things will drive you mad, god is just another thing. You can prove anything to be true or false if you search hard enough.


Sorry its been a few days I haven't had a chance to reply to your last post yet. I've been out celebrating our Independence Day, and its sapped my energy, ( enough beer will do that ). Im going to hit the sack I'll send you something as intellectually stimulating as I can tomorrow.

The Void