Looking for Flash

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Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
Hi Everyone,

I just re-registered with this forum. I used to post here several years ago under the name Lori...it's been a long time. I don't recognize any of the old familiar names of those that I used to talk to. Well, it's been about 4 years since I've been out here.

Anyway...I've recently had a miracle occur in my life. A huge, whopping, mind-blowing miracle. One that is more major and astounding and important than statues crying tears of blood, or stigmata, or sightings of the Virgin Mary, and the like. I can't go into the details of the miracle here, as it would take forever. It's so complicated, and involved that I'm in the process of writing a book about it right now. I will say, though, that it has to do with a topic which is the reason that I came out here to post years ago. And involves a person that I spoke to on this forum.

One of the people that I used to talk to out here posted under the name of Flash. Flash and I talked for a couple of years, and became very close friends, even roommates for a short time, but have lost touch. I haven't talked to her in about 3 years.

But because of what has happened to me, I have to get in touch with her now. So I'm out here to try to find her. Does anyone remember her? Heard from her lately? I'm hoping that she still comes out here to browse and/or post occasionally. If so, please post here, or e-mail me right away.

Thanks to all. When I'm finished with my book, I would like to make it available on the internet, and will post a link here asap. And in the meantime, remember that Jesus rocks. Love you.
Try PMing "Flash" if they still exist in the boards database rather than generating multiple posts across the forums, If they still view the board they will reply (and if your lucky they will have set their e-mail to receive PMs)
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