Looking for life/ Roswell


just one of the lost
Registered Senior Member
If there are no UFOs' or alien's, why are we searching for signs of life on mars? Why are we searching lake Vostov, which has been isolated for 20 million years under the Antarctic And are planning on using the technology to explore one of the moons of Jupiter for life?
If anyone is really interested in answers I think it is in the the Roswell account. no one denied that at first they said it was the wreckage of an alien craft. This was the first report. Then several hours later the story changes. As far as I recall the morning news papers released the story as a crashed UFO. The afternoon papers released stories of a whether balloon. The man that was first on the site of the crash released whether balloons for a living, that's what they do. So now they're going to tell me that a major in our military can't tell the difference between something he deals with everyday (Whether balloons) and something completely different! Something that he described as not from this planet. There was plenty of time for a cover up!
NO, we are not searching for advanced people from other solar systems. If they are smarter than us, they will pre-empt our CNN channel and declare...."People of Planet Earth...we come in Peace...." and so on.

What we are searching is to look for dumber life out there to understand why we are so smart and how. IF we find a group that are only 50 years behind us, we will do our best to prepare in case of interstallar war....
I think that the aliens must be more intelligent than us because they've been landing on earth for years and doing tests on us, supposedly,yet no one can prove there exitence.
The mere fact that they have landed here proves they're smarter, cause we haven't figured out how to travel to other solar systems....... yet.
Then agian it may be that we haven't proved they exist because they don't. It could be that we see shadows where there are none.
Yes this is true wet1 but I feel it would be rather arrogant of us humans to believe that we are the only ones in the entire universe.
When you consider each star is another solar system and there are 8 other planets in this one that haven't been explored fully its a huge assumtion to say we are all alone here.
Hi Neb:

No one has figured out how to prove a false statement to be true! Anyway, if those so called aliens out there are so smart, and kidnap people...why they kidnap only dumb people? Why they can not figure out how to analyze our open braodcast TV signal and broadcast anything?

And running tests on the humans, they seem to enjoy human genitalia especially womens? Have you played with an animal (sheeps dont count...) lately? May be they are really humans in sheeps clothing!!

And what is this with blinking red lights? Why they do not have radar type sensors to avoid collision that someone physically has to spot an object!

And why they use similar medical instruments as our doctors of 15 years ago? No Startrek type scanners, computerized medical bays, selfpropelled robots? No intelligence test for local samples?
I could go on...and about those billions of planets...may be there is, but they are not here...

Suppose there are 500,000 earthlike palnets with people like us. May be they are visiting each other and ignoring us at the galactic outer edge...takes too long to travel.

And lastly, howmany times you visited the swamp land of Florida or Rocky mountatins of Colorado? May be we are so primitive, they only send the probe to collect the pictures every 1000 years...not worth the time and resources!

Just something to think about....
You seem to be obsessed with aliens using pbs. If humans don't like it why would the aliens.
Also how do u know so much about the medical instuments they use and there interests in experimenting with human genitalier.
Are you one of those so called dumb people they have abducted.
Your not only arrogant enough to say that were the only ones in the universe, but your so arrogant that you believe that if they are out there then they're not as intelligent as us, basing all of your knowledge on what u see in the movies.
BTW, Kiwi's have a liking towards sheep, not Australians so get your stereotypes right.
Originally posted by Neb
I think that the aliens must be more intelligent than us because they've been landing on earth for years and doing tests on us, supposedly,yet no one can prove there exitence.
The mere fact that they have landed here proves they're smarter, cause we haven't figured out how to travel to other solar systems....... yet.

Hi Neb: This is what you said! And I am basically cutting off at the pass so that people dont ramble on all the gory details that has been posted elsewhere in this forum and other forums.

BTW: could you please elaborate the "fact" that "they have landed"? Thanks.
I would admit that the odds are on your side as far as life existing in the universe. But the combination of enviromental factors, chemicals to give and support life, physics involved to even allow life to exist much less continue to do so are all factors that express the rarity of life much less intellegence.

That aliens would find exolife to be of interest is much the same as the interest that drives us. Put yourself in their position. Would you not want to probe, prod, and generally investigate life? Given such, there are few places we as humans do not inhabit. Also at any given time there are countless people outdoors. It is hard to believe that some proof would not exist as to the existance of alien life beyond 1st person sightings. I mean we should be able to say, "Here is trash left by our visitors!" But as yet we can not do so. Why? I can not believe that they are so scrupulous as to pick up every bit of evidence leaving nothing behind. Not after all this time of looking for such. Am I missing something here?
Originally posted by kmguru
BTW: could you please elaborate the "fact" that "they have landed"? Thanks. [/B]

Hmm, that was bad wording wasn't it, as wet1 says the only proof we have is 1st person sightings and it is up to the public to decide their credibility.
What I should say is IF they have landed then that proves they're more intelligent seeings as we haven't.
Wet 1 I realise that we couldn't live on other planets in our solar system because of climates and so forth in other atmoshperes.
But we can't live there due to our body make up,we've adapted to this planet through time, who's to say that other specimens of life haven't evolved and adapted to there planets respectivley as we have to our own.
That was one of the reasons that I give you the odds.

