looking for help..


Registered Member
I am looking for help. I seen 3 aliens they was invisible like I herd their voices telling me to go outside. this was sometime ago. from then on I have some gives. I hear people talking to each other and to me. I see things like high math pass on to someone. you see I now see things in color with out sound.like seeing out of some ones eyes. the black and white I hear what's around them. I feel pain and I never hurt myself and I feel things like ants running around the outside of my head.thair are some more stuff too I think the government is into this. if someone can help please do...
This could be serious; please see a doctor. I'm not saying you're nuts, but some of the things you describe sound similar to symptoms that can follow a stroke or some other forms of brain damage, e.g. around the thalamic nuclei. It wouldn't hurt to get your brain imaged, and if there's nothing visibly wrong with it then at least you've ruled out one prosaic explanation. On the other hand, if damage is discovered then it might be important to find out about any causes or preventative measures.
Well, that's a load off! I actually don't have the answers you seek, but I hope you find them some day.
seeing, hearing, and feeling the invisible

Originally posted by Boris
This could be serious; please see a doctor. I'm not saying you're nuts, but some of the things you describe sound similar to symptoms that can follow a stroke or some other forms of brain damage, e.g. around the thalamic nuclei. It wouldn't hurt to get your brain imaged, and if there's nothing visibly wrong with it then at least you've ruled out one prosaic explanation. On the other hand, if damage is discovered then it might be important to find out about any causes or preventative measures.

I completely agree with Boris. You say that you have had a few doctors to look at you with no results. I would seriously advise you to get a second opinion. Not all medical professionals are created equal. Maybe something was missed by them. If nothing turns out to be medically wrong then perhaps a few sessions with someone in the field of psychiatry might turn up some answers for you.

That you claim to have such strong experiences goes way above and beyond the tales told by most that I have heard from. If such experiences cannot be accounted for by trained medical professionals, then you might still want to schedule checkups on a regular basis.

Searching for answers in the paranormal realms should be done so with a very skeptical set of eyes & ears! After you have eliminated <b>all</b> the medical possibilities, you should advance carefully down the road of ufo's and all the claims made by some really nutty people. And o' there are quite a few out there!!!!

In fact I might be so foward to suggest to you that the possibility of ufo's and such things really ought to be ignored. Like professional wrestling, it should be viewed as entertainment only.

Good Luck to you.
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just a question...

I don't want to come off as sounding rude or skeptical of your condition, but I was just wondering if you've ever done anything "experimental". Like perhaps, have you ever ingested any type of halucinogenic; more specifically, have you ever had any type of mushroom. I'm not accusing you of any such thing. Your description struck me as oddly familiar. I've done the acid experience as well as other halucinogenic drugs and your experience sounds like what we like to call a "bad trip". The ants, or more often spiders, is the drug working on your sense of touch. The things you see and hear are like the "audio" we get when in the full swing of things. You don't have to have intentionally taken them at the time of your most recent symptoms, but it is possible to go through the dreaded "flashback". When that happens, one moment you're minding your own business, the next your peaking again. The experiences may seem real to you but you have to keep in mind that it they're not and keep one foot FIRMLY on the ground. Like Boris and ATHIESTHATER said you really should have it checked out, and REchecked if nothing is found. Since you're a nurse this type of advise should be somewhat easier to come by. In the mean time, try to remember ANY point in your life that you may have experimented, willingly or no, with the above possibilities...just a suggestion!
Oh, yeah...since there are alot more smokers than are willing to admit...REALLY good weed will make you feel like that if smoked to an extreme. Hope you feel better! :O)
I want to say thank-you for your suggestions.But it's not drug's never did .only some pot a long time ago.the Dr's around hear are small town with small town minds.(old) in thinking.all this happened to me 17years ago I was 25 years old at the time.I seen the DR's about head aches. he did the brain scains.I seen extra terrestrial space ships as a child my father did to on our family farm.I think it's with something like remote viewing (a kind of)as for the ants it feels like (not)seeing ants. just trying to name the feeling.the things I seen I have not been around.I want to say thank-you for your suggestions keep them coming I am now trying to find help for my self all possibilities are open. I know a lot of U.F.O.'s professionals are nutty as they come........thank-you ...darline.....
Originally posted by darline47610
I am looking for help. I seen 3 aliens they was invisible like I herd their voices telling me to go outside. this was sometime ago. from then on I have some gives. I hear people talking to each other and to me. I see things like high math pass on to someone. you see I now see things in color with out sound.like seeing out of some ones eyes. the black and white I hear what's around them. I feel pain and I never hurt myself and I feel things like ants running around the outside of my head.thair are some more stuff too I think the government is into this. if someone can help please do...

