Looking for answers, different experience


Registered Member
Well, I wanted some input on some abilities I have. More precisely I'm trying to get a reason on why I have them. I can gather information on people at will be being quiet and concentrating for a short time, say 15-25 minutes. I get names experiences, places of work, a car, an address, state, etc. Sometimes I will see and hear at the same time. Yes, I hear voices, but they tell me something meaningful, and I've validated them. Sometimes they are my own, sometimes they clearly are not, such as a younger or older male or female voice, light voice, husky voice etc. The other day I saw, heard, and felt (by felt I meant physically not emotionally such as hot or cold, wet or dry.) I only did this to validate to a curious individual that I could do this, and to validate to another that I wasn't crazy. I can pick a subject and get information at will. Some advice has been given to me that I may have demons in my presence, and some that maybe it's for good. I've seen and heard both positive and negative things. I'm also curious as to what are your reasons for doing "readings". For me I am apprehensive sometimes because I sometimes feel like I am violating the other person's privacy. Can anyone tell me why this happens? I've been able to do this since a young age. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Yea man but dont fall down!Or even slip from ur mind!
But there is a slight difference: There are people when falling they are falling low and people that fall high and remain there!
Check ur hights not depths and somestime even check ur time!
How long u do this till u go down? How long does ur flight takes?
Can u fly alone or only with people? If alone does it, Uve done ur work!
Well, my friend. Its schizofrenia for most people and for some even ability to understand diffrent worlds or even parallel universe - if it does exist ofcourse!
All I can say is: Have a nice flight and light speed ahead of you!
Hi Fenny,

It's difficult to know if this is just strong intuition or something more. There is actually a lot you can find out about a person just through simple observation and rational thought. Much of this can happen on the subconscious level, which will manifest consciously as a simple feeling.

For example: I can encounter a man on the street and a second later have a feeling that he's an automechanic - a fact that turns out to be true. What happened was that I picked up the trace scent of transmission fluid on his jeans. The sense of smell is very closely linked with memory and instantly I begin to think of the last time I checked my own transmission fluid - subconsiously I associate that with this man. Couple this with other observations such as grime under his fingernails, or maybe I hear him mention a "torque wrench" and I can make a reasonable guess about his occupation.

Why this happens is simple. It's too demanding to consciously pay attention to every sensory stimulus we receive. That doesn't mean the information is not processed though. Some people have a stronger connections to the results of such processes (ie. yourself).

Hearing voices can simply be how your mind choses to present such information to you. However, if you are concerned at all, or if they are interfering with how you live your life, it is a good idea to speak to a psychiatrist to make sure that this is not a medical problem.

You also asked about the ethics of "readings." I think in general the best policy is to consider what you would be comfortable with if other people could "read" you. When in doubt endeavour to be as respectful as possible. That beind said, if you happen to learn the address of Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein, I'm sure there's some people in the CIA who would appreciate your assistance. :)
Thanks for the reply

I do know for certain that i'm not schizo or crazy, I was afraid of that reply, but thats ok. I'm trying to think of way of explaining more without violating other people's privacy, that is why I was vague last time. Here is a small example that is not too revealing of someone's privacy. I sat down on thought of my husband for a few moments, I thought of a way that I could validate to him as well that I was not crazy. So I thought of his past. We've been together three years and anything recent i could have gathered from an educated guess. Well I got a girl's name, America, and was seeing young kids running around at recess at school. There were a couple more names too, and they all turned out to be be real people and memories from his life. Also I always get names that are rather significant. I walked up to my husband and said, who is America. He said it was a girl when they were young kids in grade school in Mexico, that all the boys used to chase, even him. I had tried this on another person, only at their request and permission, to see if I was really able to do this, and turned out that I was. The other person is not someone I have known very long and that I am not close too. I can't give u any extra details without a violation of privacy, at least not without some permission or something. I greatly appreciate of your response, and it is a very logical one that I have even asked myself, but I am sure now that I am not crazy. The reason I asked why some wanted it so bad, is because some believe satan is the air and are worried about demons after my soul becaise they think that may be where the info is coming from. I know that sounds really far out there. But I give that equal respect and am preying to God. I'm sure the CIA would aprreciate that, but they would probably just say I need to see a psychiatrist, I mean honestly lets think of the reality of what would happen if I came through with that info., they would want to know where I found out, and since it isn't scientifically proven it wouldn't be believable, and therefore they would probably assume I'd gotten the information from some inside source. It's bound to come out wrong, no matter how right I try to be. All of the feedback I got was great. Thank you much,
God Bless,
Hi Fenny:

I wouldnt worry too much about being schitzo. The voices in your head are giving you information about "others" not telling you to do something stupid. So you can probably relax on that.

I do believe in ESP, and I will tell you why.

When I was a young girl, my mother use to work in a hospital, and she was in a patients room, and this patient started telling my mother things this woman couldnt possibly know. First off, we were new to that province only a few short months. So my mother didnt have the opportunity to make any friends to chat with.

Several years later, my sister had a reading done by this very same woman. She told my sister things that only my sister knew. Like the father of her child. My sister held that secret for many years. It totally freaked her out.