Have you ever seen or been exposed to the Drake equation? The Drake equation is a mathematical formula for trying to devise the amount of intellegent life within our galaxy. If you are interested I will give you a link. Anyway, it allows you to play with the figures to try and determine the frequency of life that is intellegent. While I will not argue that if life exists that it is adapted to it's enviroment, I will say that the frequency is way down there. I mean really low on the odds of probablitiy. This means that any life that exists has a good chance of not being within range of reaching us. Remember that the galaxy is a big place.
As far as I remember hearing, There are hundreds of thousands of galaxy in the universe. (not positive) But if that is the case. What if by universal standards we are the youngest species in the universe. I don't know if they ever calculated the age of the universe(Frankly don't even no if it's possible?) but what if it turned out to be 100,000,000,0000. I think the chances of being visited would increase dramatical. One other note if I was an alien I would have a strictly hands off approach, after all we are a very dangerous threat to ourselves let alone some thing that would scare the crap out of most people. (We do tend to destroy what we don't know or understand) so maybe it was more than one point. ':eek:'
The Drake Equation


I thought I might add this link as it gives some idea of the rarity of intellegent life. There are a few parts in the Drake equation that require you to pull a figure out of the hat so it is not useful in the sense of proving or disproving life. However there is an interesting thread in the Astronomy section dealing with this also. It gives a few reasons why life would be so rare. I would add as a last note that the Darke equation only looks at the Milky Way galaxy. If we are having so many problems with getting out into the solar system at speeds that are meaningful for exploration they multiply exponetly for the galaxy at large not to mention the universe.
yes we did!!!

NO, we are not searching for advanced people from other solar systems. If they are smarter than us, they will pre-empt our CNN channel and declare...."People of Planet Earth...we come in Peace...." and so on.
What we are searching is to look for dumber life out there to understand why we are so smart and how. IF we find a group that are only 50 years behind us, we will do our best to prepare in case of interstallar war....

what if they are like our bird watchers but instead of dumb camoflaged small boxes with a window and a stupid wardrobe

they do the same and every now and then they grab some1 and "tag" him ?

The mere fact that they have landed here proves they're smarter, cause we haven't figured out how to travel to other solar systems....... yet.

yes we did it just takes alot of time to get there.

a short story by orson scot (the one who wrote Ender's game books)

this is just the header of the short story:

The first contact was peaceful, almost uneventful: sudden landings near government buildings all over the world, brief discussions in the native languages, followed by treaties allowing the aliens to build certain buildings in certain places in exchange for certain favors-- nothing spectacular. The technological improvements that the aliens brought helped make life better for everyone, but they were improvements that were already well within the reach of human engineers within the next decade or two. And the greatest gift of all was found to be a disappointment-- space travel. The aliens did not have faster-than-light travel. Instead, they had conclusive proof that faster-than-light travel was utterly impossible. They had infinite patience and incredibly long lives to sustain them in their snail's-pace crawl among the stars, but humans would be dead before even the shortest space flight was fairly begun.

And after only a little while, the presence of aliens was regarded as quite the normal thing. They insisted that they had no further gifts to bring, and simply exercised their treaty rights to build and visit the buildings they had made.

The buildings were all different from each other, but had one thing in common: by the standards of the local populace, the new alien buildings were all clearly recognizable as churches.

Mosques. Cathedrals. Shrines. Synagogues. Temples. All unmistakably churches.

But no congregation was invited, though any person who came to such a place was welcomed by whatever aliens happened to be there at the time, who engaged in charming discussion totally related to the person's own interests. Farmers conversed about farming, engineers about engineering, housewives about motherhood, dreamers about dreams, travelers about travels, astronomers about the stars. Those who came and talked went away feeling good. Feeling that someone did, indeed, attach importance to their lives-- had come trillions of kilometers through incredible boredom (five hundred years in space, they said!) just to see them.

And gradually life settled into a peaceful routine. Scientists, it is true, kept on discovering, and engineers kept on building according to those discoveries, and so changes did come. But knowing now that there was no great scientific revolution just around the corner, no tremendous discovery that would open up the stars, men and women settled down, by and large, to the business of being happy.

It wasn't as hard as people had supposed.