I read earlier that you are a hospital worker. Does this mean that you are a nurse or some other kind of <i><b>Health Care Professional?</i></b> I ask this since there are quite a few different kinds of employment in the health care industry. No insults intended, but your writing does not seem to reflect a position which I would normally associate with a nurse or such.....???

An overactive imagination can play tricks on one! From my own point of view, this has never happened to me(one wouldn't think that after reading some of my posts).

Do you have any family or close friends that you can discuss this with? What do they think? If you have sought medical help, then what advice did your physician give you, if any? Did you follow up on the advice, if any was given?

I'm not saying that you haven't been visited by aliens, but in my communications with others, I have noticed a different frame of thought & communication given out by others.

From what you have <i>attempted</i> to communicate, I have noticed very little detail about your experiences. If you are able to hold a job and access this forum, I can only assume that you have the ability to collect your thoughts and experiences before you decide to post them here.

- Try to take a special notice and write down your experiences in much greater detail after you have these experiences. At the very least this would be of great use to a psychiatrist or medical doctor, who may also be baffled by your lack of detail.

a) When you hear voices, take note of any allergies, or sensations (pain) that you may also be sensing (even the most insignificant sensations may be the very symptoms that a doctor needs to hear about).

b) Take note of what you eaten in the last 24 hours. Perhaps you are having an allergic reaction. Many people do. You may also be having an allergic reaction to common household chemicals such as hairsprays, cleaners, shampoo, soaps, ect......Many people do. It depends on each person's distinctive body chemistry (genetics).

b1)<i><b> After Thoughts (edited).</i></b> Even as I sit here guzzel-ing Vodka and eating Hot&Spicy peanuts, I recall previously watching a case (TLC??) of someone who was extremely allergic to peanuts. This person damn near died after a caterer had inadvertantly used peanut oil to prepare food for this poor person at his wedding party. <b>Point is,</b>...perhaps you too may have adverse reactions after eating something (even other than peanuts).

c) If you have any kind of headaches during these experiences, make a note where this pain seems to come from AND TELL YOUR DOCTOR!

d) Have you noticed breathing difficulties, increased heart rate, cold sweats (or any kind of fever) other than the obvious emotional shock of hearing voices of people that aren't there?

I am <b>NOT</B> a doctor! Nor do I believe that 99% of the people at EXOSCIENCE are! If you seriously believe that there is even a small chance that your problems (do you consider it a problem?) are psychological or medical, then my most <i>heart felt</i> advice is to seek medical advice somewhere other than here. <b>IF YOUR LAST SET OF "<i>PRACTICING DOCTORS"</i> COULD NOT FIND ANYTHING WRONG, THEN GO TO ANOTHER DOCTOR ! ! ! ! !</B> MAKE SURE THAT YOUR NEW DOCTOR GETS YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS (HISTORY)! ! ! Above all, be wary of "small town" doctors and so called specialists. Yes, sometimes there are MED PROS who settle down in the small towns, but considering the Greed Aspect, it seems likely that you stand a better chance of proper diagnosis by going to the larger, better equipped facilities.

<i>Schizophrenia is not a dirty word.</i> A very large number of people today have it. Schizophrenia can vary from a very mild case to much more a serious condition. In almost <b>all</b> cases it can be treated with prescribed drugs and diet. Again, regarding allergies and diet, it has been noted that mild Schizophrenia attacks can be set off by certain foods that a person ingests (eats), as well as any kind of exposure (light to moderate) to household chemicals, or a combination thereof.