Then a few years later, I made an appointment with that same woman. I called her before the time of call display, or *69 was even in the thoughts of conception.

She would not ask my name, but gave me a number, and a time slot. I went to see her. I must tell you at the time, I was married and had a 3 year old, and was very unhappy in my marriage. I hadnt worn my wedding ring for over a year, so there was no ring mark to suggest that I was married.

She told me everything about my life. She also called on the spirits to help guide her in her reading. Then she started throwing names at me. Asked me if they had any meaning to me. I thought, ya right. Until she stated my Grandmothers name. It is a very uncommon name. Then she told me my daughter was named after her, but not by the name she spoke. Which was true. I didnt want to call my daughter Ena. So I called her after my Grandmothers middle name Alexandra.

She told me many things that totally freaked me out. Some Im not very proud of, so I will not mention any of them. But no one knew, only me.

I believe ppl do have these gifts. I also, think, that like her, you have the ability to contact spirits, or guides, or ppl from the otherside, that send the information to you.

Now since I was really nice and gave you my personal thoughts. Would you please be kind enough to tell me what the winning numbers of this weeks super 7 jackpot will be?

But do u get that info with the voices or u just know?
If its the voices than it could get very tricky. Imagine ur mind getting those informations by the voices, well, when u can be sure its the correct info and not just tricks. Even if its the right abillity as u said what if it doubles or triples, so u might even think u hear peoples minds? What if u see them in negative ways and even then it might come to u even worse to ur subconsius so u might start to think like uve heard.
Originally posted by SkinWalker
Hey... you might become rich soon!

Go here http://www.randi.org/research/index.html and take the challenge.

You're either psychic or have a mental defect. In a world of 6 billion + people, none have actually proven to be psychic yet.

Skinwalker is and I guess Will always be the close-mind-forever-buddy here in the forum..

Ey skinwalker... you wanna join those guys at the "Flat Earth Foundation" ?

Just kidding ;)
SkinWalker: My closed mind often gets me in trouble. Does yours? My girl friend is mildly angry at me right now because I did not believe an ESP story that her cousin told us.

When asked my opinion about psychic abilities I gave my standard reply.
There is no good evidence for the existence of psychic abilities, but there is a lot of evidence that people misinterpret, misremember, exaggerate, have hallucinations, and lie.
The cousin then told her story and asked if it changed my opinion. When I said no, I became persona non gratis and can no longer have the pleasure of her company. I do not remember explicitly calling her a liar, but am being accused of doing so. Maybe she has psychic abilities, because that is what I really thought about her story.
Originally posted by Dinosaur
SkinWalker: My closed mind often gets me in trouble. Does yours?

I actually have a very open mind, but only to claims that can be supported by evidence :cool:

Originally posted by Dinosaur
Maybe she has psychic abilities, because that is what I really thought about her story.

Then shouldn't she have seen it coming... your answer? :p

Above all, people want status and recognition. I'm convinced that this is a common desire among all people. I have yet to meet or hear of someone who doesn't wish some favorable status in life, whether it be wealthy, important, or just listened to. I would say that your friend certainly feels as though he/she has an important ability and wants to be recognized for it.

Being bluntly skeptical on the internet is easy and, perhaps, necessary... as Lord Reith once said, "there are those for whom it is one's duty to offend," but when it comes to family and friends, I frequently hold my tounge and plan my responses well. It helps to smile and be apologetic when disagreeing... hope that helps!

* imagines that Dinosaur puts on a smile and says, "I'm sorry, but I think you're full of..."

Hi Fenny, I would be interested in validating your claim in
a controlled experiment between us. I'll even sweeten the
deal by givinig you $500 USD if your 'abilities' prove legitimate.
Whaddya say?
I have a friend that can do the exact same thing. All he does is just look into your eyes and can bring up all sorts of things about you. I asked him how he did it and he told me that it is something you are just born with, but you can learn it. I have been practicing it in public and I can do it with just personalities. I asked my friend if he new why he had it and he told me this. One time he went to a psychiatrist, a Christian psychiatrist, and he said that it was just something of the mind. That it was that my friend just had a better access to that part of his sub consciousness than others. I practice it almost every day and I’m getting better every time I do it.
Ertai: To the best of my knowledge the Flat Earth Foundation (or perhaps Flat Earth Society) is a tongue in cheek organization based in the UK, probably in London.

30 or so years ago, they awarded a modest prize to one of the US astronauts for extraordinary trick photography which showed the Earth as a sphere.

They had regular meetings, mainly (I suppose) for drinking and general camaraderie. I am not sure they are still in existence.

There is a story about them that might not be true. When I heard about it, I fervently wished that it were true.
  • When the trick photography prize was awardedand mentioned in US news media, some religious fundamentalists from Texas asked if they could start a US branch of the society. The Society sent them some official looking documents containing bylaws to be sworn to and notarized. They were requested to send a 100 UK pound initial charter fee, and to send one pound from the yearly dues paid by each US member.

    According to the story, the Texans agreed and remitted the requested funds.