Looking for Documented Fotage

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member
ive seen alot of photos and fotage of UFOs and most i thought were fake. i recently saw a show hosted by Scotty from the old star trek and they had some very compeling fotage. i was wondering if anyone whos seen this documenty has any of the fotage that was on it OR have a link to a website with very belivable fotage or series of pics of UFOs. and please no alien autopsy BS and no links of the "pre-911 UFO" cuase we all know they are FAKE. I am also intreged by "mass sightins" in which dozens of poeple witness the same UFO. Id also like to hear your thoughts on the UFO that was shot at during the world war (the one where there is a object in the sky with search lights on it and shells blasting off around it, only one know picutre of it that i know of). So im looking for links of very realistic, compeling UFO fotage, best ive come across is this one, check it out if you havnt already. http://yorkshireufoinfo.homestead.com/NASAmissionfootage.html

(PS: sorry for not responding to my old thread sooner)
I don't have anything to offer, but I thought I'd say thanks for the very interesting link.

For the record, I find most of the stuff available on the internet very questionable, and obviously written by fanatics rather than scientists. There is a very interesting web page, however, here:


... it seems to be a bit more credible than the rest.

... it seems to be a bit more credible than the rest.

I would seem so, until you read further...

The Chairman of the Board is Harold E. Puthoff, who has teamed up with Bernhard M. Haisch and are proponents of zero-point energy. In fact, they both believe gravity is a long-range effect of zero-point electromagnetic fluctuations. They are trying to prove that linking gravity to the zero-point field automatically draws inertia and so naturally accounts for the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass.

Although I haven't checked to see if this site is listed as a crank site, both Bernie and Hal are crackpots of a high order, which should indicate the websites credibility.

Actually, NARCAP is completely concerned with UFOlogy and has little or nothing to do with aviation and safety. Ted Roe is a member here at Sciforums - we've had interesting discussions about his site. Ted is a major ufologist who has dressed up his website to make it look like some sort of aeronautical safety corporation. His sight is not acknowledged by any credible aeronautical agencies.

He has also aligned himself with other crackpot loonies like Bernard Haisch, Jacques Vallee, et al.

Most likely, Ted is running the whole organization out of his basement.