<i>"Good God Jim, I'm a BrickLayer, not a Doctor"! ! !</i>

<i>"I'm gonna snap my fingers & jump for joy, I got a clean bill of health from Dr. Mc Coy ! ! !" (Adam)</i>
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AUSSIEABORIGINAL and then some...

<b><i><u> BORIS,...........</b></i></u>

I appologise (appologize(Cris-ism's)). I have noted from the beginning that you are indeed exceptional in a wide variety of the Sciences. And I am <b>now</b> sure that you do actually have a kind heart. I am still wondering about your sense of humor though.

In whatever user handle that I may post with in the future, I hereforward shall take into account your honest deliberation & considerations, regardless of my need to post my twisted responses of humor & generally good natured insults.

Sorry to have aggravated you before.

<i>"Peace & long life" ((Jean L. Piccard) another nice, well meaning socialists liberal of the 23rd Century)</i>

<i>"You can take the spots off the Leopard, but you can't take<b> (get)</b> the Leopard off of poor ol' Spot" (Redneck Hickism's(author unknown))*late 19th Century*</i> :p

<i><B> O.K. Boris, so I just made that one up !!!

****Lighten up man!!!*******</i></B>.
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How is every little thing?

Hello, Darline...Just wondering how it's going with you. I was hoping you would keep us informed as to your situation. Private message me sometime, okay?
looking for help

HI Darline
i must start by oppologising for the ego-centric
narrow minded obsesional goings on of the a-formentioning... people..................... :/ ( ps my spelling sucks :) )
i thought the people on this forum would be more in tune with the psychic world as well as the ufo
concepts and possibilities....................?
no...i dont think your going mad or about to...if...
you keep in mind that , you! are in control of your own mind.
telepathy is real and some are just too scared to
admit the possibility.
THOUGH I ...DONT! DISCOUNT THE ADVICE OF THE MODERATOR on the issue of brain scans because you never know exactly what is going on.
but my best gues is that you have a very strong psychic
ability that is un-trained.
The issue with the ants feeling could be a
psycho sematic diversional normalisation of certain
things/feelings your picking up.
try doing some research on ufo(or "others") implants.
i envy your sightings of extra terran craft :)
some may be good some may be bad.
stay focussed on wat you truely desire.
see if you can get an xray (not mri) of your whole body.
seek some advice from a crystal healer aswel, they will
show you what to use to protect your energy from interfearance,(or at least help).
i wont go into too much detail on this open board
if you like you can email me, ... but private message me first cos im new in this cyber town :)
and remember that greed is very powerfull,
if there are aliens on earth there will be people selling there own grannys to get there technology.
groove on


Atheisthater is psychic! Seriously!

In fact he is foremost in the study of psychic phenomena.<b> He believes that psychic phenomena absolutely does exist!</b>

He did not want to lead Darlene astray because of his concern that Darlene might have a <b>medical problem.</b>

I am sure that all here would acknowledge the tragedy if Darlene were to die from a malignant brain tumor!

When Atheisthater is sure that Darlene has exhausted all medical possibilities, I am sure that he will be happy to discuss the paranormal.

