Looking for help


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
zonabi is looking for individuals, as well as groups, of peoples who are open-minded in the areas of Pseudoscience, and many other areas as well.

together we will combine efforts to solve the mystery of ETI, the several Factions of ETI that possibly exist, and their probable and possible intentions for interacting with the Earth.

HERE is not the place for this type of discussion, contrary to popular belief.


we hope to build a solid community of people who are here to help others, as well as each other, and themselves.

the goal of this group is not specifically service-to-others
nor is it strictly only a service-to-self group (of course)


it is a new IDEAL as far as universal orientations are concerned.
i have spent countless days trying to figure out why we cannot live in a mixed community peacefully. i have studied current societies as well as ancient ones; i have read material on Alien Societies, and their Ancient Alien Societies as well. I have watched my friends closely, for they are a microcosm of a larger group. needless to say i have done alot of observing.

and that is why i have came up from the ashes to propose a new way to view life:

- for eons of time there has been SEGREGATION. this seems logical, because most people tend to think that if you extract the part that is not conformant to your ideals, you end up with a stable group. NOT TRUE. you only PROLONG the INEVITABLE conflict that will no doubt SURFACE in DUE TIME.

- there are those who have chosen to serve only themselves. and this is not wrong by any means. albeit a bit selfish, every one has their own choice, right? these peoples believe that by controling other below them, they establish a stable community. what they dont realize is that they are depriving the OTHERs of their own free will.

- there are those who chose to be of assistance to others, and they feel by doing THIS they can prosper the community with minimal problems. the flaw in this kind-hearted mentality is that these people forget about THEMSELVES, and by doing this they are in fact denying their own lives.


- SERVICE-TO-ALL individuals can find a balance between being selfish and being too friendly. this, i feel, can be the only way to create a slowly developing mutual agreement between the two previous orientations that have been enveloping all persons incarnated.

by chosing to be of SERVICE-TO-ALL, you neither deny your own free will or infringe upon others'
you also accept the UNKNOWN by realizing you are here to HELP not only Humans, but any other energies or forces that may require your assistance.
this includes the Almighty, whoever you may claim him/her/them to be.


i know this may sound a bit ackward, maybe prohpetic, perhaps lunatic.
your response to this is directly related to your current orientation. analyze your results...


so i would like to invite some friends to establish this new community of open-minded peoples. not only will we discuss the happenings and stipulations of certain events, we will also begin to TALK ABOUT RESOLUTIONS and what we can do in these times of uncertainty.

perhaps you have a thought in your mind that you are hesitant to express anywhere. zonabi is the place for such things.
perhaps you have a vision that you clearly see- let others know!
perhaps you want to discuss something that has been refuted many times before, zonabi will not stomp on your parade!
maybe you just want a new place to post your words, thoughts, and ideas?

if interested, you know what to do.
contact me if you need to