I also feel the need to congratulate Mr. Boris. He is quite the little genious here@ExoSCIENCE. I am sure that he also had reservations regarding the possibility of medical problems and had Darlenes best interest's at heart.
yo all/ howard cool as a nitros swimming pool
sorry if i sounded heavy handed
im new in town and dont know the lay of the cyber land as with the peeps in the community
but im glad to hear there is people of your mentioned calibre and your self.
:) to ya
unfortunatly i find many people in my part of the world who dable in the proberbility but denie the possibilty and the associated thoughts of the laws that i assume are indicative of these things
maybe a few of my own medical frustrations comming through on top :/
groove on all
ill try and send you some good vibes :)
dont think im skilled enough to yet though :/
Hello!! I been off line for some time .I just got my mail.I know alot of people may call me nut's.But i had the psychic part in my thoughts for a long time.you see i seen our family ghost I was 3-4 years old at the time.the home belonged to our family for 6 gen.I uesd to walk on our family farm before i was 5 years old.i never known why?i went to the hill to play???It was about 1/2 mil from our home.I used to sleep walk alot too at night .Iwent out side .ya know.My dad seen a u.f.o. later I seen my first one too . then i seen one that was close to my home it had red and blue lights going around it. It remand for abuot 45mens.Our family had 3.000 pig's on our farm if we massed a few we might not know about it for some time.it wanted me to go out to them. I did not go!! i heard them say the Earth had no bounds for me. And who would mess me? Later on my mom want to sleep In my room she felt a light going across her eyes she told me something was mad that i was not thear and it did not want her . i was not thear at the time.a few years later a came across this abduction?? earth bound enitities,malevalent spirts. possion. honesty iam not a nut. sometimes i get alittle down and think that way .I have experienced alot of things with this. but I remaining a objective with this. I keep endeavouring on.. BUT I NEED HELP TO FIND OUT WHAT I AM .AND WHAT TO DO .yOUR THOUGHTS ARE HELPFULL.................THANK-YOU.......DARLINE...

No one here thinks that you are nuts, Darlene. If you are sure that you have no medical illness, then you should investigate the possibilities.

For any or all paranormal events, you should attempt to group & categorize these experiences. Be willing to write down your experiences and document them as best you can. Take special note of any other occurrences which you believe may be connected. Approach the phenomena from as scientific a point of view as possible!

Have fun. Don't become too overly concerned or frustrated. Since you are the investigator, you will inevitably be biased as to the origins and manifestations of this phenomena, that you have noticed.

Always try to maintain a distance (point of view), and avoid "getting too close to the trees to see the forest!." In other words, because you are the investigator and also the test subject, you should avoid drawing conclusions until you have well proven facts with which to base your summations upon.

Above all, do NOT pick up a gun & start shooting at people, who you think are aliens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (joking).

Take care, Darlene...........
I have several thoughts here... (kinda crowded in the skull).
Anyway here goes
1) Most people will just say you're nuts.
2) I'm a people person and usually like to help as opposed to just being obnoxious.
3) Ever consider a chemical imbalance in the brain?
4) I do agree with previous posts, you need to see a specialist.
5) Lastly it sounds like two different people posting. The first is disjointed in thoughts, with terrible spelling (not that mine is any better) while the second certainly spells better and has a better grasp of vocabulary. So what gives here? I'm sorry darline47610, but I think you need to come clean.
OK..OK...I no shoot... I wont pick up a gun . Hay!!! you wont have to be weary about this OK......I not a alien..but who knows we all could be..HA..HA..I'll try to be relativistic about this.I am in control with my mine. they have no.....control over me ..hay I work for a hospital ya know.if I was a nut they would put me on the 5th foor and keep me.I worked on that floor sometimes. boy what fun... all they need is love and someone to talk to.they fallow you around like a puppy..........darline........
I work for a hospital I thought to play stupid and maybe no one would know me. I got a lot of friend's .You see I put my real name down. I don't give a flying ...f...what people think about me. I do what I want to do.I told few COP's off.Iam known for my bad mouth.HA..HA...I am at times the talk of our small town.my kid's at times have 20 kid's over at my home. they just love it... the cop's love it.HA..HA.. my home is like a party house.....darline
I don't shot people.I work for a hospital we do try to save them.I dont think I could kill a person at all..unless they are hurting one of my children.Like killing them.ya know.I darline acted stuped for giveing out my real name.I do have a lot of friends. BUT.. i don't care if they find out.some know about it. I don't care what people think about me..at all ya know.your words don't hurt me at all.Seriously...I am finding out more about this than you know..I tryed to act stuped on this for I gave out my name...honest..All I wanted was someone to add to my thoughts.and help with my problems.
yo ...
hows things darline...?
just a little thought...
think about how you can help others with wat you have...."the psychic stuff"!
groove on